Someone recognized the man as the Minister of a powerful department in the federal securities office.

So speaking naturally is full of confidence.

But as soon as his question was said, his head disappeared.

you 're right.

In full view of the public, the man who had been in the top position for a long time and was full of noble breath fell down with his head blowing like the wind.

The blood sprayed on the face of a lady nearby. She wiped it with her hand. When she found that it was blood, she was stunned first, and then screamed hysterically.

"Ah ah ah!"


The scream stopped abruptly.

Then the precious woman's head drooped at a strange angle, because half of her neck had been cut off, and only half pulled her head.

Blood poured out wildly, but this time several people nearby didn't dare to move.

Obviously, I was stunned by this bloody and terrible scene.

Xue an said lightly, "I'm in a bad mood today, so I'd better not make a noise in my ear."

The whole audience was quiet.

Many people's faces became extremely dignified.

Because they didn't see how Xue Angang did it, they made them bow in the blink of an eye.

But the silence lasted only a few seconds, followed by a boiling noise.

"How dare you be so careless about human life! Kill him together!"

"What on earth did the boy come from?"

"Whatever his origin, kill him first!"

In the noisy noise, many people really moved and attacked Xue an.

But as soon as they took a step, they were shocked, and then their heads fell down.

"It's like a mother cutting wheat!" saw Zou Xu, who was so angry, couldn't help but make complaints about it.

However, it was this crisp scene that directly shocked everyone present.

Xue an's voice was also hoarse just now.

Mandy was pale, but her eyes were bright.

"Griffin, who the hell is this man?"

Of course she won't believe the nonsense of her second aunt at the moment. She asked in a deep voice.

Griffin shook his head. "To tell you the truth, I don't know who he is! He just entrusted me to bring him in. I don't know anything else."

Mandy moved her mouth to ask more questions, but finally closed her mouth.

Because she knew very well that this Griffin was not lying.

The reason is very simple. If he really has such a strong friend, why should he be trapped in the slum?

The question now is, what does the boy in white want to do?

It seems to be aware of Mandy's doubts. After easily killing these hands, xue'an turned and walked towards the stage.

Along the way, the rich fled one after another, and there was no arrogance on their face.

Soon, Xue an came to the stage.

The host looked at him with a flattering face and opened his mouth. He just wanted to say something. The next moment, his head burst, his brain mixed with blood splashed on the nearby Mr. fro.

Some even splashed into his mouth, but even so, Mr. fro still stood as loose. Even if the host's body fell at his feet, it didn't affect him. It fully showed that he didn't say more nonsense and ordered directly.

"Little sand! Catch her."


Xiaosha could not help it for a long time. Hearing the speech, he flew into the sky with an ejection.

The little fish in this chapter was shocked and turned to run away.

But how could she match Xiaosha's speed? Before she turned around, she was punched down by Xiaosha.

The crystal lamp broke. Zhang Xiaoyu waved her tentacles and tried to struggle, but the next moment she gave up.

Because the Dragon flash in Xiaosha's eyes showed a smell of python, which was a great pressure on Zhang Xiaoyu, who was also an aquarium monster.

"Spare your life, my Lord!" Zhang Xiaoyu gave up in a crisp surrender.

Xiao Sha sneered, "how dare you call yourself my mother? I tell you, my mother is the most powerful one. Call me the boss in the future!"

"Yes, boss!" Zhang Xiaoyu shouted directly without hesitation.

At the same time, the four tentacles also waved a flattering heart.

Seeing this scene, Xue an burst into laughter.

Sure enough.

No matter how the timeline changes, it should be funny. It will never change at all.

Xue an turned and glanced across the hall.

Everyone lowered their heads in surprise, dared not look directly into these eyes, and prayed silently in their hearts. The murderer who didn't know where to jump out quickly left.

Xue'an walked to the stage. When he passed Mr. fro, he was tense. He was afraid that the white murderer would suddenly take another shot.

Unexpectedly, Xue an passed by without even looking at him.

When shean passed, Mr. fro couldn't help breathing.

Fortunately, it seems that my life has been saved.

But as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt that the scene in front of him suddenly began to rotate and saw his upright body.


Why doesn't your body have a head?

The thought had just flashed, and then he fell into eternal darkness.

Xue an stepped down and walked to a corner, then smiled at Valentine sitting here.

"The Carter Family?"

Valentine trembled.

As early as the beginning, he noticed something wrong, so he hid quietly in the corner and didn't want to attract anyone's attention.

But I didn't expect this man to come to the door.

"Who the hell are you?" Valentine, who was the direct descendant of the Carter Family, soon recovered his consciousness and asked in a deep voice.

"My name is Xue an, and I'm also the man you've been looking for before!"

Valentine trembled all over and immediately thought of something. He said in a surprised voice, "drunken dance bar?"

"That's right! It's me!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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