A moment later, Xue an slowly breathed out.

"Since you reminded me, do you have any way to get out of here?"

The giant snake man shook his head, "no!"

Xue an raised her eyebrows, "huh?"

The giant snake man was so frightened that he quickly said, "although there is no way for the time being, I am at least a projection of the snake of time and space. It's better to have me than to explore alone!"

Xue an took a deep look at it, and suddenly stretched out a finger on the center of its eyebrows.

The giant snake man was shocked and screamed hysterically, "what are you doing? Spare your life!"

"Stop yelling. I just left a flame seed in your body. In this way, if you have any abnormal behavior, the flame seed will burn you immediately!"

The giant snake man turned pale. Even if Xue Ansong left it, it still didn't slow down.

And Xue an is quite agitated and turns around the wilderness of time and space.

It was the first time that he had suffered such a great setback, and he was even beaten.

Now think about it, everything is going too smoothly, especially the stone of time and space, which is like a fishing bait.

But soon Xue an gradually calmed down, and then broke down what happened during this period one by one from the perspective of an outsider.

He found that the real reason why he suffered such a big loss was that he was too impatient.

This impatience is reflected in all aspects, such as trying to repair the timeline once and for all and rescuing the disappeared fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner.

The snake of time and space hidden behind the scenes obviously guessed this, so it set this trap step by step and let itself jump in.

Thinking of this, Xue an looked back at the giant snake man shivering in the corner, and suddenly raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, there is no harvest at all. At least the projection of the space-time snake reveals a lot of important information.

For example, it turns out that these higher evil gods come from the high-dimensional world, so their incredible abilities can be explained.

But if so, a new problem arises.

Since these evil gods come from the high-dimensional world, why are they so interested in the lower dimensional heavens?

And where is the high dimension?

Counting the evil gods encountered from the beginning to the present, Xue an found that in addition to their strange abilities, they are no different from sentient beings in the heavens. They also have desires, even more despicable and intense.

Xue an slowly vomited a foul breath. He didn't ask this guy.

Because he knew that the projection could not know these core secrets.

But the information he revealed was precious. At least Xue an knew where the enemy came from.

However, Xue an also knows that since the snake of time and space dares to put such important information here, he is not afraid to know.

That means it seems to be a dead man after entering here.

And it's no use for the dead to know more secrets.

This practice is full of condescending arrogance and contempt.

Thinking of this, Xue an couldn't help laughing, and then looked up at the world.

No one has ever dared to despise himself so much.

But Xue an didn't have any anger at the moment, only infinite peace.

The best way to change contempt is to prove yourself with strength, not incompetence and rage here.

After more than 3000 years of cultivation, Xue an has met countless people who are cynical and jealous of himself, but now these people are all cold.

This behind the scenes, the so-called space-time snake, is no exception.

Thinking of this, Xue an said faintly, "come here!"

The giant snake man was shocked, "you... Are you calling me?"

"Is there anyone else here besides you?"

The giant snake man came over frightened, "you... What can I do for you?"

"Since all this is set by the snake of time and space, what's the matter with the defection of the star ring?"

"I know that!" the giant snake man saw the situation and was eager to prove his value.

"At that time, the snake of time and space... Ah, no, it was the snake of time and space. That guy found this star ring when changing the timeline. He felt that it had great potential, so he transformed it and helped it clear some corner information that he couldn't take care of."

So far, all the logical reasoning has been clear.

When Xue an dealt with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in Tianwaitian, the so-called space-time snake from the high-dimensional world entered the heavens, and then changed the timeline with its own ability.

In this process, fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner were forcibly abducted by the snake of time and space because their memories could not be eliminated.

The defection of the star ring is also from its hands, helping it eliminate all kinds of information and supervise the heavens.

Thinking of this, Xue an said in a deep voice.

"Now you tell me all the things you know. Remember, it's all, even if it's a completely insignificant matter. Understand?"

"Ming... Understand!"

When xue'an was trapped in the wilderness, the atmosphere in the headquarters of Santis was extremely depressed.

The screen glittered with white light, shining on every dignified face.

And every tiny flicker will cause many people's color change.

Because they know that under this seemingly calm surface, it is a dangerous life and death struggle.

Zhang Tianyou was lying in a wheelchair like a corpse, and several of Lu You's men were staring at him.

The situation on the battlefield has now entered a stalemate.

Especially when the star ring was dragged by Zhang Tianyou with his own consciousness, the mechanical soldiers on the battlefield also slowed down the attack.

While everyone was waiting for the result of the war, people didn't notice that a desk lamp suddenly flickered in a strange law in a corner of the command room.

Because the flickering light is very subtle, it has not attracted people's attention.

But when the lamp flickered for the second time, a man standing behind Lu you seemed to notice it and couldn't help looking back.

"What's the matter?" the man beside him asked.

The man shook his head. "Nothing. Maybe I'm dazzled!"

The questioner did not doubt that he was there. He turned his head and continued to focus on Zhang Tianyou.

But just then, the desk lamp flickered again.

This time, the man really saw it, but he didn't say it, because he thought the lamp should be because of the unstable voltage.

So he came up quietly and tried to unplug the lamp.

But just as he bent down to explore the power supply, the lamp suddenly emitted a slight current and pierced into his eyebrows.

The man was shocked, and then his eyes quickly became strange.

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