"Do you mean to let me get rid of the hatred of extermination and become your subordinate at your disposal?"

The giant snake man nodded, "you can say so, but I can guarantee that you will never lose in this transaction, because my position is beyond your imagination..."

Before the giant snake man finished, Xue an shook his head, "stop, I can answer you now, that's impossible!"

"First of all, I Xue an step by step until now. There are countless deaths and injuries. The truth is right in front of me. How can I stop? Second..."

Xue an smiled coldly, "I'm a hard man. I don't like to be someone else's subordinate, and I don't want to listen to others."

The giant snake man obviously didn't expect Xue an to refuse himself. He was stunned and immediately smiled with Yin pity.

"Xue an, you have to think clearly. If you refuse me, the lives of your confidants will be lost."

"Oh? Are you threatening me?" Xue an looked down at his palm, as if his hand was more attractive than his words.

"Hum, what if I threaten you? As long as I have an idea, your confidants will die miserably in the gap of time, and they will disappear without leaving any trace!"


The image of the giant snake man was instantly broken, and then Xue an's figure appeared behind him.

Then xue'an hit the head of the giant snake with a blow.

Although the head of this giant snake is the size of a star, it still can't stop Xue an's fist.


After a loud noise, the giant snake was smashed to the ground, and then Xue an's fists burst out one after another.

Dong Dong!

Every loud noise was accompanied by the scream of the giant snake.

Gradually, the scream of the giant snake gradually disappeared.


Xue an stopped and looked at him again. His whole body was stained with snake blood.

But Xue an had no expression on his face. He pointed to a knife and inserted it into the giant snake's head.

A moment later, Xue an dug out a crystal stone from his brain.

This crystal stone is crystal clear and extremely beautiful.

But Xue an ignored these at all, but directly crushed them.


After a crisp sound, the fog surged up. Sure enough, a cage appeared in which fan Mengxue, Tang Xuaner and others were detained.

But before Xue an came forward to rescue the people, the scene in front of him changed rapidly.

When he opened his eyes again, Xue an stood in the first position, and opposite was the angry giant snake.

It was beaten black and blue by Xue an just now, but now it is intact.

And everything around is restored to its original appearance.

Then the cloud surged over the head of the giant snake, and then the figure of the man appeared again.

He roared angrily, "Xue an, you don't talk about martial virtue. Why did you attack me before you said it?"

Xue an understood at this time and smiled coldly, "it's a life and death situation. What about sneak attack?"

"Hum, fortunately, I am the real God of time and the manipulator of cause and effect of all things. What if you kill me? A simple backtracking will return to the original starting point."

Speaking of this, the giant snake man's face showed satisfaction again.

But the next second, his head was smashed again, and this time Xue an didn't bombard the body of the giant snake, but directly poked his palm into his mind, took out the crystal, crushed it and tried to save fan Mengxue and others.

But this time he just touched the body of the cage.

The next moment, everything will return to the starting point again.

The giant snake screamed angrily, "Xue an, you despicable man, I haven't said to start. Why did you start bullying me without your reaction? Believe it or not, all your people will die without a place to bury when I start thinking!"

"Don't believe it!"

Xue an simply said these two words, and then rushed out again.

Dong Dong!

"Ah, Xue an, you..."

If so, three.

Looking back at the starting point, the giant snake man suddenly calmed down, "Xue an, you are really powerful, much more powerful than I thought. But can you stop fucking hitting your face all the time?"


It was another step-by-step impact, and then everything returned to the starting point again.

This time, the giant snake man was surprisingly silent, "why do you know my defects and shortcomings?"

"Very simply, your huge body is doomed. Speed will be your fatal defect. Otherwise, why do you curl up here waiting for me? Wouldn't it be better to go to the heavens to find me and destroy me?"

After hearing Xue an's words, the giant snake man took a deep breath.

"You're smart, but you seem to have missed a bit!"


"You're not the only one who steals!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless figures of giant snake men appeared in all directions of Xue an, and these figures were all real. They launched an attack on Xue an.

Under the joint strangulation, even space seems to be broken.

The giant snake man standing in the distance showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"In your Chinese words, it's called heaven. If you don't go, hell has no way to vote. I asked you to cooperate with me, but you won't, then go to hell!"

Speaking of this, he seemed sure that Xue an would die.

After all, this blow is the final result of a collection of countless timelines, and its power can be called a kill.

But just when he was satisfied, the time wilderness rumbled and shook, and then Xue an, surrounded by countless time line giant snake men, blew up an incomparably bright brilliance in his hands.

The glory passes by, and the soldiers are as powerful as dragons. They easily crush these virtual images.

Then he saw that Xue an's body was as fast as lightning and rushed out of the boundless glory to the giant snake man.

At this time, the giant snake man was stunned by the scene in front of him, so he didn't react at all and easily fell into Xue an's hands.

This time, Xue an held the red sword in his hand and touched his throat. He said faintly, "I lost a strategist jade decision, but everything is worth it. After all, you will have no chance to manipulate the timeline this time!"

The giant snake man felt the chill of the sword and swallowed his saliva.

"This... This..."

Xue an's sword moved forward a little, "and if I guessed correctly, your position among evil things should not be high, right? Say, don't say kill you!"

The face of the giant snake man immediately showed a strong flattering color, "yes!"

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