Xu Gao Tianleng said with a smile, "the anger provoked by that woman naturally needs to be solved by you!"

A moment later.

Sanniang sat ruddy on Xu Gaotian's leg, her fingers sliding gently on his chest.

Xu Gaotian's face was still gloomy.

"What? Are you still angry?"

"Hum, what shit is going on outside the building? I don't care if the old man is afraid of her. After all, I'm the only one in this Lingan area!"

At this time, Xu Gaotian's face showed a ferocious color.

Three niangs secretly rejoiced in her heart.

She said that just now on purpose, because she knew that with the temper of this dandy, she could never stand such stimulation.

Sure enough!

Everything is developing as she expected.

What is lacking now is only a fuse, and the third mother believes that this fuse will appear soon.

At that time, everything will be trampled like mud.

As for why she did it.

Jealousy among women cannot be measured by common sense.

Maybe it was Yun lingxuan's indifference on the road or her casual look, which made the three niangs hate.

Just when she was secretly happy, Xu Gaotian got up and was caught off guard. She almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, Xu Gao said coldly, "it's boring to stay here. Let's go and go to the Wanhua building!"

Then he went downstairs.

Sanniang tidied up her clothes, let the blush on her face fade as soon as possible, then changed into a smile, and swayed downstairs.

At this moment, at the gate of Ling'an City, four scholars stood and looked at the busy street and sighed one after another.

"I don't know. I was shocked at the sight. I thought ren'an city was big enough. Now it looks like a frog at the bottom of a well." Han Bochao, a black faced scholar, couldn't help sighing.

"I've been to Ling'an city once before, but there were not so many people on the streets of Ling'an city at that time!" Wu Zizhang said while shaking the folding fan in his hand.

"The cultural meeting is coming. The heroes of all cities in Lingan area gather together. With those busy helpers, it's not surprising that there are many people!" Yao Yachao, a scholar in green shirt, said slowly.

"Well, let's talk less. Brother Zhuo has been silent since he entered the city. I think he must be thinking about something earth shaking. Let's listen to his advice!" Han Bochao said.

Everyone turned their attention to Zhuo Benzheng in moon white.

"Yes, brother Zhuo, you are silent, but you are thinking about this cultural meeting?" Wu Zizhang asked.

Yao Yachao gave a thumbs up. "It has to be brother Zhuo. We don't forget our responsibilities all the time. I'm ashamed!"

"Uh..." Zhuo Ben was recovering, and then said awkwardly, "I was just thinking about where we live later!"

People: "..."

"I remember when I came here, brother Wu's family gave him an address and said that it was OK to go to Lingan city after arriving there?" Han Bochao asked.

Wu Zizhang looked embarrassed. "It's true, but after leaving ren'an City:“( ŎдŎ;)。”

"OK, if you can't find it, you can't find it. With the talent of you and me, are you worried that you can't find a place to sleep? Let's go and have a look at the scenery of Lingan city first!"

Zhuo Benzheng took the lead in breaking the embarrassing silence and walked to the street.

Everyone nodded.

"Sure enough, it must be brother Zhuo! It's worth admiring that he has experienced great events without changing his face!"

"Yes, it's beautiful to watch the scenery here first and then find a place to stay?"

The four scholars joined the crowd and were happy to comment on all kinds of novel stories on the street from time to time.

But soon, when the lights were on, they were tired.

"Cough, brother Zhuo, I think we should find a place to rest first, and then eat something to cushion our stomach!" Han Bochao said.

Yao Yachao nodded weakly. "Brother Han's words are just what I want. To be honest, I'm hungry now!"

Wu Zizhang looked at Zhuo Ben, and Zhuo Ben's face was solemn.

"What you two said is very true, but now there is a problem!"

"What's the problem?"

"We seem to be lost. At least we've been around this street three times!"

The expressions of the four people became very strange.

It was not until a long time later that Wu Zizhang made a ha ha.

"It doesn't matter if you get lost. In such a big Lingan City, just ask someone and go out. Look at me!"

With that, he walked to a coquettish girl on the street and bowed his hand.

"Girl, do you have a place to eat and stay nearby?"

The girl glanced back at Wu Zizhang, and then casually lifted the green yarn falling on her shoulder.

Just this move made Wu Zizhang's heart beat faster for half a beat, and he couldn't help sighing secretly.

It has to be such a big place as Ling'an city!

Even these girls in the street are so bold and unrestrained. Their shoulders are half exposed and their faces are as normal. They are powerful!

At the same time, the girl vomited a mouthful of smoke.

"Are you looking for a place to eat?"

"Yes, the four of us are scholars who came all the way to attend the cultural conference. They are unfamiliar with the road and have lost their way. Dare you ask the girl..."

"All right, all right, I don't have time to listen to your sour words! Come with me!"

With that, the girl walked across the street.

The remaining three people looked at each other, and immediately their faces all showed a look of admiration.

"In terms of talent, of course, brother Zhuo is respected among you and me, but in terms of getting along with others, it must be brother Wu!" Yao Yachao sighed.

Wu Zizhang smiled and hurried up.

Soon, the four of them followed the girl across the long street, turned an alley, and then came to a more prosperous street.

Then the girl stood in front of one of the buildings and said faintly, "here you are! Please come in!"

When they looked up together, they saw a plaque hanging on the building with three big characters of Wanhua building.

In addition, women were standing at the entrance of the building and the railing on the second floor.

These women dress up like the girl who leads the way, so... Uninhibited.

When they saw the four of them stop, they immediately threw their eyes here.

"Sir, come in and play!"

"Young master, I have learned a Xiao Song recently. How about playing a song for you?"

Under the noise of yingyingyan, the four fell into Petrification.

"Wu... Brother Wu, something seems wrong!" Han Bo, who has always been brave, said in a trembling voice.

Zhuo Ben regular, who has studied hard since childhood and has little contact with women, is red in the face, "this... This is a brothel!"

Yao Yachao was even more indignant. "You and I are saints and disciples. After reading poetry and books, how can we enter such pickled places?"

While the four of them were whispering, the girl who led the way stared.

"Hey, can you four get in? Don't stop at the door if you don't!"

A moment later, the four of them sat on the soft stool. There were different delicacies on the table in front of them, and the girl beside them smiled like a flower.

This is really a... Good place!

The idea rose in the hearts of the four at the same time.

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