The strategists and the Shen family are no exception.

Everyone has tried their best to attack and retreat the evil army.

But at this time, with the causal change of an unknown dimension, an invisible shock wave spread from the yin-yang family and spread at an extremely terrible speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this shock wave crossed the hundreds of millions of miles between yin and Yang family and Shen family and came to the battlefield.

Click, click!

Wherever you pass, evil things are broken.

Fen Hong and Diablo, who were in the middle of a fierce battle, were shocked after feeling the shock wave.

"How is that possible?"

They shouted with one voice, and then turned in infinite panic to escape the shock wave.

But how could their speed catch up with the broken shock wave? Almost in a moment, the shock wave rushed behind the two evil things and then roared over them.


After all, the two evil things are powerful, and they last longer than those ordinary evil things.

But that's all. I saw them spit out a big mouthful of blood together, and then scream hysterically.

"It's impossible. How could the Eastern Emperor lose?"

you 're right.

They were evil things born by relying on the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, so the burning rainbow would come back from the dead before.

It can be said that as long as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi exists, they are really immortal in this world.

This is why they are so arrogant and domineering.

But unexpectedly, the existence they rely on today has fallen, and it has completely disappeared.

So they are unwilling, they are desperate.

But no matter what kind of mood, it is impossible to change the established facts.

However, in a moment, these two evil things were also broken and turned into powder.

The battlefield quieted down.

The Shen family and the strategists stared at the empty void and fell into collective confusion.

"What the fuck is going on? Why did all these evil things suddenly disappear? " Zhong Lishan murmured suspiciously.

As for Shen Muyu, his face was full of question marks.

Only the big shopkeeper, that is, the sword spirit of Jianzu Changjian, turned his head and looked at the origin of the broken wave.

"I think I know what's going on!"

"What's going on?" Shen Muyu asked immediately.

"Obviously, someone has just destroyed the core of evil things in this world, which makes these evil things lose their source of power and turn into nothingness!"

The evil core of this world.

These words made Shen Muyu fall into deep meditation. Who has such strong strength? Is it.

A face flashed in Shen Muyu's mind, but soon he denied the idea.

How could it be him!

Even if his strength is stronger than himself, it is also limited. How can he eliminate the core evil thing in this world?

Who is it?

When Shen Muyu was puzzled, the wave of destruction had swept the whole sky.

The evil things that were originally rampant in all parts of the sky broke up and turned into powder.

This naturally attracted the amazement and curiosity of countless people.

At this time, xue'an and hundreds of people had come to the main city of Jidu star region.

When he was on the road earlier, Lei Di had informed the men staying here. Therefore, when the public arrived, Jidu main city was ready.

After the people landed, those injured were properly placed immediately, and others were also served by special personnel.

Until then, many people just took a breath, and then collapsed in their chairs and didn't want to move any more.

These two days, many people have experienced things they can't experience in their life.

This kind of excitement like a roller coaster makes many people tired both physically and mentally.

Lei Di obviously saw this, so he didn't make a big fuss, but tried his best to create a quiet environment so that everyone could recuperate.

But they can rest, but Xue an can't.

Just after landing, Xue an immediately took the fox to a quiet and undisturbed corner.

"What is the situation in the heavens now?" Xue an didn't have any politeness. He asked directly, and his face was infinitely serious and dignified.

In fact, as early as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not dead, Xue an was most worried about not him, but the situation of the heavens.

Because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi revealed an amazing fact at the beginning, that is, some unknown existence had already sneaked into the heavens and began to implement a despicable and sinister plan.

These words were like a heavy stone on xue'an's heart.

Therefore, after killing the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he immediately broke out of the battlefield regardless of his own injury, just to know the situation of the heavens as soon as possible.

When he saw the fox night in the square, his heart was even more heavy.

If there is no special thing, fox night can't find here.

His presence here proves that the situation in the heavens has obviously eroded to a terrible extent.

Sure enough.

After hearing Xue an's words, fox night also changed his usual foolishness and said seriously.

"Very bad! It can even be said to be an unprecedented thorny, because this time the enemy is invisible and untouchable! "

"Go on!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

"First of all, the most incredible thing is..." The fox paused at night and turned a little pale.

"The whole heavens have no trace of you!"

Xue an was shocked.

Sure enough!

And fox night then went on to say, "God knows how this happened, as if all about you had disappeared overnight!"

"Without xue'an, without Honglian xianzun, even what you have done has become someone else's merit!"

Fox night's eyes showed a look of fear, as if he thought of some extremely unbearable memory, trembling.

"At that time, after discovering this fact, I thought it was a joke played by others, but when I searched all over the sky, I found that all your history had been tampered with."

"I even found a lot of friends for this, but they all don't remember you! More importantly... "

"What is it?" Xue an asked with a heavy face.

Fox night swallowed hard and said in a choking tone, "the key is that even my sister Hu Ying and Mengxue Tang Xuaner disappeared together!"

"What?" Xue an turned pale.

Fox night said with a sad face: "at that time, I was extremely shocked when I found this fact. I even checked the genealogy of Qingqiu fox country. As a result, I found that there was no name of my sister on it. They were just like you. All the existing traces were forcibly erased!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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