The words fell, and a drop of red blood suddenly seeped from Xue an's eyebrows.

As soon as the blood appeared, it began to grow at an amazing speed and turned into a swaying red lotus in the blink of an eye.

It is the red lotus secret skill that Xue an has not used for a long time.

In fact, Xue an seldom used his secret skills after preaching immortal Zun.

After the sage preached, Xue angung could crush everything with his simple strength, and naturally he didn't use the so-called secret skills.

But today, Xue an showed the secret skill of red lotus without hesitation at the beginning.

This shows how cautious Xue an was about the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

And this is just the beginning. When the red lotus takes shape, a huge force of cause and effect will be injected into it and perfectly integrated with it.

Red Lotus!

Once upon a time, Xue an's most powerful killing move.

Especially after preaching saints, Xue an's causal power has reached an unimaginable level.

Therefore, when the two are integrated into one, the momentum formed makes the strong challenge arena space groan.

But after seeing this, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't even have a nervous color. On the contrary, he was full of playful color, as if he were watching a novel toy.


At this time, a raging flame suddenly rose on the cause and effect red lotus.

Its flame is almost transparent. Although it is very far away, you can still feel the burning heat.

Only then did the Eastern Emperor chuckle.

"It's interesting. It's actually a good thing to integrate the fire left by Zhu Rong with all kinds of sky fires!"

The most powerful strike of the three must kill secret skills of cause and effect, red lotus and industry fire came to the mouth of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but only got an understatement.

The indifference and disdain shown in this is enough to make people crazy.

But Xue an just looked coldly at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi opposite, then took a deep breath and instilled all his cultivation skills into it again.

You can't be too careful to deal with such a top evil thing.

As for his disdain, Xue an just didn't see it.

In an instant, the red lotus began to bloom slowly under the indoctrination of the majestic cultivation.

At the moment when the lotus blossomed completely, Xue an rushed towards the Eastern Emperor.

This blow can be said to have gathered all the strength of Xue an. It is the strongest blow since he preached the sage.

Xue an doesn't intend to keep anything. In his opinion, the only way to defeat this evil thing is to finish it in one battle.

This is often the case with real masters. Any reservation may lead to cruel failure.

So Xue an rushed to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi regardless of everything, and his eyes were full of determination.

But just then, I saw a sarcastic smile on the corner of the mouth of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and then drank coldly.


The voice is indifferent, but it has irresistible dignity.

Honglian, who had rushed to him not far away, stopped, and then smashed directly after a loud bang.

Cause and effect, karma and fire all failed to persist for even a second under this understated cold drink.

As for Xue an, he gave a dull hum at the moment, and then was forcibly knocked back hundreds of meters by an invisible force. He didn't stop until he hit the barrier array at the edge of the challenge arena.

a blow!

It can't even be said to be a blow, because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't do it at all, but drank a retreat.

Then all Xue an's attacks were shattered and she suffered a heavy blow.

The strength gap shown in this has reached a desperate level.

The Eastern Emperor laughed and said, "Xue an, can you convince me now?"

Xue an stood in the void, silent.

The Eastern Emperor sneered, "Xue an, I advise you not to be stubborn and surrender obediently. I can give you a good time, otherwise you will suffer the most extreme pain today, and then you can die!"

"Surrender..." Xue an whispered again.

"Yes, surrender! As you can see, all your efforts are just a joke in front of me. I don't even have to do it. Just one word can repel you, so what do you take to fight me? " The Eastern Emperor Taiyi said with leisure.

Xue an smiled slowly, "you are not impeccable, otherwise you don't have to take great pains to arrange such a killing to deal with me. One word can kill me! So you must have flaws and weaknesses, but now I haven't found it yet! "

The smile of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi gradually cooled down. "So, do you have to toast instead of drinking?"

"I said, I don't choose anything. I just want you to die!"

After that, xue'an reappeared the red lotus in his eyebrows, and then blasted towards the Eastern Emperor again.

"In fact, you know it's useless. Why should you be stubborn?" The Eastern Emperor sighed.

Then the red lotus stayed in front of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and smashed again.

But at the moment when the red lotus turned into a blood mist, a bright red sword directly pierced the space and came before the eyebrow of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

At this time, the machine is wonderful to the peak.

Xue an's sword arrived as soon as the red lotus was broken.

But at this moment, the people of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had disappeared in place.

As soon as Xue an's sword tip failed, he immediately felt something wrong.

His reaction was not so bad that he changed stabbing the sword to charging forward almost in an instant.

But just then, a cold deep drink exploded directly in my ear.



Xue an felt that her heart stopped in an instant. What stopped together was the blood flowing in her body.

The huge sense of powerlessness surged, which made Xue an feel a trace of despair.

Just then, a warm breeze suddenly came from the center of Xue an's eyebrows.

This warm appearance is like a hand pressing the play button, which makes the stalled heart beat again.


The dull sound from the depths of his chest broke the dead situation in xue'an's body, and the stagnant blood flowed quickly.

Then Xue an hurried back in an instant. When he opened a certain distance, he stood still.

Look at him now, his face is as pale as paper, and a trace of blood flows down the corners of his eyes, which is caused by the rupture of his eyeball under the great pressure just now.

But even so, xue'an still didn't shrink back and fear, but looked coldly at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the distance.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi obviously didn't expect Xue an to get rid of his curse so soon. Therefore, he was stunned at first, but he smiled strangely.

"Jie Jie, I almost forgot that in your eyebrows and heart to know the sea, there is a woman that makes me feel incredible. When you die, this woman will be my biggest booty!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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