When Xue an and his party came out of Lao Xie Hotel, they almost invariably turned their eyes to the direction of Hongyu villa.

Xue an was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "let's go and have a look at the Hongyu villa."

The fox nodded, and then the group disappeared into the boundless night.

As soon as they left, fat aunt and Lao Xie chased them out of the hotel.

"Mr. Xue, you've given too much... Where are the people?"

Lao Xie and his wife stood there blankly, holding a large pile of money in their hands.

Just now, the two of them were busy in the back kitchen and planned to add some dishes for Xue an and others.

But when I got to the front hall, I found that Xue an's table was empty and there was still a stack of banknotes on the table.

They rushed out immediately, but found that Xue an and his party had disappeared.

"Wife, do you think this young man in white is a little strange?" old Xie said.

"What's strange?"

"Although I don't know what's going on, and I'm sure we don't know others, why do I feel very familiar with him as soon as I see him?" Lao Xie wondered.

Fat aunt couldn't help nodding when she heard the speech. "Yes! I have to ask you if you don't say it. I also think Mr. Xue seems to stop talking when talking to us, and he knows us very well."

"But if you really know, how can you ask us if we have daughters? Anyone who knows us doesn't know that we don't have children at all?" old Xie said.

"Alas, it's no use thinking so much now. Go back first!"

Lao Xie and his wife turned back to the hotel.

At the moment, Xue an and his party have also come to Hongyu villa.

It is said to be Hongyu villa. In fact, both the pattern and architecture have not changed from the Honglian immortal sect established by Xue an.

It's just that the four ancient seal characters of Honglian Xianzong on the mountain gate have been changed into simplified Hongyu villa.

Xue an and his party did not approach, but stood in the void in the distance and watched.

Fox night said, "I went out from the Hongyu villa at the beginning. It can be said that there is almost no change except that there are many fewer people and your records."

Xue an looked at the Mountain Gate with deep eyes and nodded, "I see!"

"How? Do you want to go in and have a look?" asked fox night.

Although it is said that the mountain gate was guarded before, these people certainly can't defeat Xue an and his party.

"No, wait and see!" Xue an said faintly.

"Wait and see?" Fox night looked at the dark night sky.

What's there to wait for?

Is someone coming?

Just then, I saw several lights suddenly passing through the night sky and then falling in front of the mountain gate.

The leader is a woman.

After seeing her, fox night was slightly shocked and blurted out, "An Qing?"

"Are you waiting for an Qing?"

Xue an nodded, "although there is no me in this world, Yan'er also disappeared, but I still want to investigate from other aspects!"

"In what way?"

"For example, if you start from the blood level, can you find a flaw? After all, your memory retention proves that the behind the scenes means are not perfect, and as long as there are loopholes, you can find them." Xue an said coldly.

Hearing this, the fox looked suddenly at night, and then couldn't help patting his forehead, "Lao Xue, I have to admit that you are still powerful. Why didn't I think of this before?"

"That means you're stupid!" Xue an teased.

Fox night surprisingly didn't refute, just hehe smiled, and then said in a deep voice: "what should I do now? Do I just grab her?"

Xue an shook his head, "I said before, don't worry, and look first!"

At the same time, an Qing didn't rush in before and after she came to the Mountain Gate of Hongyu villa. Instead, she stood in place and seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Miss an, you are back!"

The guard in front of the door greeted attentively.

An Qing nodded.

"Did you get anything from going out for so long this time?"

An Qing smiled. "It's just going out for a routine patrol. What can I get?"

"Or someone like you has become the mainstay of existence in just a few years!"

The guard leader didn't care about the indifference in an Qing's words, and said politely.

An Qing didn't pay attention to his beard, but turned her head to the north and muttered to herself.

"Why don't you come?"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw several lights passing through the night sky again, and then fell in front of an Qing.

When he showed his figure, he was a team.

The leader is also a woman, and her momentum is quite extraordinary.

She was followed by several bodyguards.

The fox night hiding in the distance could not help but be surprised and said, "isn't this the eldest Miss Qin Yu of the Qin group?"

At the beginning, he was in the Honglian immortal sect, and fox night naturally knew the heroine.

Just how can an Qing in this timeline get together with her?

When fox night was wondering, he saw Qin Yu take a few steps forward and nod to an Qing.

"Miss Ann!"

"Well, did everyone bring it?"

"Well, they are the top experts collected by my grandfather over the years. They should be able to deal with the evil dragon!"

"Well, it's not too late. Tonight is the time of its lunar eclipse transformation. At this time, it will be very weak. It's a good time for us to start."

"OK, but it's agreed in advance that the Dragon liver and dragon blood must be given to me after it's done!"

"Don't worry, it's useless for me to ask for it. I'm only interested in its inner alchemy!"

They simply discussed a few words, then got up and flew to the northeast.

"Keep up!" Xue an said in a deep voice, and then followed up quietly.

Fox night, feibai and Si Qingqing followed.

Soon, they left the scope of Hongyu villa and entered a big mountain.

Fox night couldn't help flying forward and asked in a low voice, "why do I think it looks so familiar here?"

"Of course it looks familiar, because there is Qingmang mountain ahead!"

Hearing the three words of Qingmang mountain, and then contacting the evil dragon mentioned in the conversation between an Qing and Qin Yu, fox night suddenly understood and almost screamed.

"Little sand!"

Xue an nodded, "yes, they should come for Xiaosha!"

Fox night muttered to himself, "I should have thought of it. Since you didn't appear in this timeline, Xiaosha will not encounter those opportunities behind, so at the moment it is still the python dormant on the green awn!"

At the same time, an Qing and Qin Yu have entered Qingmang mountain.

But before they could fly far forward, a loud noise similar to the roar of an ox came, and then they and the bodyguards behind them fell from the air with a dull hum.

"Now we have officially entered its sphere of influence. Just that sound is its dragon roar. It can be seen that this guy has become a climate now!" An Qing said.

Qin Yu nodded, his face full of joy and excitement.

"In that case, let's hurry!"

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