As soon as the voice fell, the sword light crashed to the ground, and then Xue an's body appeared.

Seeing this scene, many people looked at each other.

Because they didn't know Xue an at all, they didn't know what the boy in white came from.

But some people who knew xue'an couldn't help shouting when they saw it.

"It's the newly born strong young man Xue an!"

"He really came!"

In the low noise, Shen Muyu, who stood in the Shen family camp with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xue an.

Xue an seemed to feel it and looked at him at the same time.

Their eyes met in mid air and made a dull sound.

For a moment, some people who were close felt their hearts shaking wildly and retreated involuntarily.

As for others, they were even more frightened.

Just the sight meeting can stir up such a big wave. What is the strength of these two people?

When many people were shocked, Shen Muyu was slightly stunned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

When Xue an was still in the closed door of the pharmacist alliance, he personally came to the door and made a statement.

Xue an was like a dead man at that time. Although the sword idea was pure, it could not pose any threat in Shen Muyu's eyes.

But I didn't expect that only in the past few days, Xue an not only successfully passed the customs, but also made such amazing progress in strength.

Even in that trial just now, I was equal to myself and didn't lose the slightest.

Shen Muyu was surprised, but Shen Hongyi standing by was even more surprised than him.

As a person who had fought with Xue an and finally lost, her heart was full of unconvinced and wanted to be ashamed of herself at the hundred conferences.

But when she felt Xue an's hidden but powerful sword, her pupils contracted to the size of the tip of a needle.

This guy's strength has changed dramatically since he fought against himself.

The speed of this progress made Shen Hongyi feel deep fear.

At the same time, Xue an's mouth was raised, showing a dull sneer, and then he slowly made a gesture of cutting his throat at Shen Muyu.

The whole audience was surprised.

You know, before that, almost everyone was not optimistic about the gambling fight between Xue an and Shen Muyu.

After all, although Xue an is famous, his foundation is much shallower.

Although Shen Muyu is young, he has become a genius for a long time.

Coupled with the Shen family's so-called invincible sword power, many people think that this battle will surely end in Xue an's failure.

But I didn't expect that their first meeting was beyond everyone's expectation.

First, the test ended in a close match between the two. Then Xue an, who was supposed to be weak, was arrogant enough to threaten Shen Muyu directly with gestures.

This is too rare.

At least Yue Qinghuan's face was flushed with excitement.

"Brother, look, Xue an is so handsome now!"

Yue Shifang looked at his sister who had fallen into flower infatuation and smiled helplessly.

"Silly girl, do you really think he's just playing handsome?"


"You still think it's too simple!" Yue Shifang sighed.

At the same time, many eyes focused on Shen Muyu to see his reaction.

But seeing Shen Muyu's face as usual, his eyes were slightly cold, and then he slowly lowered his eyes without any response.

This disappointed many people.

In particular, many people in the Shen family feel uncomfortable.

Because Shen Muyu's response seemed to be counseling.

For example, Shen Gaoge muttered in a low voice.

"What's going on? This boy is so arrogant. Why don't you do him? If it were me, I would have gone up to beat him. You said in red... "

The latter words didn't finish, because Shen Hongyi glared at him and asked him to swallow all the latter words.

In fact, only a few of them saw the clue.

For example, Yue Shifang was stunned at first, and then sighed slightly.

"It's really a hero from a young man. Although the battle has not yet begun, the first confrontation between the two has been so wonderful!"

Yue Qinghuan on one side didn't understand, "what do you mean? Didn't they just meet each other? "

"You don't understand! The Shen family has been building momentum since the moment they stepped into the yin-yang star domain. Now, the sword meaning in Shen Muyu's chest has been raised to the extreme. In this case, if he doesn't do it, it will be a shocking blow! "

"Xue an's choice to appear in such an arrogant posture at the last minute is to break Shen Muyu's potential!"

Yue Qinghuan nodded vaguely. "What's going on back there?"

The nine day Xuannv on one side suddenly took over, "Xue an declared war on Shen Muyu with a threatening gesture. If Shen Muyu took it, the tone in his chest would drain three points."

Yue Shifang nodded in agreement.

"The female emperor is right. This is obviously a move handed over by Xue an, but I didn't expect that Shen Muyu is not old, but he is very self-restraint, and he hasn't been angered. It can be seen that he is called the only genius of the Shen family for thousands of years! Sure enough, he has some real skills! "

Yue Qinghuan was dizzy and couldn't help but say, "where did you get so many twists and turns? It's complicated. Are you sure you're not making up for it?"

Yue Shifang and Jiutian Xuannv: "..."

Just then, xue'an's voice came, "is everyone here?"

Then his men came to the camp.

Yue Shifang nodded, "all our people have arrived!"

"Good! Get ready, it will start soon! " Xue an said faintly.

As soon as the voice fell, the world shook.

This vibration is different from the general vibration, but comes from the vibration of space itself.

Then he saw the twelve yuan tripods in the sky shining brightly.

The light originally connected to each other was quickly submerged and then integrated into one.

In this dazzling light, a terrible breath is brewing.

In an instant, a huge star like figure appeared over Yunxiao city.

As soon as this figure came out, the three shadow gods of yin and Yang family, Yuehua Zhongjun and all their subordinates knelt down together.

"Welcome Taiyi!"

you 're right!

The figure appearing here is the mysterious Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Everyone present was shocked, and those with lower strength could not even raise their heads.

Only the strong can barely look up.

The figure that originally occupied the whole sky has shrunk a lot, but even so, it is still ten thousand feet high.

Wearing a robe, he stood upright in the sky, like the Lord of the world.

His appearance is hidden in deep chaos, which can't be seen through at all.

Xue an stared at the figure deeply, and the red lotus flashed away.

At this time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said slowly in a very dignified voice.

"The battlefield is open!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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