"Dad, what is xiaohulu doing?" Thinking about it, Niannian came to the window and asked curiously.

Xue an looked down at his two daughters, then smiled and said, "she's trying to control these mechanical creatures!"

"Trying to control these mechanical creatures?" Think and look out of the window.

At this time, the electric light extending from the head of the small gourd suddenly increased countless times.

Then there was a crackling sound in the bodies of these mechanical creatures, and sparks and black smoke came out.

In the blink of an eye, the Mechanical creatures all over the planet became a pile of scrap metal.

After all this, xiaohulu turned and returned to the Fubao building, and then dropped many broken chips.

"It seems that the people who control these mechanical creatures are very experienced. These mechanical creatures have been set with self destruction procedures. Once they are forcibly spied, they will immediately destroy the chip to erase all traces."

"So I still haven't found any clues?" Ao Shu said with some disappointment.

Little gourd smiled, "although this man is smart, he is still too poor compared with me!"

She spread out her palm, which was a intact chip.

"Just now I have forcibly deciphered the program inside, and then found this!"

Then a light curtain was projected from the eyes of the small gourd and reflected in the air to form a realistic three-dimensional projection.

This is a huge ship. It is dark and can't see any emblem marks, but it is surrounded by a huge ring object at its tail and rotates slowly.

After seeing the spaceship, Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly and seemed to think of something.

Xiaohulu said at this time: "I can feel that there is a mechanical existence with a very high level of intelligence hidden in this spacecraft, but at the moment when these mechanical creatures destroy themselves, this mechanical creature already knew and ran away."

Xue an nodded, "well, I know. It's hard for you!"

Xiaohulu didn't say anything and turned away.

At the moment when she turned around, the previous calm and leisurely momentum disappeared, replaced by a kind of child's innocence and childishness.

This seamless transition stunned the fox night.

At this time, an Yan couldn't help asking, "husband, where are we going now?"

"Where are you going?" Xue an smiled. "Naturally, I'll go back to earth first!"

"That's right!" Yang Jian also agreed at this time, "these are just minor things. The real root of the problem obviously comes from the earth."

Others naturally have no objection.

In the blink of an eye, the Fubao building accelerated again and disappeared into the vast space.

But that's when they leave where they are and go to the earth.

In the void billions of miles away, a dark ship suddenly jumped out.

Then the star ring at the tail of the ship began to rotate rapidly.

"Warning, warning! It is detected that the harvesting troops in the 371st district are completely destroyed, and there is an unknown existence of forced snooping. It is extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous! "

In the harsh alarm, a woman in the cockpit of the ship looked dignified.

Wearing a black leather coat, the woman showed her devil like figure.

"Does it exist? This situation has never happened before. It seems that it should be reported to the president as soon as possible! "

The woman muttered to herself, then quickly turned off the alarm, drove the ship to a jump, and then disappeared into the void.


After another two-day trek, Xue an and his party finally entered the field of the Milky way.

As the stars in the outside world become more and more familiar, everyone's mood is also tense.

Even when I wanted to miss these two little girls, my little face was tight and looked out of the window very seriously.


After passing through a nebula, a huge statue suddenly appeared in the void ahead.

you 're right.

Is a statue standing in space.

The statue is so tall that its appearance can be clearly seen from a very long distance.

It has strange facial features and strong body. The most important thing is that its arms are two huge tentacles.

The man who built the statue was obviously a skilled craftsman, carving every detail vividly.

But it was for this reason that the people in Fubao's small building were stunned and angry.

"Isn't this evil?"

"When did you build a statue for evil things?"

Even fox night was stunned and forced, "when I left, I obviously didn't have this statue! This is clearly new. "

Speaking of the fox night, he smiled bitterly, "after all, people in this world now think they were saved by these evil things, so they worship them as a divine family!"

"I'm so angry! We have sacrificed so many people and worked so hard to win the war. Has it been so easy for someone to steal the fruits of victory? "

Ao Shu was so angry that his eyes were red.

Xue an didn't say a word. He just looked at the statue coldly, and then urged the Fubao building to accelerate towards it.

After the tea, they came to the statue.

When they got close, they realized the greatness and horror of the statue.

In particular, the huge tentacles are carved with what kind of material. They are actually the same as the real ones. They can even see the blood flowing under the cyan skin.

And after waiting here, the originally lonely void became lively.

Many ships were parked here, and a huge platform was built in front of the statue.

Many people are standing on the platform to take pictures with this huge statue.

Some even burned incense to the statue.

Seeing this scene, Ao Shu, who was already angry, blew up at that time.

"Sleeping trough, what the fuck are these! Do you recognize a thief as your father? "

Even if she always thought she was a lady and never scolded, she couldn't control her anger at this time. She opened her mouth and spit out a few classic national curses.

As for others, their faces also showed anger.

Only Xue an was very calm and said faintly, "since we are here, let's go up and have a look!"

With that, Xue an opened the door of Fubao building and walked out.

Everyone followed behind and soon boarded the huge platform.

Only when you are in practice can you feel how lively it is here.

There are even many young people who are obviously students, wearing uniform clothes and guided by the tour leader.

Not only that, but also many small vendors are selling all kinds of souvenirs.

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