In fact, this question has existed for a long time, even dating back to the first time I saw that video.

At that time, feibai felt that the boy in the picture was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

But this feeling is so strong that it has become one of the important incentives for feibai to leave the fire phoenix and explore the secrets behind the video alone.

After seeing Xue an himself, feibai felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity and respect.

It was as if the other party was a teacher and an elder who had been separated for many years.

That's why he asked.

Xue an smiled, "are you familiar? That's right, because you were once the secret place of Kunlun brought out by me."

With these words, Xue an turned away, leaving feibai standing in place with a confused face.

what do you mean?

At the beginning, it was clearly his own way out of the Kunlun secret territory. How did he bring himself out when he came to this man's mouth?

And how did he know he was born in the secret territory of Kunlun?

Feibai feels that this matter seems to be getting more and more complicated.

"Brother, what are you thinking? Hurry up!" said Si Qingqing.

Feibai suddenly woke up, then shook his head, temporarily put these questions behind him, followed Xue an and Hu ye, and walked out of the prison area.

At this time, the second floor has become empty. When xue'an killed grace, he also caught all the guards on the second floor.

It's not that he is ruthless, but that these people deserve what they deserve.

As for those who are imprisoned, even those who are alive have collapsed. Except for breathing, they are no different from the dead.

The reason for this is that these guards imposed too many inhuman punishments on them, which eventually led to the disintegration of their gods and souls.

Therefore, Xue an simply liberated them.

Soon, they turned the corner and came to the platform at the entrance of the stairs.

Here, everything on the first floor has a panoramic view.

The deafening music still didn't stop, and the people on the dance floor were dancing nervously.

What happened on the second floor did not have any impact on the hall on the first floor.

Even because of the black snake's instructions before leaving, the stimulants in the air far exceeded the usual standard, so that the whole people on the first floor fell into hysterical madness.

In the face of this chaotic scene, fox night frowned slightly.

"Crazy, completely crazy. If it goes on like this, these people will be disabled if they don't die. What should Lao Xue do?"

In fact, with the strength of fox night, it is very easy to subdue these people present and forcibly wake them up.

But the drunken bar is vicious. The stimulants released are specially made.

If there is no corresponding antidote, forced awakening will only hurt the minds of these people.

It's easy for people with accomplishments to say that ordinary people may become fools directly.

Although it is estimated that it is not a good person to appear here, it is not a sin to death.

So fox night felt a little embarrassed.

In this regard, xue'an seems to have been prepared long ago. With a faint smile, he said, "what do you think is the best way to wake up a person who is crazy?"


"That is to give him a greater stimulus. After all... Fight poison with poison!"

God damn it!

Fox night just wanted to make complaints about it.

But just then, xue'an waved and a sword turned in the air like a spear.

Bang bang!

Those dazzling spotlights broke in response to the sound, along with the sound.

In an instant, the sound stopped and the light went out.

The audience fell into a moment of silence.

The people who were trapped in extreme excitement were all stunned and looked around at a loss. They didn't know what had happened.


He saw a light above the heads of the people, and then a glass coffin appeared in front of the people.

The coffin was reflected by the light, and a lifelike human specimen lay in it.

But it was this human specimen that made everyone feel infinite panic.

First of all, the skin and flesh in all parts of the body except the head disappeared, but the dense blood vessels and nerves were left intact.

This is like the perfect operation made by a master surgeon, which is amazing.

But the key is not this. The key is the face of this human specimen.

When the public saw it clearly, they couldn't help shouting.

"It's a purple scorpion!"

"God, the purple scorpion has been made into a specimen!"

"Who did this?"

Screams came one after another, and many people were frightened to wake up at that time.

There is no other reason.

It's true that the purple scorpion is so famous that both guards and guests in the hall on the first floor are in awe of it.

At the same time, people also know that the purple scorpion's favorite is to make human specimens and collect them.

This abnormal and cruel hobby makes many people shudder.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the purple scorpion, who likes to make human specimens alive, has become a specimen.

How can this not be frightening.

But this is just the beginning.

Another light came on, and then the body of the black snake whose head was cut off appeared in front of the people.

Although his body was separated, he floated in the air. His round head was grinning at the people, as if telling his reluctance before his death.

Now, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"What! Even Lord black snake is dead?"

"God, the drunken dance bar is going to change!"

In the cry, some timid people were not only drunk, but even quietly moved outside the door to try to escape from this land of right and wrong.

But their movements stopped when they saw the third light.

Because under the light, it was grace whose neck was twisted at a strange angle.

Three lights, three bodies!

And without exception, they are all giants of drunken bars.

Although grace lived in seclusion and many people had never seen her, many people recognized grace at the first time.

At the same time, I know that she is not only the backstage owner of the drunken bar, but also a member of the Carter Family.

Now, these people have only one idea in their hearts.

That's the sky falling!

Now the Carter family can't let go of the drunken bar.

Even the people present may be implicated.

When people were in panic, Xue an said faintly, "don't you go yet? Are you going to be buried with these three people?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the hall on the first floor was completely boiling., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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