This extremely frightening scene made the corpse driving girl feel like being struck by lightning, and the bottom of her heart was cold.

You know, in her eyes, these evil things present are very powerful.

Pick one up and you may not be your opponent.

But it was such a tyrannical group of wild animals that, in front of this gorgeous face, they were as docile as kittens.

Only a few faces were beaten, and now even the spirit was forcibly controlled by it.

The evil thing that always likes to play with people's hearts is now completely crushed in his best field.

What kind of strength can this be achieved?

At least the corpse Driving Girl trembled and looked pale.

But one thing she can be sure of is that the current violent Huarong is definitely not the stronghold leader of the gale stronghold.

Who the hell is he?

These thoughts were churning in her mind, and suddenly a sigh came from behind her.

"Do you want to know who I am?"

This sentence almost made the corpse driving girl jump up. Under the huge shock in her heart, she slowly turned back and saw a gorgeous face standing not far behind her, looking at her with a smile.

The pupil of the corpse Driving Girl shrinks, and the whole person is subconsciously ready to resist the enemy.

But at this time, the violent Huarong gently shook his head, "don't be nervous, I won't kill you. After all, you and I have a common enemy! "

"Common enemy?" The corpse Driving Girl trembled, "are you not a evil thing?"

Violent Huarong smiled, "who told you I was evil?"

With laughter, I saw a flash of brilliance on my violent face, and then showed my true face.

It's Xue an.

When she saw the boy in white, the corpse Driving Girl trembled.

Although she did not return to Yangjian's teahouse during this period, she immediately remembered the existence she had faintly felt that night after drinking with Yangjian all night.

"You are..."

"Meet me, my name is Xue an!"

Xue an!

The name opened the mouth of the corpse driving girl slightly, and there was a look of surprise in her single eye.

Although she has been lurking in the dark during this period, she has heard a lot about Xue an's deeds.

In particular, the engagement with Shen Muyu, the peerless genius of the Shen family, was cocooned.

But she really didn't think it would be him who disguised himself as a gorgeous face and killed these evil things.

It seemed that Xue an saw the question of the corpse driving girl, and smiled faintly.

"No doubt, the stronghold leader of the gale stronghold has long been invaded by evil things, so I simply killed him and replaced him with an avatar."

"So when I was at the restaurant..."

Xue an nodded, "that's me too!"

The corpse driving girl was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "what are you going to do now?"

"It's very simple. I'll catch all these evil things!"

Hearing this indifferent and extremely firm words, the corpse driving girl was shocked and looked confused.

When the family broke down and wandered alone between heaven and earth, why didn't she want to catch all the evil things that were the culprit?

But this is just an idea.

After all, any one of those evil things is unmatched by her.

To this end, she was desperate and even wanted to end herself completely.

So when she heard Xue an's words, she smiled bitterly and just wanted to say that it was just a fantasy.

But when she looked up and saw Xue an's eyes, she was suddenly stunned.

Because in these bright eyes, there is infinite firmness.

As if nothing in the world can be difficult to get him, it makes people feel at ease just at a glance.

The corpse driving girl couldn't help swallowing back the words behind her.

At the same time, Xue an whispered, "I already know what happened to the corpse driving family. Don't worry, your people who died in the war have been properly buried!"


This sentence made the corpse Driving Girl Huoran look up and look at Xue an in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like this. What I said is true. After all, your people are good. Such heroes can't expose their bodies in the wilderness!" Xue an said faintly.

"You... How did you do it?"

"It's very simple, because the land of witches and insects is already my territory!"

Then, through Xue an's narration, the corpse driving girl finally knew what had happened during this period.

After listening, she couldn't help crying, and then bowed to Xue an Yingying.

"Thank you for helping me restrain the bones of my people!"

Xue an sidestepped away from the worship, then shook his head and said, "don't thank me for this. If you want to thank Mengzhu tribe and the people of witchcraft! It's the bones they gathered for you! "

Speaking of this, xue'an suddenly remembered something, "by the way, what's your name?"

"My Lord, my name is Li Fei!"

"So Li Fei, what are you going to do next?"

Li Fei raised her head and looked fanatical. "My Lord, my idea is the same as you. I also want to catch all evil things, so I'll do whatever you want me to do. There's nothing to say!"

Looking at Li Fei with a firm face, Xue an nodded, "well, now you will immediately return to the teahouse. Jingchu people and witches are stationed there now. You join them and wait for dispatch!"

"Yes!" Li Fei answered without hesitation, and then turned and left.

The girl always does things neatly and without hesitation.

After she left, Xue an returned to the hall, gave some instructions to the evil things that had been controlled by her, and then let them disperse separately.

After handling all the hands and tails, Xue an continued to look like the leader of the gale stronghold, swaggered out of the yard and walked to the street.

But as soon as he got out of the alley, he couldn't help sighing, and then stopped.

"Come out!"

There was a disorderly noise in an alley next to the street, and then the woman of gale stronghold came out timidly with her head down.

"Stronghold leader!"

Xue an's face was stiff. "What are you doing here if you don't go back?"

The woman shook her clothes and fought, but she insisted: "stop your anger, stronghold leader. I... I'm just worried about you, so I came to find you!"

Speaking of this, her voice was already crying, "when you left, I suddenly had a strong hunch that I would never see you again. Therefore, I followed you secretly."

Xue an suddenly became speechless.

Before leaving, he really wanted to abandon his identity of violent Huarong.

After all, when all the hidden evil things are subdued, there will be no shortage of violent Huarong., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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