The carriage was about to leave. The general snorted coldly, "my childe hasn't invited anyone yet. Miss Yun has offended!"

As soon as he waved, his knights immediately mounted and wanted to surround the carriage.

Just then, I heard the cry of a male duck in the distance.

"Don't do it! Don't do it!"

Then he saw a team of people rushing forward quickly. On the chariot sat a fat man with a white face. He was actually a eunuch.

When he got close, the eunuch almost rolled off the chariot and panted.

"The general has an order. Miss Yun has traveled thousands of miles. She is a most distinguished guest. Therefore, she has sent an old slave to meet her. You still don't step down!"

After seeing him, the general who was just arrogant could not help hesitating.

The eunuch stared, took out a token in his hand and screamed.

"Zhai Hongbao, how dare you not obey the general's order?"

Seeing this token, Zhai Hongbao was slightly shocked, immediately stepped back and dared not stop again.

Then the fat eunuch just moved his feet and came to the carriage.

"Miss Yun, don't mind. These army men are rude and don't understand etiquette. Their words collided with the girl. I'll compensate you here!"

Then the old eunuch bowed to the ground and kept this position.

After a moment of silence, Yun lingxuan in the carriage said slowly: "you're welcome, since general Ling'an has sent someone, I'll go!"

The fat eunuch straightened up and said with a smile: "Miss Yun is worthy of being the world-famous female Wenkui. She is really broad-minded. Please follow me!"

With that, he sat on the chariot again, and then led the carriage to the Lingan city.

When they left, the black wolf army standing in place was silent for a moment.

"Go and tell the childe about it!"

In the carriage, tuan'er asked carefully.

"Miss, look at this. The father and son of the Ling'an general are at odds!"

Yun lingxuan said faintly, "what does the discord between their father and son have to do with us? We're just here to attend the cultural conference, and everything else has nothing to do with us!"

"Uh huh! I think so too. To tell you the truth, it depends on the appearance of Ling'an domain along the way. I don't have any hope for this meeting. I guess I'm just taking the opportunity to fish for fame!" Tuan'er muttered.

At the same time, they had passed through the gate of Ling'an city.

With the fat eunuch leading the way, naturally no one dared to stop them. They walked unimpeded through the central street and finally came to the residence in the center of the city.

This is a homestead stretching for several kilometers. When the carriage arrived in front of the door, someone had been waiting here for a long time.

"Miss Yun, my general has been waiting inside for a long time. Please get off and come in with me!"

The speaker is a woman who behaves decently.

A moment later, the curtain of the car opened, and then Yun lingxuan, dressed in white, stepped out of the car.

When she saw her face, even the woman and the fat eunuch couldn't help looking amazing.

But the woman reacted very quickly and changed into a smiling face.

"I've heard that Miss Yun in the building outside the building is the most beautiful girl in the world. Today, she deserves her reputation! This face and figure are really enviable!"

Yun lingxuan didn't have any expression. "Is the general inside?"

"Oh, yes, come on in. Look at my memory!"

The woman led Yun lingxuan into the mansion with a smile.

The fat eunuch looked at their backs happily until they were gone, and then whispered, "let's go!"

"Old ancestor, will you go back like this?" Asked a little eunuch nearby.

"What are you waiting for if you don't go back? Do you still want to get involved in the affairs between the great general and his son?" The old eunuch said faintly.

The little eunuch shrunk his neck and dared not say a word.

"Anyway, the general's order to me is to take Miss Yun to the city. As for where Sanniang's wave hoof will lead Miss Yun, it doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I've finished what I should do!"

With that, the fat eunuch stretched his waist.

"It's good to make more mistakes and less mistakes these days, so it's better to go back to sleep!"

The fat eunuch and his party entered the house through another door and disappeared.

At the same time, the third mother was very enthusiastic about the scenery she saw along the way and asked Yun lingxuan what she had seen and heard when she came.

But Yun lingxuan's words were cold and didn't respond much.

Seeing this, the three niangs could not help but flash a look of anger in the depths of their eyes, but even if they disappeared, they smiled and said.

"Miss Yun, the Academy of the great general is ahead. He is waiting for you inside, so I won't go in!"

With that, the third mother opened the door of a small courtyard and raised her hand to let her in.

Yun lingxuan frowned slightly.

She always felt something wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. She couldn't help but gently pinch the round mirror in her sleeve, and then walked up the steps.

"Thank you!"

"Miss Yun, it's very polite. I should do all this!" Sanniang said with a smile.

But when Yun lingxuan and tuan'er walked into the courtyard together, the gate behind them slammed shut.

The sudden noise startled the regiment.


Yun lingxuan raised her eyebrows slightly, "don't be afraid, I'm here!"

With that, she walked into the hospital.

This small courtyard is richly decorated. Even the flowers and plants planted are rare exotic spiritual roots.

But when Yun lingxuan stood in the yard, the flowers suddenly burst into applause, and then came a lazy male voice.

"It's really a rare beauty, worthy of the name of the leader in poetry!"

"Who?" Yun lingxuan lifted her eyes when she heard the speech.

A man flashed behind the flowers.

He was tall, well-dressed and handsome, but when he appeared in front of him, tuan'er couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Because the cold smell on his body is really too strong, especially the other slender eyes, like the blade of a poisonous snake, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

"Hello, Miss Yun, I'm Xu Gaotian, the son of a great general!" The man smiled.

The smile is evil and cold, like a devil who eats people.

Yun lingxuan didn't even hesitate. She turned and left.

But when she turned around, she found that the road when she came had disappeared and was replaced by the dense fog.

"Miss Yun, why do you have to leave when you meet? Is there a place where Xu doesn't entertain well?" Xu Gao said with a smile.

Yun lingxuan turned slowly and said with frost on her face, "this is the way of hospitality in general Ling'an's house?"

Xu Gaotian laughed, "of course not, but when facing a beautiful woman like Miss Yun, it's again!"

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