At the moment, monzhu Nasha is in a state of worrying about gain and loss.

In fact, after leaving the place of witches and insects, her mood became very unstable.

Especially after entering the field of Yin-Yang family, this state becomes more and more obvious.

This can be seen from her staring in the mirror for a long time every day.

In this regard, Meng Zhumei, the high priest of Mengzhu tribe, couldn't help sighing, then shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Of course she knew why her saint was so upset.

It's all because of the boy.

Meng Zhumei was not optimistic about this relationship at all, because after seeing Xue an at the first sight, she keenly felt that the young man's mind was extremely firm and could never be easily moved.

Therefore, in her opinion, all the feelings of monzhunasha are just wishful fantasies, and it is basically impossible to get a response.

But she did not say this, but chose silence.

After all, unless you have experienced this kind of thing yourself, persuasion alone can't work.

In contrast, she is more interested in the sudden change of attitude of witchcraft.

You know, before that, it was difficult to talk about harmony between the Jingchu people represented by Mengzhu tribe and this witch and god religion.

Later, because of the intervention of witchcraft, the Mengzhu tribe had a crisis, and even the gods they believed in fell, the atmosphere between the two was even more tense.

To put it bluntly, if the strength of Mengzhu tribe was not enough at that time, it was likely to fight directly.

But I never thought that it was such a vicious, arrogant and domineering existence, but suddenly there was a great change of 180 degrees.

I still remember when mengzhunasha proposed to contact and form an alliance with the cult of witches and gods, almost the whole Mengzhu tribe expressed opposition.

But all the objections turned into nothing under Mr. Xue's order.

Meng ZhuXiong and many elders of Meng Zhu tribe are even ready to fight to the death.

But unexpectedly, when mengzhunasha's letter was delivered to the cult, the cult responded immediately.

The saint of witchcraft came alone, expressed her sincere apology for the misunderstanding, and then concluded an alliance with Mengzhu tribe.

Then what happened was magical.

Meng zhunasha, who ascended the throne last month, seemed to have changed. She joined forces with the people of Wushen religion to rectify the whole Jingchu family.

Although there were many twists and turns in the whole process, and many people thought that Mengzhu tribe had abandoned the Jingchu tribe, the final result was forced integration.

Since then, the Jingchu family, which had been disintegrated for thousands of years, miraculously reunited into one, merged with the cult of witches and gods, formed a vast army and went straight to the yin-yang family.

Because of this, many people in Mengzhu tribe have regarded Mengzhu Nasha as the supreme existence.

It is believed that under her leadership, the whole Mengzhu tribe can reach its present height.

Only Meng Zhumei understands that all this comes from that man.

After all, the change of witchcraft began after xue'an disappeared for some time.

Before leaving, xue'an personally asked Meng zhunasha to join the cult of witchcraft.

If there is nothing strange in it, no one will believe it.

But the key is how did Mr. Xue do it?

Meng Zhumei once observed secretly and found that the whole Wushen religion had not changed much. It was still the previous group of people.

Only Shu ling'er, a witch girl, became a lot more powerful.

In addition, the leader of the cult of witches and gods has become much lower key. He lives in seclusion all day and rarely appears in front of people. Shu ling'er operates many things in front of him.

But this is not a great change!

Just when Meng Zhumei was puzzled, a waiter came in outside the hatch.

"The high priest, the saint of witchcraft, suddenly visited and asked to see the mother of the moon."


Meng Zhumei was stunned. Is Shu ling'er coming? And ask to see the saint. What's she doing?

Although she was confused, she nodded immediately and said, "please come in. I'll inform the moon mother God now!"


The waiter turned and went out. Meng Zhumei came to the small temple temporarily built behind the cabin with a confused mood.

At the moment, monzhunasha was sitting in a daze in front of the mirror.

His eyes were obsessed and confused, and he didn't notice Meng Zhumei coming in at all.

Seeing this, Meng Zhumei coughed softly.

"Lord Yuemu, Shu ling'er, the saint of witchcraft, came to see you!"

Mengzhunasha was shocked and even woke up from confusion.

"Here comes Shu ling'er?"


"Did you say what it was?"

"Not mentioned!"

"Well, let her in!"

Mengzhunasha gave an order, and then stood up. A faint holy moonlight appeared on her delicate and slightly immature face.

Meng Zhumei didn't quite understand why her saint was so solemn, but she nodded and turned away.

A moment later, Shu ling'er moved her waist and walked into the cabin.

After seeing Meng Zhumei, Shu ling'er couldn't help smiling.

"High priest, I have something important to discuss with your mother. Where is she now?"

Meng Zhumei pointed inside, "my moon mother God is waiting for you in the temple behind!"

Shu ling'er nodded and walked into the temple.

Meng Zhumei is really curious. She wants to know why this woman who is now one and the same in the cult of witches and gods came here.

So she went to the temple door and listened carefully.

It is reasonable to say that this important place will have a shielding array, but today is obviously an exception.

Because before Meng Zhumei came to the door, she heard a cry of surprise.

"What are you talking about?"

It's monassa's voice.

Meng Zhumei was so nervous that she subconsciously wanted to rush in, but reason stopped her.

She didn't believe that the saint of witchcraft dared to take the risk of universal condemnation and defend her mother.

But what's the matter with this exclamation?

Just when she was wondering, the door of the temple was pushed open, and then monzhunasha rushed out from the inside without even leaving a word, so she went straight outside.

Meng Zhumei didn't know what had happened. Before she even had time to stop, Meng zhunasha had run away.

"This... What's going on?" Meng Zhumei said stunned.

"Hehe, don't worry, high priest. Your mother-in-law is just a little excited when she hears a good news. She will come back later!"

Shu ling'er Shi Shi Shi ran came out of the temple and said with a smile.

"What's the good news?" Meng Zhumei couldn't help asking.

"This..." Shu ling'er smiled mysteriously, "it's inconvenient to reveal!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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