
With an earth shaking noise, the endless moon burst open, and the mysterious shadow God was completely submerged in an instant.

"Self exploding body, Yuehua Zhongjun, are you crazy?"

From the ten thousand feet of light came the roar of Xuanying God.

"I'm not crazy. All I want is your death!" The voice of Jun in Yuehua came.

Even at this time, his voice was still indifferent, even with an inexplicable relief.

With his words, the bright moon burst out again.

"No!" The dark shadow God howled, but soon the scream stopped suddenly.

What disappeared together was the breath of Jun in Yuehua.

Feeling the change, everyone was silent.

Yue Shifang couldn't help sighing, "so... Your last round of Huayue is yourself!"

His words were full of admiration.

At the same time, the endless moonlight suddenly spread like a raging wave, and the fog dispersed everywhere.

Then the scene on the challenge arena appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that the original clean and solid challenge arena was now full of holes. Only the Eastern Emperor was hanging in the air, and there seemed to be no change.

But just then, another bright brilliance rushed to him.

But the next second, the Guanghua was forced to withdraw, and then stumbled to the ground.

Who's not Xue an.

But now xue'an has lost his previous demeanor of being a modest gentleman.

Originally, his white clothes had been dyed red by blood, his eyes were even dimmer, and a scar swept obliquely from the corners of his eyes, wiped his temples and hid in his hair.

This position is extremely dangerous. If you are careless, you may be seriously injured.

So Yue Qinghuan and AO Shu couldn't help crying.

"Xue an!"

"Brother Ann!"

In the shouting, Xue an seemed to be unconscious. He still stood in his place and looked coldly at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi hanging in the air. He didn't even lift his eyelids.

On the contrary, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi raised his head and smiled at the hundreds of people.

"It seems that my losers failed in the end, but it's good. Anyway, the secret is in chaos and I'll catch you all!"

The answer to him was not words, but a blow from Yue Shifang.

Yue Shifang, once ranked as the Supreme Master, although he was seriously injured and lasted for thousands of years, he soon recovered most of his strength after his injury.

At least now he has stepped back into the realm of Taishang.

In addition, he hated evil things, so he was a strong killing move.


However, seeing the spirit of military cutting falling from the sky, it turned into a brilliant seal, and smashed it on the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Everywhere you go, the space is turned into powder, which shows the prosperity of its military power.

This is the first time Yue Shifang has exerted his full strength before and after his reappearance in the world.

This alone made many people take a breath of air conditioning.

The power of strategists is so terrible.

In particular, Yue Shifang practiced the most magnificent and decent art of war of the strategists. He gathered the righteousness of heaven and earth between his moves, and just restrained the evil things such as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

But even so, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't dodge, but sneered.

"Yue Shifang, if you can restore your strength in your heyday, the Emperor may be afraid of you, but with you now, what can you take to fight me?"

The words fell, and the Eastern Emperor flicked his fingers.


The soldier seal just flew to the top of the head of the Eastern Emperor Tai Yi showed cracks, and then crashed into pieces.

The strength shown by this alone was enough to shock the four.

Yue Shifang's face turned a little white, snorted, and then stepped back a few steps.

"Brother! Are you okay? " Yue Qinghuan immediately asked with concern.

Yue Shifang waved his hand and stared at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the distance.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, I just ask you, did you initiate the rebellion outside the sky ten thousand years ago?"

"So what?" The Eastern Emperor was too cold and said with a smile.

Yue Shifang nodded, "just admit it!"

Speaking of this, he took a deep breath and shouted: "you Taoist friends, this demon is too powerful to deal with one by one. We need to work together to cut the demon and swing the demon! Those who wish to follow me, please get up! "

Yue Shifang rushed up into the sky and rushed over the challenge arena.

Behind him, Mo Kong, a giant of Mohism, smiled with emotion.

"Since the master of the Yue family has such lofty feelings, my Mohist family naturally wants to help!"

This Mohist tycoon, who always showed himself in a silent image, was also very talkative at the moment, and then led 300 Mohist disciples to the sky.

Not only him, but also the two leaders of Confucianism, the leaders of Taoism, Legalists, farmers, Jiutian Xuannv, the army of witches and insects, and even LV Xiaoya, who just showed the image of true martial arts, rushed to the challenge arena.

Seeing this scene, Yang Zhu's successor Yang Qin sighed helplessly.

"Shit, I really don't want to do it!"

Nevertheless, he went to the arena to make complaints about it.

Of course, he didn't do it because he wanted to help others.

It's exactly what the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said just now. He wants to catch all the people present.

Naturally, it also includes the Yang bird.

Therefore, Yang bird, who had always pursued self-interest, had no choice but to do it.

In an instant, the arena became a gathering place for heroes.

The first thing Yue Qinghuan did when he got on stage was to rush to Xue an and ask anxiously.

"How's it going? Are you okay? "

Xue an wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and whispered, "I'm hurt, but it's not a big problem!"

Then he would step forward again.

Yue Qinghuan immediately stopped and said, "take a rest here and give the rest to my brother and everyone!"

Xue an shook his head, "it's useless. I've just tried. This guy is almost insoluble in this world. All the means of attack have no effect on him!"

Yue Qinghuan's face turned white. Obviously, he was frightened by Xue Anna's unprecedented dignified tone, "then... What should I do?"

Xue an took a deep breath and looked at the calm Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who was being besieged by the strong from all sides, with a decisive look in his eyes.

"For today's sake, we have to keep trying to find out his weaknesses and flaws! And this task, only I can do! "

Yue Qinghuan just wanted to say something. At this time, he only heard a sneer from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi above the challenge arena.

"Do you dare to do this in front of me?"

Then, the originally besieged crowd was directly shaken back by an invisible force.

Yue Shifang, Confucianists and Taoists, who bore the brunt of the attack, gave a dull hum. It was obvious that they had been hurt.

This time, everyone's heart fell to the bottom.

You know, all the elite of the whole sky are gathered in the battlefield at the moment.

If even these people can't deal with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, there's really no way.

Can so many people just sit and wait to die?

The idea flashed away in the hearts of everyone.

At this time, Xue an only heard a deep drink: "he is now in an invincible state. Any attack will not work on him. The only way is to try out his flaws bit by bit!"

"Yue Shifang, I can borrow you to fix it for one purpose!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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