On the earth at the moment.

Cheng Hao led a group of Fire Phoenix's men in an extremely difficult battle.

Although it is said that today's China is guarded by two gods, Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv, Ao Shu also suppresses all kinds of evil deeds in the form of all divine dragons.

But this mechanical frenzy is different from the past. Not only those controlled by chips are making trouble, but also all electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers and so on that can be seen everywhere are turning into terrorist killers at this moment.

Because the scope is too wide and the impact is too huge, some people call this mechanical frenzy... Mechanical natural disaster.

In this case, the whole earth is shrouded in a terrible haze.

In contrast, the situation in China is still the best among many countries on earth.

At least because of the guarding of the two gods and the vigorous resistance of countless strong men led by the fire phoenix, the morale of the Chinese people has not dissipated and can still fight back.

Places such as neon island countries are now completely flat.

Even the Second District, which has always regarded itself highly, is on the verge of semi collapse.


After a loud noise, a mechanical soldier was forcibly knocked to the ground by Zhou Daniu. Then he took a step forward, stepped on the mechanical soldier's body with one foot, grabbed its head with both hands and made a sudden force.


Accompanied by a toothy metal distortion and cracking sound, Zhou Daniu forcibly pulled out the head of the mechanical soldier with strange force.

The broken cable broke out a bright spark, and then the eyes of the mechanical soldier gradually dimmed and went out.

After cleaning up the mechanical soldier, Zhou Daniu threw away his head. Regardless of the splashed oil on his body, he strode forward and walked towards the mechanical soldier opposite.

Within the scope of momentum, these mechanical soldiers stepped back several steps, as if they were frightened.

Daniel Zhou grinned, "a pile of scrap metal, dare to come to China to show off. Today I'll let you know how powerful it is!"

With that, Zhou Daniu's body flashed a dazzling golden light, and then stamped his foot, and the whole man shot at these mechanical soldiers like a golden arrow.

Bang bang!

With the sound of explosion, the mechanical soldiers along the way were blasted by Zhou Daniu.

"Daniel, leave me two!" Zou Sui showed up and shouted.

But the rise of Zhou Daniu's killing, where can we take care of these.

In a moment, the mechanical team was annihilated by Zhou Daniu alone.

But there was no lightness on their faces.

Because if the war had been so simple, they wouldn't have fought so hard.

Sure enough.

As soon as these mechanical soldiers were annihilated, the broken debris gathered together and reconstituted into the form of mechanical soldiers in a very short time.

"Shit, what did these guys grow up eating? It's so difficult to kill them once!" Zou make complaints about it, and then join the battle field.

Fire phoenix people have long been used to this.

Because these mechanical warriors seem to have immortal bodies. Even if they are destroyed, they will be resurrected in a moment.

Only after killing them a certain number of times and exhausting their energy can they be completely eliminated.

Just as everyone was ready to fight again, suddenly, these mechanical soldiers stopped their actions together.

This sudden move stunned the fire phoenix people.

"Step back and take precautions!" Cheng Hao ordered in a deep voice.

No one knows what these guys are up to, so it's better to be careful.

But as soon as his voice fell, he saw these machines tremble together, and then they disintegrated.

Everyone of the fire phoenix opened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them.

"What the fuck is going on? Did these guys come up with something new?" Zou then frowned.

"Look!" Si Qingqing suddenly shouted excitedly.

The crowd looked in the direction she pointed out, and saw that the battlefield in the distance had stopped fighting.

Not only that, the cluster of drones that had been flying all over the sky also seemed to lose power at the same time and fell down one after another.

These drones across the sky, leaving a brilliant tail flame, just like a meteor in the daytime.

"This... What's going on?" Someone said in a trembling voice.

Captain Cheng Hao first reacted, and then flew up to the sky.

At the foot of the earth, which was filled with war, is now very quiet.

The mechanical soldiers who had madly attacked retreated and broke like a tide.

Not only that, Cheng Hao was surprised to find that the radio communication that had been interrupted for many days also returned to normal.

The originally cold channel suddenly became lively.

"Lying trough, what's going on? Why did the mechanical disaster suddenly retreat?"

"Is the war over?"

"I don't know if this is a trick of the mechanical corps?"

"I don't think so. I've seen these mechanical soldiers turn to dust with my own eyes!"

There was a lot of discussion in the channel, and everyone's words were full of excitement and surprise.

After all, when the mechanical disaster came, many people felt desperate and thought that the earth was hopeless.

This is why many countries lie flat completely.

But I didn't expect that the raging mechanical disaster suddenly subsided. How can we not be ecstatic.

At this time, a ball of light suddenly appeared out of thin air over the earth.

Before everyone could react, the light ball exploded.

For a moment, the dazzling white light shone on the whole world.

Many people's hearts tighten in an instant.

Cheng Hao, who was nearest, was even more shocked.

What's going on?

Are those mechanical monsters making a comeback?

But when the white light faded away, the figure in it made his hanging heart fall instantly.

Because what appeared in front of him was a young man in white rather than snow.

Who can it be if it's not Xue an!

When he saw him, Cheng Haoxin read the telegram and then respectfully came forward to salute, "Mr. Xue!"

Xue'an nodded. Before he spoke, several Guanghua rushed in front of him. It was Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv.

"How's it going?" When he saw xue'an, Yang Jian asked.

Xue an shook his head.

Yang Jian's face suddenly showed a deep color of disappointment.

"Is there no way to change?"

"No, it's just that there are many things to consider in the long run!"

A moment later, in the Erlang temple at the guanjiangkou, Yang Jian and Jiutian Xuannv and others looked at the giant snake man facing Xiaosha in the distance, and all fell into silence.

"In other words, this guy will be the key to the whole thing?" Yang asked.

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