The ghoul's mouth has a sneering smile.

You want to use a pan against me?

This is a great insult to a soldier! I.

The idea behind it stops abruptly.

Because an Yan holds a pan in his hand, he first makes a duel to the ghoul flying in the air, and then just like playing baseball, when the ghoul rushes in front of him, he suddenly throws out a pot.

Bang! A dull sound.

The pan refined by Xue an is extremely hard, and an Yan's technique is skillful, which directly hits the ghoul's head.

The ghoul felt the darkness in front of him and fell to the ground with a splash.

However, his tactical accomplishment is really good, and he wants to fly and flee at the moment of landing.

But at this time, an Yan step forward, a foot on the ghoul's head, and to the pot head, Jiao drank: "don't move!"

The ghoul didn't dare to move. The whole body was frozen in place.

Shen Nan gaped at this scene.

She thought Xue an was good enough.

I didn't expect that her sister an was more vigorous and fierce.

It's this weapon that has some wonderful flowers.

At this time, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian also ran over.

"Villain, how dare you attack your mother and kill you!"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian held up a small powder fist, and they beat them down.

The ghoul didn't care about it. He thought it was just two little girls. What power can they have?

But I didn't expect that Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, who had been washed and practiced by pills, were very strong.

If you go on with this punch, you will also have the strength of dozens of Jin.

Soon, the ghoul was beaten to a full face.

Xue Nian, in particular, did not know where to find a mini version of the small pan, to the ghoul's head is a hit.

Be sure!

It's very rhythmic!

Shen Nan looked at the air conditioner.

The family It seems that they are very fierce!

When Xue an came back, he could not help crying and laughing.

An Yan is full of face complacent say: "husband, you see, we three fierce?"

Xue an nodded, "OK, but this man has run away now, don't you find it?"

"What?" An Yan is startled and quickly looks down.

Sure enough.

This Ghoul just used the secret of life preservation and escaped directly.

"Ah! I was so angry that I thought I caught a bad guy An Yan some depressed said.

Xue an a smile, "well, run on the run, a group of curfews, what a matter!"

Xue an comforted his wife with a wave.

A sword will break through the sky.


More than ten ghosts appeared in the street far away from home.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, still in fear.

He escaped quickly after feeling the breath of Xue an's return.

Otherwise, he thought he must die there!

Fortunately Finally, I ran out!

Ghouls are celebrating.

A blade of sword flies to it, passing directly over the ghoul's neck.

He blinked blankly, then his head rose to the sky and the corpse fell to the ground.

The scene of horror and blood, also let the street pedestrians scream.

When the ghoul's body is returned.

Griffin, dressed in a black suit, stood by the body and watched quietly.

The atmosphere in the room was oppressive.

It was a long time before Griffin said, "take his body to the basement!"

Hearing this order, many people turned pale, their eyes showed a look of great fear, but still bowed their heads and said, "yes!"

Griffin now lives in the house, located in the most marginal position of Hollywood, and is a single family villa, surrounded by towering trees, looks very gloomy.

The basement is specially reinforced, even if it is a missile, it is difficult to penetrate it for a time.

On the floor of the basement, a pattern similar to the six pointed star was drawn with a strange color.

The corpse of the ghoul is in the middle of the hexagram.

In addition, in several other corners of hexagram, there are also corpses or blood.

Griffin knelt down respectfully, muttering.

As he whispered, his face grew pale, and the basement grew colder.


After a violent wave, a black fog appeared above the six pointed star.

In the black fog appeared a tall and powerful three dogs.

One head lowered its head to eat the corpse of the ghoul, and the other said haughtily."You devil, what do you want me to do?"

Overjoyed, Griffin knelt on his knees and said with trembling, "my dear three headed dog! The demons welcome your arrival

The three dogs snorted coldly, "so little sacrifice will call me to the lower world? Not enough for my loss! If you can't give me a perfect explanation, I'll eat you now! "

Griffin quickly said: "Lord three dogs, this call you lower bound, it is a matter of necessity!"

With that, Griffin told the whole story.

In particular, this paper focuses on the female emperor of the night devil and Xue an.

After listening to Griffin's introduction, the barking of the three dogs reverberated in the basement.

"The night devil lady? Hehe, it may be the inheritance of the Oriental immortal, but if I can eat it, it will do me good. As for Xue an, he is just an ordinary Chinese cultivator, and I am not afraid of him! "

Griffin's face was full of excitement, "Lord three dogs, I hope you can subdue the night devil lady and leave your body to me."

"Ha ha, that's easy to say, but now I'm hungry and need a lot of blood to eat!" Said the three dogs.

"Don't be angry, my Lord. I'm ready for everything." Griffin's eyes twinkled with joy.

The ghoul is a demon with dark race blood, so after death, it can also be used as a sacrifice to summon the God of the demon world.

But they usually summon some ordinary demons.

Who could have expected that this time, the door god and the three headed dogs of hell were summoned!

This naturally overjoyed Griffin.

He is confident that as long as the three dogs are there, the night demon queen, including Xue an, and the two dark giants of sin city, will submit to their feet!

The next two days.

There are more and more bounty hunters trying to sneak on xue'an.

But Xue an is free.

Because an Yan found a more interesting thing than playing games.

It's a bounty hunter who comes out of nowhere with a pan.

Like now.

Xue an is sitting on the sofa in the backyard, yawning in boredom.

And an Yan is full of enthusiasm in the backyard lawn to beat hamsters.

To be sure, this hamster is a ninja killer from country R.

He is also at the top of the reward list for sin city.

But now, the killer is on the verge of collapse.

The backyard seemed to be his eternal nightmare. No matter how he escaped, he could not leave the yard.

He doesn't know, this is Xue an to block this space, all the escape skills here are invalid.

And every time the killer shows up from the ground, a frying pan will fly in precisely.

Finally, the killer came out of the soil and lay on the grass panting, "no No, kill if you want! I I can't move any more! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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