After saying these words, the man was surprised and speechless. He quickly closed his mouth. Then he looked around with a guilty heart and found that no one had noticed him. Then he breathed a sigh.

But soon he frowned and whispered, "but Xue an, such a big evil thing, can't not know. Why should he enter the battlefield?"

Just as the man was puzzled, the voice of discussion from a distance caught his attention.

I saw a group of men with fierce momentum and fierce faces gathered together, whispering something.

"It's really strange. It's clear that the stronghold leader was standing there just now. Why did his kung fu disappear in a blink of an eye?"

"Who said no, I was wondering, and just now I asked the stronghold leader for instructions and wanted to know what we should do later. As a result, the stronghold leader ignored me and just stood there as if he had lost his soul."

Someone patted his thigh and agreed: "yes, I feel the same way! I always feel that the stronghold leader has become very strange since the battlefield was closed. "

Stronghold leader? And suddenly disappeared?

The man captured these useful information from these people's words, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

But just then, the next conversation of these people made the man's heart move slightly.

"In fact, the stronghold leader is strange. He seems to have changed a person several days ago. He not only suddenly strictly controls us, but also requires us to observe the people around us and report to him immediately if we find traces of evil things!"

When the mob said this, his face obviously became a little unnatural, "let's not say what the reason of this order is. The key is that it's a fucking evil thing. Do you dare to challenge others with our strength?"

These words attracted the unanimous approval of the mob.

"It's not just that. Don't you find that the stronghold leader is surprisingly nice to that woman recently? Not only can no longer hear the sound of beating and scolding, but she doesn't even need to sleep at night! You know, the original stronghold leader was not like this! "

"I also have this feeling. Haven't you seen that woman become determined to the stronghold leader? Even this time the stronghold leader suddenly disappeared. She was also the one who was most worried. She was still looking all over the square. It was impossible to put it in the past! "

These comments made the man who was going to leave immediately stop.

Because although he has always been fooling around, his mind is extremely sharp.

In particular, the situation described by these people is very similar to a person's work style.

The next sentence directly confirmed his guess.

"The funniest thing is not what you said. Just before coming to the square, the stronghold leader asked us to be prepared to guard against the rebellion of evil things. If we find them, we must eliminate them in the bud as soon as possible."

The thug sneered with disdain, "this is the territory of yin and Yang family and the place where the hundred family meeting is held. I don't believe that evil things can have so much courage to go wild in this place!"

"The key is that this is not something we should be in charge of. To be honest, the stronghold leader has strictly controlled recently and won't even let us drink wine. I'm really bored to death. If it weren't for everyone's face, I would have left the fuck!"

This sentence was like a fuse, which instantly detonated the emotions of these thugs.

Although they are usually respectful to the stronghold leader, they don't even dare to fart.

But now as soon as the stronghold leader was away, he started complaining one after another.

"Yes, I don't want to do it for a long time, shit! I can't drink wine and women can't touch it. What kind of robber is I? The main thing about Dazhai village is to do this again. Just change the name of liefeng village to monk temple! "

For a moment, the thugs began to clamor.

The man also guessed at the moment. Looking at the thugs who wantonly slandered the "stronghold leader", a sneer came out of his mouth.

At this time, a mob said in a deep voice: "since everyone has such a big opinion, coupled with the sudden disappearance of the guy with violent Huarong, life and death are uncertain, let's just reverse it!"

"That's what I mean!"


"But it's the opposite. It's no good talking like that. We have to do something. I suggest that we kill the woman when the woman comes back later. In this way, even if the gorgeous face comes back, we don't dare to repeat it again!"

This proposal is extremely evil. It is equivalent to a nomination, tying everyone to a boat.

Therefore, the remaining thugs looked at each other and seemed to hesitate, but soon they nodded and agreed.

The man glanced coldly at the thug who said the proposal. He found that he looked happy and a sense of erasure flashed in his eyes.

Just at this time, I saw a woman walking back in a daze.

It is the woman who follows the stronghold leader of gale stronghold, Bao Huarong.

At the moment, she looked gloomy, especially her eyes, full of panic and loss.

Seeing her coming, the thugs winked at each other, and then quietly dispersed and surrounded her.

Of course, the woman was not aware of all this.

The thug who made the vicious proposal before came forward with a full face, "how's Miss Chen? Have you found the stronghold leader? "

Chen zuihui shook her head and said softly, "no, I searched the whole square and found no trace of him. How about you?"

The thug pretended to be sad and sighed, "we haven't found any trace of the stronghold leader, but we have found something else!"

"Oh? What did you find? " Chen zuihui was shocked and hurriedly asked.

"There are too many people here. It's inconvenient to say. You'll know if you follow me!"

Chen zuihui didn't doubt him, so she followed the mob to the secluded place of the square.

There are a lot of sparse people here, coupled with the deliberate obstruction of these thugs, so even if what happens, the outside world doesn't know at all.

"Tell me what you found? Is it about him? " Chen zuihui asked hurriedly.

At this time, the smile on the mob's face disappeared instantly, and then said in a ferocious and evil tone.

"It seems that you are quite loyal to that gorgeous face!"

Chen zuihui was shocked, "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? To tell you the truth, we are no longer the people of gale stronghold. As for the violent Huarong, we are supposed to be dead, so we are here to send you to hell! "

With that, the mob rushed up to poison Chen zuihui.

Chen zuihui's strength is very mediocre. Where can she be the opponent of these thugs? Therefore, when she saw the thugs rushing towards her, she couldn't help feeling desperate.

Unfortunately, I didn't know your true face until I was dying!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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