The speaker is Zhu Zhesheng.

The descendant of Zhu family, who was betrayed by a beloved woman and even occupied his ancestral property, is now a well-known spirit miner in the whole sky.

Especially in recent years, under his hard exploration, several high-quality Lingshi veins have been found in Zhujia mining area.

This made his wealth rise again, and even exceeded the general sect gate and became one of the second-class sect gates in Tianwaitian.

Don't underestimate this second rate sect. You should know how vast the sky is, and there are so many sect families.

Therefore, it is very rare to be ranked second in such a world.

But even with such achievements, Zhu Zhesheng still maintains his previous living habits without any indulgence.

Even over the years, he has kept away from women and really achieved hard work and simplicity.

The reason why he did so was that he had always positioned himself as a housekeeper in his heart.

A housekeeper who manages Mr. Xue's wealth.

He is a man who knows how to repay his kindness. Naturally, he knows how to get his current life.

Without Xue an's help, I would have been buried under zuisheng's downstairs, and even the body would be rotten.

What about cutting off the curfew and regaining control of the family business?

Therefore, his heart has been secretly encouraging a force, that is, to make himself better, so that he can wait for Mr. Xue's call at any time.

Today, he finally waited for this opportunity.

Different from the previous time when Xue an was seriously injured and closed in the pharmacist alliance, Zhu Zhesheng set out in person with the wealth accumulated over the years. First, he went to the pharmacist alliance to meet LV Yangyan and LV Xiaoya's brothers and sisters, and then came to the yin-yang family together.

Zhu Zhesheng hated the yin-yang family, because the former Linglong city was actually under the protection of the yin-yang family, so the yin-yang family had an inseparable relationship with everything they encountered.

Before, just because the yin-yang family was powerful, Zhu Zhesheng could only choose to swallow it silently.

But now that Mr. Xue has set out to deal with the yin-yang family, how can he fall behind others?

However, Zhu Zhesheng is very self-aware and knows that he is just like a mole ant in the cloud city where the strong are everywhere.

That's why he said those words to LV Yangyan before he entered the yin-yang family.

LV Yangyan chuckled at the speech. "I wish you a big speech. We are all helping Mr. Xue. Why talk about who is the main and who is the second? What we should do is to unite and cooperate and help Mr. Xue do things well, which is the most important! "

Zhu zhe nodded and took a deep breath, "that's it, let's go in!"


The three of them stepped into the Louvre gate.

After they had just left, a group of people appeared in front of the Luofu gate.

This group of people were all dressed in Taoist costumes, and the leader was even more imposing. However, there was no mercy that Taoism should have in his eyes, but he was full of evil cunning.

He first looked up at the tall and majestic gate of time and space, and then gave out a harsh and strange laugh.

"There is a faint smell of abandonment here. Obviously, they have just left!"

A young man behind him also nodded and said, "yes, Lord, I also smell the familiar smell. It can be seen that they are also coming!"

"Come on, OK, it's just solved together!" The man licked his lips and smiled.

you 're right!

These people are the people of Zhenwu Taoist temple in Funiu Mountain who have been invaded and destroyed by evil spirits.

The leader is LV Zhongxuan, the leader of Zhenwu Taoist temple, who has turned into evil things.

As for the young man behind him, he was naturally the first to be brought into the body by evil Qi, so that LV Feichen dragged the whole Zhenwu Taoist hall into the water.

Hearing their conversation, the remaining members of Zhenwu Taoist temple stood there with a dull face without any expression.

After all, in terms of their strength, even if they are incarnated as evil things, they are the ones with the lowest level. Naturally, they don't have much wisdom.

But one of the crowd trembled slightly after hearing this, but even if he sensed something, he lowered his head deeply.

Until LV Zhongxuan and LV Feichen walked into the Luofu gate, they whispered softly in a voice that only they could hear.

"Yang Yan... Xiao Ya..."

The tone is astringent and dry. I haven't spoken for a long time.

If LV Yangyan was present at the moment, he would recognize that the speaker was his own master and the best person in the whole Zhenwu Taoist temple. LV Zhengqing.

The group then entered the Luofu gate.

But today's Louvre is not destined to be calm.

As the day of the hundred meeting is getting closer and closer, the whole sky is boiling.

Whether qualified or not, everyone wants to see the rare excitement.

In particular, this year's hundred family meeting was seamlessly connected with the gathering of the pharmacist alliance, so many zongmen aristocratic families simply didn't go back after coming out of the pharmacist alliance, but went straight to the yin-yang family.

For them, even if they are not qualified to enter, it is always good to open their eyes and see the excitement.

As for those zongmen aristocratic families who are qualified to enter, they are holding back their efforts to shine brightly and achieve a good result in this hundred family meeting.

Under this situation, the void outside Luofu gate became more and more lively.

The people of Zhenwu Taoist temple had just left for a while, and another team came near.

But this time, no one guessed their identity, because there were two flags in their team.

There is a big word "Bing" on the front pole, and a small word "Yue" on the back pole.

Under the banner of Yue Zi, a young man with noble temperament stood proudly, but standing there simply attracted all the eyes present.

It is Yue Shifang of the strategist.

As one of the hundreds in ancient times, the treatment of strategists is naturally different.

When they arrived at the Luofu gate, they saw that the brilliance on the Luofu gate began to flicker, and then they turned into an illusory but powerful figure, and hugged and arched at Yue Shifang.

"Yin Yang family welcomes the master of the military family!"

The sound shook the void and made people look sideways.

Yue Shifang just smiled, then opened the folding fan and said faintly.

"The last time I came here was two thousand years ago. I didn't expect you to know me!"

The figure smiled, "how can I know the famous Lord Yue Shifang Yue?"

Yue Shifang smiled, then turned to the second girl and said, "see, this guy has stood here for tens of thousands of years. He hasn't improved his other skills. He's glib, but he's learned a thorough skill!"

The two girls covered their mouths and smiled, but did not speak.

On the contrary, Yue Junze, who followed behind him, couldn't help lying in the slot.

"Lying trough, this... This guy is actually the embodiment of luofumen?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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