Looking at the woman in front of him, who was radiant like a star, Du fan became more and more confused.

It was not until the black king coughed twice that he calmed down, and then he stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Miss Qin is really very polite. How can I let you say that you care?"

Qin Yu smiled and looked around. "Can we go in and talk?"

"Ah! Of course. It's my faux pas. Please come in!"

Du fan hurriedly led the way and the party entered the room.

Although the building looks dilapidated from the outside, it has a unique cave inside. The layout is not luxurious, but it is also quite decent.

At the moment, Du fan's messy men have long been abandoned.

The room was very quiet. After sitting down, Qin Yu waved his hand and refused the tea offered by Du fan, and then said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Du, we don't need to be polite. To be frank, you must be curious why I came to you!"

Du fan nodded, "there are some doubts."

"In fact, I came here for one thing!"

Dufan almost thought he had heard wrong and pointed to his nose, "please?"


"Don't be ridiculous, Miss Qin. You are the eldest lady of the Qin group. You are powerful and powerful, and I'm just an ordinary gangster. What can you ask me for?"

Qin Yu didn't directly answer Du fan's words, but looked at the side desk.

There is a stack of information on the table, which is the information collected by Du fan.

"Is Mr. Du also looking for the stone of time and space?"

Du fan smiled awkwardly, "who isn't looking for the stone of time and space now? I'm just taking part in the fun."

Qin Yu went straight to the table, picked up the stack of materials, looked at it briefly, and then nodded approvingly.

"Mr. Du is really a talent. These materials are very clear and clear. It is obvious that he has made great efforts."

Du fan didn't speak, because he knew that Qin Yu must have something else to say. She came here specially, obviously not to boast about herself.

Sure enough.

Qin Yu turned his head and looked at Du fan, "but does Mr. Du think he can find the stone of time and space by relying on these?"

Dufan was silent.

Qin Yu smiled. "I believe you also know that you want to find the stone of time and space with this thing, which is tantamount to a fool's dream! Because now not only you, but also the strong people of the whole earth have taken action."

"Under such fierce competition, even if it is really wired, do you think you can still get you?"

Dufan's face became more and more ugly.

This is indeed a problem that has been bothering him.

"I don't mean to hurt your confidence. After all, I offered a heavy reward this time, so I want to get the stone of time and space as soon as possible than anyone. But now the progress is not optimistic, so I made a decision."

"What decision?"

Qin Yu looked at Du fan and said slowly, "the earth is so big, and two space-time stones have been excavated. The probability of finding them again is very small, so I decided to explore in outer space."

Du fan was shocked, even if he lowered his head and said, "this idea is good, but since Miss Qin has this idea, why do you come to me?"

Qin Yu stared at Du fan with an unnatural look and smiled.

"It seems that Mr. Du still doesn't trust me. I've said so much. You must have guessed what you want to do!"

Du fan continued to shake his head. "I really don't know what you're talking about. If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

After that, Du fan got up and wanted to leave.

But at this time, Qin Yu said faintly: "I heard that a cousin of Mr. Du was wanted by the federal securities office and then disappeared. Is it true?"

Du fan's whole body was stiff, and then he said with a strong smile, "so what? Does it mean that my cousin has committed a crime and I, who is a cousin, have to pay for my life? Besides, now I don't know where he has gone. I guess he died a long time ago."

Qin Yu shook her head, "of course not. I just heard that your cousin is not dead, but has taken refuge in the largest Pirate Group in the galaxy, Santis."

As soon as the voice fell, Du fan looked back and stared at Qin Yu fiercely.

"What do you want?"

At that moment, the rogue brother who always wanted to climb up and wash away the black background finally showed his original ferocity.

But Qin Yu was not moved at all. He said faintly, "I want to cooperate with you!"

"Cooperation?" Du fan was stunned. He didn't seem to expect Qin Yu to say so.

"Yes, it's cooperation!"

Qin Yu stood up and said calmly, "because I have an accurate information about the stone of time and space in my hand."

Du fan was surprised and looked at Qin Yu in disbelief.

Qin Yu smiled, "you don't have to doubt the truth of what I said. Now I just ask you, do you have a cousin to take refuge in Saint TISS?"

Du fan weighed it again and again, finally nodded hard and said, "that's right!"

"Very good, you are very honest, and what cooperation needs most is honesty. I can tell you my intelligence now. There is a stone of time and space in Santis!"

Dufan opened his eyes wide.

"You must think you can't believe it, but I didn't lie to you, because it was my grandfather who told me this information!"

"Master Qin?" Du fan was surprised.

Qin Yu nodded, "that's right!"

Then, through her narration, Du fan understood what was going on.

Qin yuan was nearly killed by his nephew Qin Tian. Fortunately, Xue an saved him. After rest, he finally recovered his energy.

When he heard that Xue an was looking for the stone of time and space, the old man Qin suddenly thought of one thing.

When he was in charge of the Qin group, he had dealt with the pirate organization Santis.

Later, he overheard these pirates talking about a strange stone in their boss's hand.

At that time, Qin yuan didn't take this seriously. Later, Qin group decided not to expand its business, and its contact with Santis was interrupted.

But I didn't expect that the information I overheard today has played a great role.

But the problem is that Santis is the most mysterious and powerful pirate organization in the galaxy.

Among them, there are not only Earthlings, but also exiles of many races or sects.

These desperate people constitute the most ferocious fugitive organization in the galaxy.

No one knows their exact whereabouts.

Unless you have contact with the people inside.

After hearing Qin Yu's story, Du fan finally realized it and said in a astringent voice, "so you think of me?"

Qin Yu nodded, "yes, because your cousin took refuge in Santis, there must be a connection between you and him. Only through you can you find the whereabouts of this organization."

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