Although I didn't believe it, considering the consistent style of the federal securities office, Si Qingqing finally remained silent.

Xue an just glanced at the high wall, then turned around and said.

"Let's go! Cheng Hao is right. At least in the eyes of many people, these homeless tramps can't compare with the dog in their backyard!"

They walked straight through a dilapidated street. What they saw along the way was hard to believe that it was the most prosperous Second District in the entrance of the federal securities office.

The strong men gathered in groups on both sides of the road are even more frightening.

Because these people are not only ordinary people, but also many fallen friars, and even reformed mechanical soldiers.

These people all narrowed their eyes and stared at Xue an's party, with evil in their eyes.

This chaotic scene made Si Qingqing's scalp numb.

She was sure that if it were not for the large number of people on her side and it was difficult to provoke at first sight, these covetous strong men would have rushed up long ago.

But just then, Xue an raised her eyebrows and looked up at these people.

All of a sudden, these powerful men, who were originally arrogant, changed their complexion as if they had seen snakes, scorpions and beasts. Even if they were birds and beasts, they scattered.

Xue an did not bother to pay attention to the group, but led them forward.

Fox night couldn't help it. He came up and asked, "Lao Xue, where are we going?"

"Find a person who can bring us in without knowing." Xue an said faintly.

Fox night was even more strange. "Haven't you just returned to earth? There are people you know here?"

"Yes, but that was before. Now he certainly doesn't remember me, but I believe that as long as he is here, there must be a way!"

"Who is so powerful?"

"It's not powerful, but some people are naturally suitable for crime, so the chaos here should be his favorite soil."

While talking, they came to the door of a bar.

It's a bar. In fact, it's just a little dilapidated building.

Many drunken drunkards gathered in front of the door, and the noise from inside could be heard from a distance.

Even the aborigines here dare not walk through here.

Because those who dare to gather here are all thugs among the thugs. If they are careless, they may lead to fatal disaster.

However, when Xue an and his party approached, these so-called thugs immediately dispersed like a tide.

Without him, Xue an's momentum is amazing.

Just like a sharp sword out of its sheath, it makes people dare not look directly at it.

Although these thugs are cruel, they are not fools.

Naturally, I know that there must be something wrong with such a strong person suddenly appearing here. I'd better not touch the mildew.

So when Xue an walked near the bar, there was no one in front of the door.

Xue an was too lazy to go into the smoky bar and look for someone. He waved at him.

The wall facing the street on the second floor turned into nothing, and then Xue an flashed into the suite inside.

There was a huge desk in the room, and a man sat behind it.

At the age of 40 or 50, he was a typical white man, dressed appropriately and looked like a gentleman.

At the moment, he is sitting behind his desk tasting cigars, and then the wall is gone. When he reacts, xue'an has appeared across the table.

This sudden series of changes made him stiff in his chair at that time.

"Who are you? What do you want? If you want money, you can say a few at will, as long as you don't kill me!"

This man knows the current affairs very well, and he doesn't even have any resistance. Even if there is a button at his hand, as long as he presses it, the whole room will turn into a battlefield of murder, and countless muzzle shots will be aimed at anyone except himself.

But he didn't do that, because as the king of sin, he had a very clear understanding.

This young man is by no means an ordinary person. All his means are like jokes in front of him.

If he dares to resist, he will let his bones disappear the next second.

I have to say that his cognition is very accurate. Xue an smiled faintly, then sat opposite him and tilted his legs on the table.

"I don't want money. I only want you to do one thing for me!"

"What's up?"

"It's very simple. I want to enter the Carter Family, but I don't want to disturb others, so I came to you!"

"It's impossible!" the man shook his head and refused.

"I'm just in charge of this neighborhood, and the Carter Family is a giant beast entrenched in the Parliament and the Presbyterian. Not to mention that I can't even get into this rich area, even if I go in, I can't get close to the Carter Family."

"Oh? Did you refuse so simply?" xue'an smiled.

But his smile made the man feel pressure, and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"I naturally know the difficulties you said, but I believe that as the king of sin, you should have a way!"

"After all... Not everyone can afford the title of bone picker Griffin!"

The man was thrilled when the name Griffin came out.

Because no one has mentioned the name for a long time.

He thought everyone who knew the name was dead, but he didn't expect the boy to know it so clearly.

"Who the hell are you?" Griffin murmured.

"A person you have known for a long time, but have forgotten!" Xue an said faintly.

This man is Griffin, the boneless thug whom Xue an met and subdued in the city of sin.

It was not long after Xue an's rebirth. At that time, Xue an traveled around the world with an Yan, and then came to the sin city in the desert of country M.

At that time, Griffin was known as one of the three giants of darkness and was extremely cruel.

However, xue'an soon taught him to be a man and finally subdued the beast.

Since then, Griffin was convinced of Xue an and worshipped her.

But I didn't expect that Griffin in this timeline still lives on crime.

However, due to the change of time line, the sin city has been eliminated by the federal government, so he came to this New York City and once again became the king of the underground.

Griffin took a deep look at Xue an and finally bowed his head helplessly.

"At this time tomorrow night, a charity dinner will be held in the rich area. At that time, you should be able to find a chance to get in!"

"Well, you made a very wise choice!" xue'an smiled and got up to go.

"Wait a minute!"

"Anything else?"

"I don't care what grudges you have with the Carter Family, but I still want to remind you that the foundation of this family is far from as simple as it seems."

"So if you want to move him, you'd better think about the consequences, especially in the top rich areas. At that time, the anger of the federal securities office will not be so easy to bear!"

Xue an just shrugged slightly.

"Don't worry, as long as I get the answer I want, all the questions will no longer be questions!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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