On the contrary, if someone else sits in his position, he may not do as well as him.

In addition, the chaos outside the sky is imminent, and Shen Muyu's strength is amazing. It's a pity if he falls on the challenge arena like this.

That's why he told him the whole story.

And Shen Muyu's reaction was also in his expectation.

When the heart of his sword was about to collapse, Xue an suddenly took a deep breath and drank coldly.

"You didn't do what you did in those years. What you should do now is to return to the Shen family and ask who made this order in those years, so as to recover some mistakes!"

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue, which directly awakens Shen Muyu who is trapped in self blame and confusion.


What I should do now is to go home and question the shopkeeper and the owner face to face.

Thinking of this, Shen Muyu quickly recovered, and then said to Xue an with a firm face.

"Thank you!"

This thank you comes from the bottom of my heart.

Not only did xue'an tell many truths he had never heard of, the key was that xue'an also completely frustrated the arrogance in his heart.

A man must not have pride, but he must not have pride.

This is especially true for sword cultivation who lives on sword.

But Shen Muyu mistook pride for pride, so that although his strength was very high, his realm did not match.

This is also the reason for his closed door practice, which is to temper his state of mind through closed door practice.

But even after so many years of isolation, the arrogance in his heart still didn't disappear, but it was hidden deeper.

This is why he failed miserably in Xue an's hands.

At the moment, Shen Muyu felt that although there were many cracks on the heart of his sword, his anger was gone and he looked much clearer and clear.

This is obviously of great benefit to his future cultivation.

Xue an smiled faintly, "you're welcome!"

Shen Muyu nodded and didn't say anything. He rose directly into the sky and disappeared on the challenge arena.

He didn't look at the others in the whole process, so he left quickly.

There was a dead silence.

In particular, Shen Hongyi and others were all silly.

Who could have thought that such a big turning point would happen?

And Shen Muyu, as the absolute master of the Shen family, actually left like this?

Zhang Zhixing in the Confucian camp couldn't help laughing.

"Shen Muyu is really a wonderful man. Elder martial brother, you say..."

Later, he didn't finish, because he found that the elder martial brother's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

And there was a look of fear in his eyes.

What's going on?

Zhang Zhixing looked along Yan Jingcheng's eyes, but only saw Xue an standing on the challenge arena.

At the same time, the faces of Yue Shifang, he Tianxuan, chongyangzi and many others became extremely dignified, not only Yan Jingcheng, but also Mo Kong, the giant of Mohism.

In the corner of the stand, Yang Qin, the descendant of Yang Zhu, who was leaning back on a chair drinking tea, couldn't help sitting up straight, and then narrowed his eyes, which were half amber and half black.

"The smell..."

At the same time, but see the corners of Xue an's mouth gradually raised, showing a long expected smile, and then turn around and look at somewhere in the challenge arena.

"After watching such a long play, are you finally willing to show up?"


Who is he talking to?

There were a lot of people on the stand with a confused face.

But at this time, a burst of crisp applause came from the void, and then someone said with a smile: "I have to say, this big play is really wonderful!"

With the voice, a figure slowly emerged above the challenge arena.

As soon as this figure appeared, there was an uproar.

The yin-yang family, who had been sitting in the middle of the stand, got up together and worshipped the figure.

"Meet the emperor!"

you 're right!

The figure appearing here is Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor.

Speaking of it, the first person of Yin Yang family, the most mysterious strong man in the whole Tianwaitian, only appeared once at the beginning of the Baijia conference.

Then he turned into a statue and disappeared.

So some people have been curious about where the man has gone.

Until now, when they saw the figure suspended above the challenge arena, dressed in gorgeous robes and covered by chaos, many people felt the awe from the depths of their souls.

It's as if this figure is no longer a creature of the same dimension with itself.

This vision also made the pupils of Yue Shifang and others shrink slightly.

But Xue an was not afraid, but looked coldly at the figure not far away, and then said slowly, "should I call you the Eastern Emperor, or call you a evil thing?"

It was like a world shaking thing to say, which made everyone in the audience turn pale.

In the yin-yang camp, Yuehua Zhongjun, who had knelt to the ground, trembled all over.

Many suspicions hidden in the bottom of my heart have finally been answered one by one at this moment.

At this time, the Eastern Emperor smiled, "Xue an, it seems that I really underestimate you. You already know!"

Xue an looked up, his eyes as bright as snow, "of course, after all, I still remember the finger that broke through the boundaries of the heavens!"

Yue Qinghuan on the stand was shaking wildly, and his eyes showed infinite horror.

Because she also personally participated in the war at the beginning, she naturally knew how terrible it was.

Unexpectedly, the person who did it turned out to be the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the yin-yang family.

Not to mention the shock of the whole audience, I just heard the Eastern Emperor laugh.

"Yes, I did move that finger at the beginning. Unfortunately, because of the boundaries of the heavens, I can only allow the strength below the saints to pass, so I can't crush you!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and a trace of fear and greed appeared in his tone.

"I can feel that the woman who hurt me at the beginning is hiding in your sea of knowledge now!"

"So what?" Xue an is not shy.

Because in front of this existence beyond ordinary people's imagination, any concealment is useless.

"Hehe, not much. I just want to imprison the woman who can hurt me and study it well after killing you!" The Eastern Emperor smiled strangely.

Xue an was not angry.

He knew very well that anger would not help in the face of such existence.

In fact, when he stepped into the battlefield, he already knew who was the ultimate boss.

But he came without hesitation.

Because everything will come to an end!

What's more, he has prepared for this moment for too long.

But the next second, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said a word that changed Xue an's face.

"Xue an, do you know why I have to take great pains to do it at this hundred conferences?"

"Everything is because you have to delay your time through this matter. In fact, someone has gone to your heaven at the beginning of the matter. It is estimated that the plan has been completed now! Ha ha ha ha! "

Hearing this, Xue an was shocked and blurted out, "it's impossible. When I left, I left many Dharma arrays in the heavens. If your men really sneaked in and did evil, how could I not know?"

The Eastern Emperor smiled strangely, "who said it was my man? Who said that he was going to do evil? You are too naive. Those are all very inferior means. In fact, in order to deal with you and the Chinese, we have changed our strategy! "

"It's better to destroy the soul than the body!"

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