Faced with this sharp toothed little sand, Xue an was both laughing and crying. She couldn't help reaching out and pinching her nose.

"I didn't expect your little head melon seeds to work well. Yes, I called you out to let you kill, but not now!"

"When was that?"

"Tomorrow evening, you'll have your own business to do!"

The time of the day was fleeting until "Dear Miss Mandy, you are back!"

While talking, he winked at the people behind him, and the gate of the checkpoint had risen.

The motorcade stopped slowly, and then the window of the car in the middle came down, revealing a standard white face.

Nevertheless, it can still be seen that this is a beautiful woman with high appearance value.

Especially those eyes, green like two gemstones.

"Garcia, what were you talking about?"

Garcia trembled, but dared not hide it, so she had to tell the story about it.

After listening, the woman looked at Griffin not far away with a little curiosity.

"Are you Griffin?"

What a figure Griffin was. Naturally, he had guessed the identity of the woman at the moment, so he stepped forward and bent down to speak.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, beautiful miss Mandy."

Mandy smiled. "Do you know me?"

"Who doesn't know the great Leicester family!"

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