As soon as his voice fell, these slender figures had rushed out of the darkness and appeared in front of the people.

What a scene it is.

See countless slender creatures cruising in the void, like a swarm of deep-sea fish.

After getting a little closer, people found that these slender creatures really look like hairtail. Even their eyes grow on both sides of the body, looking very funny.

"What is this? I think our diet is too monotonous, so I specially sent you a big meal? " Someone joked.

The crowd burst into laughter.

Only Shen Muyu looked very serious.

Because he felt a very strange smell from these creatures.

These creatures are obviously very weak. It seems that a sword can kill most of them. But strangely, Shen Muyu finds that the heart of his sword is trembling faintly, as if he encountered something he can't do.

This feeling makes Shen Muyu feel uncomfortable.

At this time, some uncontrollable sword repair bluntly came out and tried to destroy these strange creatures with one sword.

The sword was shining brightly, and the faces of many Shen family sword repairmen were full of relaxed color. They thought that this was enough to wipe it out completely.

But at this time, the sword light directly disappeared without any sound after contacting the first "hairtail" like creature.

you 're right!

It was completely disappeared. The whole process was absorbed by this "hairtail" without even stirring up a ripple.

These strange fish like creatures continue to move forward.

But at this time, Shen Jianxiu couldn't laugh.

Many people's eyelids jump wildly.

At the same time, someone exclaimed, "look at the monster just now!"

They turned their eyes and saw that the hairtail body that had just absorbed the meaning of the sword suddenly expanded a lot. At the same time, there was a flicker of sword light in the slender body, just like... A scabbard containing the sword.

"Shit, I don't believe in evil!" Someone shouted angrily, raised his hand and cut out a sword.

The meaning of this sword is obviously much colder and stronger than the previous one, but the final result is the same.

In contact with a "hairtail", it will disappear in the blink of an eye like water marks in the sun.

Then the hairtail's body expanded and became a scabbard like existence.

At this point, the complexion of all Shen family sword repair has changed.

If the rule of rebounding all injuries in the face of those fat people and evil things makes people headache.

Now these evil things like hairtail make everyone feel a trace of despair.

Because this feeling is like that all your efforts can't even stir up a ripple and are directly absorbed by it.

"Home... Master, what monsters are these? Why are they so strange?" Someone asked in a trembling voice.

In addition to saying a word to prepare the people for battle when they first saw these evil things, Du Jingsheng behind stood still and didn't speak at all.

Until someone asked, he restrained his fierce eyes and said, "these monsters should be specially developed by evil things to deal with our Shen family. They are shaped like scabbards and have the same function as scabbards, just to hide our sword intention!"

"After all... No matter how sharp the sword is, it will lose its edge and lethality after returning the scabbard!"

Du Jingsheng's words changed everyone's face.

"So... What about that?"

"What do you think we should do now?" Du Jingsheng turned to look at Shen Muyu and asked softly.

Shen Mu's fish face was as heavy as water. After a long silence, he said in a cold voice: "for today's plan, only kill!"

"No matter what exists on the opposite side, even if they are scabbards specially developed to deal with us, they should kill without hesitation!"

"After all, even the scabbard can't hide the peerless sword!"

Hearing this, Du Jingsheng finally showed a look of appreciation on his face, and then nodded.

"Well, that's the spirit of my Shen family! Now listen to my orders, everyone, condense the sword! "

At the command, a bright sword light suddenly appeared above the heads of all sword practitioners, and then rose to the air and gathered into a sea of sword light.



The sword light rushed forward like a torrent.

The two collided in mid air, and then the glory annihilated. The sea of sword light, which was originally magnificent, was quickly swallowed up by the evil thing like a school of fish.

The whole process was silent.

But in the blink of an eye, all the sword light disappeared.

When you look at these fish, you can see that their bodies have expanded. Obviously, they have swallowed and absorbed a lot of sword ideas, and then rushed to the Shenjia star domain again.

"Re coagulation!"

Another light drink.

For a moment, a sea of sword light appeared again on the heads of the Shen family.



Like last time, the two hit each other hard again.

But this time it was not as silent as last time. At least many hairtail evil things that bear the brunt were directly exploded by the violent sword intention.

Then their burst caused a chain reaction, only listening to bursts of explosions in the void.

But in the blink of an eye, these hairtail evil things were all dead and injured.

Seeing this, the Shen family finally let go of their originally hanging heart.

Although there were some twists and turns, fortunately, these "scabbards" were not as powerful as expected. They were destroyed after a few meetings.

But different from everyone's happiness, Shen Muyu's face became more and more ugly.

Because he vaguely felt that since the other party could specially develop evil things for the Shen family, it would obviously not give up so easily.

There must be a stronger backhand behind.

Sure enough.

Just when the Shen family were celebrating, the dark sneer, hiding in the void in the distance.

"Fen Hong, is this what you call a gift to the Shen family?"

Fen Hong smiled, "don't worry, it's just an appetizer before the formal dinner. I don't believe you see."

The darkness looked into the void in the distance.

Sure enough.

Just where the evil things of hairtail had just disappeared, a little black awn began to emerge and condensed into slender "hairtail" in the blink of an eye.

But this time the hairtail is different from before.

First of all, the body is more slender, and the scales on the body are also dense. The most important thing is that the left and right eyes shine red.

As soon as these evil things of hairtail appeared, they stunned the Shen family who were just celebrating.

"What's going on? How did these evil things come back to life? " Someone exclaimed.

"What if they are resurrected? I don't believe they can't be killed!"

This time, Du Jingsheng was no longer used to command. Soon, the people gathered their sword and chopped at the evil thing with fish., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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