When they left, the smile on the small vendor's face quickly converged, and his eyes became extremely dull or even lifeless.

A moment later, xiaohulu said faintly, "well, now his memory about us has been modified. After we leave, he will only remember that a group of ordinary tourists once asked him about the price of the poster. In addition, he doesn't remember anything, but..."

Little Hulu paused and went on, "I found a more amazing fact from his chip."

"What facts?" Ao Shu asked first.

"Obviously, he is not the only one who has been planted with chips. The Federal Evidence office obviously takes this as a means to control others. Therefore, it is difficult to verify how many people have been planted with chips, but it is certain that these black guards are all slaves of chips. As for the others... "

Xiaohulu looked thoughtfully at the guides who were telling the glorious history of the so-called Protoss in the distance.

"That's hard to say!"

Ao Shu also understood the meaning of these words, and his face couldn't help blackening.

If things are like what xiaohulu said, it's terrible.

After all, this is squeezing and enslaving a person from the soul level.

This feeling is even more terrible than the destruction of the body. After all, the destruction of the body is nothing more than death, but if the soul is enslaved, it is all over.

What's more, there are far from a few controlled by the chip.

After all, even an insignificant small vendor has been implanted with a chip, and you can imagine what others are like.

Thinking of this, Ao Shu clenched his teeth hard, and his heart was full of burning anger.

"This shit Federation is so hateful. Isn't it helping the tyranny?"

Then she looked at Xue an angrily, "brother an, I think the Federal Evidence office is absolutely strange. It's better to start from them to investigate the cause and effect of this matter!"

Xue an smiled, "take it easy. The investigation must be an investigation, but before that, I really want to know what these people can tamper with the facts."

With that, xue'an walked directly under the statue.

Here is a guide with a team talking about the war in those years.

"In other words, those evil gods who didn't know where they came from pressed step by step and saw that they were about to destroy our Chinese nation. At this time, the great divine family fell from the sky, joined the battle group with infinite compassion, fought side by side with us, and finally defeated the evil gods!"

"So the protoss is the great benefactor who saved us Chinese from fire and water. We should never forget this kindness."

The speaker was a middle-aged woman. Her face was full of enthusiasm because she was too excited. Although she repeated these words countless times every day, she was very excited every time.

And this emotion also infected the audience.

These people are basically students in school. Their childish faces are full of respect.

"Yes, the protoss is our Savior!"

"Long live the protoss!"

Hearing these shouts, Ao Shu was almost angry.

Her second sister Ao Yi died in that war, and in the hands of evil things.

Although she was not present when these things happened, she still felt full of sadness and anger after listening to Fox night.

Sad at the second sister's persistence in love, angry at the hatefulness of these evil things.

That's why she couldn't accept these people turning black and white and telling lies with their eyes open.

But just as she was about to explode, a slightly timid voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"But teacher, why do I feel something wrong!"

The sound was like a bolt from the blue, which shocked all the students present.

As for the middle-aged woman who was still impassioned just now, she opened her mouth and looked at the crowd unbelievably. It seemed that she didn't expect anyone to dare to refute herself.

It was not until a moment later that she jumped up in place like a cat with its tail stepped on, and then roared hysterically.

"Who? Who said that just now? Stand up! "

There was a commotion in the crowd, and then they dispersed one after another, showing a slender little girl in front of the crowd.

The little girl is at most sixteen or seventeen years old. She is not tall. Her face is very beautiful. She looks very quiet in her white school uniform.

But it was such a little girl who just made a startling remark.

I dare to doubt the guide teacher's words. It's estimated that she will suffer.

The idea flashed through the hearts of many people.

As for the middle-aged woman, her face became extremely gloomy after seeing the talking girl.

"Were you talking just now?"

The little girl looked frightened, but she nodded calmly, "yes!"

"Well, who ordered you?" The middle-aged woman's eyes suddenly became as vicious as snakes and scorpions, and she asked coldly.

The little girl shook her head tremblingly, "no... no one instructed me. I just feel some questions. Moreover, our teacher said that people should learn to reflect and dare to question!"

"Hehe, learn to reflect and dare to question, who is your teacher? Did he instigate it? " Middle aged women are aggressive.

The little girl was not so afraid at this time, and stubbornly retorted: "it doesn't matter who my teacher is, and he didn't instigate me. I really just have some questions, so I want to hear your explanation! Don't you dare answer? "

The middle-aged woman was stunned. She didn't expect that the girl would be so brave that she dared to question herself in front of her face.

If you don't answer, you'll be embarrassed in full view of the public.

So she waved her hand, motioned those people in black who came to see the dispute not to do it for the time being, and then sneered.

"Well, in that case, I'll help you. What do you want to know? Say it now!"

The little girl took a deep breath and said slowly, "just now you said that these evil gods invaded the earth on a large scale, and then the protoss turned the tide and saved everyone. Right? "

"Of course! Yes? Is there a problem? " The middle-aged woman sneered.

"Of course there are problems. First of all, the first..." The little girl has a solemn look on her face.

"The war was not far away from now, and science and technology have been very developed, but why hasn't any image of the war been handed down?"

This sentence was like a blow to the head, which directly solidified the pride on the middle-aged woman's face into a mask.

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