When the Dragon sang, all the mutants controlled by the chip were shocked, and then their mouths and noses bled and fell soft to the ground.

This dragon chant directly shattered the control chip in their brain, which can be described as extremely overbearing.

And it was the three princesses Ao Shu who made the noise.

She followed Jiutian Xuannv and Yangjian to Erlang temple on the Bank of Guanjiang river.

But before they could live safely for a few days, the whole world changed dramatically.

However, because the Erlang temple is located in a remote place, it was not greatly affected at the beginning.

Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv didn't take it seriously.

It was not until the people killed by the mutant were infected by the chip and became the puppet of the star ring that the situation took a sharp turn, and the land of abundance began to riot.

Seeing this, although Jiutian Xuannv and Yangjian have good strength, they are helpless.

Because these mutants are no different from ordinary people except for the control of the implanted chip.

This has caused great trouble to their hands, because if they do it rashly, it is likely to cause a large area of accidental injury.

Just when he was anxious, Ao Shu stepped forward and shocked the whole world with a dragon chant.

For a moment, all the people who were fighting with these mutants were stupid.

It's incredible that these mutants suddenly lie down.

At first, these people thought that these mutants were cheating, but after careful exploration, they found that these mutants were indeed dead, so they were relieved.

But the battle is far from over. Although the first batch of mutants are all dead, the people they killed are still frantically attacking everything in front of them without being affected by Longyin.

Not only that, all electronic devices have fallen into the control of the star ring.

This also poses a great threat to the whole world.

But anyway, after the people who were caught off guard slowed down, the situation on the earth finally stabilized slightly.

The two sides launched a fierce battle, but no one could do anything for a time.

After all, even if the strength of Jiutian Xuannv is higher, on the one hand, there is the suppression of the heavenly Tao, and on the other hand, the network and power of the whole earth have been controlled by the star ring. In this case, blindly brute force can't solve any problems at all.

The only thing she can do is to protect China from being affected.

And this is exactly the bounden duty of these Chinese gods.

For a time, countless Chinese people saw several huge gods rising from the Guanjiang River in Sichuan Province, standing upright in the world and blocking all evils from the outside world.

Such means also awakened some things engraved in the blood of the Chinese people.

"God, isn't this the nine heavenly Xuannv in Taoist legend!"

"Isn't the purpose of the three eyes just Erlang God King?"

"God bless China, these gods who are thought to have been lost in the dust of time have returned!"

Many people were full of tears and kowtowed to Jiutian Xuannv and Yangjian.

The long lost wish force was also integrated into the bodies of Jiutian Xuannv and Yangjian. Suddenly, the suppression of the way of heaven originally imprisoned in their cultivation was slightly loosened.

"After a long farewell, I have seen countless people and things, but I still feel comfortable doing my own job!" Yang Jian sighed.

Jiutian Xuannv said, "that's nature. After all... No matter how good it is outside, it's not home!"

They looked at each other and smiled. Then they stood tall again and protected the Chinese land behind them.

The situation on this side of the earth is stable, and at the same time, the fierce battle continues at the headquarters of Santis.


Accompanied by a crisp sound of gold and iron, a brilliant spark burst from the head of a mechanical soldier with a height of ten meters.

But just a moment later, the mechanical soldier punched out and smashed a figure out.

Yu Ming turned several somersaults in the air, and then he barely stood firm.

Look at the long sword in your hand. The original sharp blade has been broken into serrations.

Yu Ming didn't care about the pain, so he waved his sword and cut it again.

The sword stabbed the mechanical warrior's head again, and then stabbed into it along the wound caused by the previous sword.


With a crisp sound, the sword finally pierced its head and destroyed its command center.

At this point, the light in the eyes of the mechanical soldier was extinguished.

But this was not over. Yu Ming reached out and took out a small dark bottle from his arms, and threw it according to the body of the mechanical soldier.


The small bottle broke instantly after it hit the body of the mechanical soldier, and then the fire burst up and wrapped it in the raging flame.

The temperature of the flame was obviously very high, and the roasted body deformed rapidly. At the same time, there was a crackling sound inside.

But even so, Yu Ming's face is still very dignified.

Because the current situation is already dangerous to a certain extent, which can be seen from the recent battle.

At first, the attack power of these mechanical soldiers was very weak, and even a salvo of naval guns could solve them.

But soon people found that the strength of these mechanical soldiers would increase sharply with each death.

In just one day, the strength of these mechanical soldiers increased to an extremely terrible level.

Even Yu Ming couldn't kill it with one sword, but he had to attack it several times.

In this case, in order to prevent these mechanical soldiers from coming back to life again, Yu Ming and others had to carry the driven burning bottles with them. Each time they killed a mechanical soldier, they burned the body completely with the burning bottles.

Although this method worked, it greatly delayed everyone's speed of action.

So up to now, even if everyone tries to kill the enemy, these mechanical soldiers are killing more and more.

Even Yu Ming, whose sword heart is as iron, couldn't help feeling desperate after seeing this situation.

Just then, a fox tail suddenly appeared behind him and smashed a silent missile specially used for sneak attack.

Then fox night appeared beside him, "boy, what are you doing in such a place?"

Yu Ming was in a cold sweat and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm distracted!"

"Alas, I'm really tired from many high-intensity battles this day. Why don't you go down and have a rest and come back later!"

While talking, the nine fox tails of fox night shuttled back and forth in the surrounding void, and quickly killed several invisible mechanical soldiers.

Yu Ming took a respectful and envious look, then shook his head, "no, sir, I'm fine!"

Fox night didn't speak, just patted him on the shoulder, and then he was killed again.

Yu Ming took a deep breath, adjusted the heart of the sword, and then rushed into the battlefield.

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