The sword light came very fast, and almost instantly split in front of Xu Gaotian.

Xu Gaotian was not in any panic, as if he had expected this sword long ago, and sneered.

"Can't help it at last?"

He raised his hand and flicked it.


With a sound of gold and iron, the sword light was flicked by Xu gaotianqu's fingers and nailed to the corridor column. Its tail trembled and was impressively a dagger.

Xu Gaotian gave a slight sigh. He thought that the attackers should be those who killed the young old three and the white old seven and designed to ambush a whole black team.

But now it seems that the situation is somewhat different.

At least the man who did it was far less powerful than he thought.

At this time, dozens of sword lights attacked Xu Gaotian from all directions.

Xu Gao snorted coldly and stamped his feet.


Smoke and dust rose everywhere, forming a dust curtain to block the incoming sword light.

But just then, a dark sword light suddenly penetrated the thick dust curtain and stabbed Xu Gaotian's eyebrows with a lightning speed.

It was a sure shot.

All previous attacks were paving the way for this sword.

But just when the tip of the sword had touched the hair in the center of Xu Gaotian's eyebrows and pushed forward a little more, it could break the bone into the brain.

Two fingers suddenly and steadily clamped the sword tip.


The strong wind brought by the sword moved Xu Gaotian's hair, but he didn't even blink his eyes, but grinned strangely.

"Dare you come out and make a fool of yourself with this skill?"

As he said this, his fingers jerked.

With a bang, the long sword broke in the middle.

After the dust curtain came an uncontrollable dull hum, and Xu Gaotian's eyes lit up for a moment.

"Interesting! It's interesting. It's still a woman."

As he spoke, the dust curtain in front of him dissipated.

It is faintly visible that a figure is escaping.

But how could Xu Gaotian let her go.

He sneered, "do you still want to go?"

Between words, the surrounding space was instantly solidified, and even the dust that had not fallen stagnated in the air.

Naturally, the figure was not spared. It was like being pressed the pause key. It stood still and couldn't move.

Xu Gaotian walked slowly through the dust and fog and came to the figure.

After seeing her face covered by black gauze and her exquisite figure, Xu Gaotian's eyes burst out a very hot brilliance, and then Jie laughed strangely.

"Who should I be? It turned out to be Miss Ying from Wanhua building! Why? I'm not convinced of things during the day, so come and settle accounts with me?"

With that, Xu Gaotian pulled off her scarf. It was Ying Weilan.

Looking at this beautiful and slightly heroic face, Xu Gaotian smiled wildly, and then stretched out his hand to gently touch her cheek.

"Tut Tut, such a tender little face, it's a pity if you hang color and see blood later!"

Xiao Lan's eyes showed a strong color of despair.

She was not afraid of death, but of falling into the hands of the devil.

But at the moment, let alone commit suicide, even moving her fingers is extravagant hope.

Xu Gaotian was so excited that he even breathed heavily. "Yes, yes, that's the look in his eyes. There is endless reluctance in despair. It's almost uncontrollable excitement at a glance."

With that, Xu Gaotian came close to Ying Weilan's face, suddenly smiled, and then stretched out his tongue to lick her left face.

The feeling of greasy and disgusting made Ying Weilan almost nausea, but now she can only stand there and suffer.

Xu Gaotian was getting more and more excited. He came to Ying Weilan's ear and said in a perverse and excited tone.

"Tell me, who is behind you? Don't tell me no, because outsiders don't know this place at all."

With Xu Gaotian's question, Ying Weilan felt his throat loose and regained his right to speak.

But she did not speak, but chose to remain silent.

"Cluck, cluck!" Xu Gaotian suddenly laughed nervously until he was out of breath. He suddenly pulled his hair.

Although he felt pain, he let out a scream, but Xuan even closed his mouth and didn't say a word.

Xu Gaotian came up to her and said fiercely, "well, it seems that you want to fight me with silence. I'll help you today and see how long you can last!"

After that, Xu Gaotian opened his mouth, revealed his white teeth, and bit her face.

The bite was so fierce that blood flowed down at that time.

Under the sharp pain, Ying Weilan was forced to endure and didn't say a word.

But the more she was, the more excited Xu Gaotian was, and he forced his teeth.


He actually bit a piece of meat from Ying Weilan's face.

Blood surged wildly and dyed half of Ying Weilan's cheeks red.

Only then did she finally utter an uncontrollable groan of pain.

Xu Gaotian's eyes lit up a fiery flame.

"Good, that's it, good!"

In the vague words, he chewed a few times, swallowed the flesh and blood in his mouth, and then grinned.

"It tastes good."

His eyes finally showed a deep color of fear.

Because being eaten little by little is the most cruel way for a woman to die.

"Crazy... Crazy! You crazy, devil!"

"Ha ha ha, thanks for your compliment. Next... It's time for me to have dinner!"

With that, Xu Gaotian opened his mouth and wanted to bite it off again.

But just then, a stone flew from the oblique thorn and hit Xu Gaotian's teeth.

With a bang, Xu Gaotian's teeth were broken several times.

For a moment, Xu Gaotian was furious and shouted at the darkness, "who is it?"

But the stones that responded to him flew like raindrops.

It's strange that these stones don't fly fast, and their momentum is very flat.

But no matter how Xu Gaotian dodged, he couldn't escape the pursuit of these stones.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Gaotian was hit by a wave of stones.

In a hurry, Xu Gaotian couldn't care less about the small waves, and the time and space imprisonment around him was also relaxed.

Ying Weilan was keenly aware of this, because she found that her hands and feet could move.

Although there are only minor activities, this is at least a great progress.

Ying Weilan immediately seized this opportunity and desperate madness urged his cultivation.

For a moment, with the movement of Qi and blood, her hands and feet completely returned to normal.

But she did not choose to escape. On the contrary, she rushed in the direction of Xu Gaotian.

During the charge, she crossed her hands, then waved back, and a sharp dagger appeared in her hand.

For a moment, she rushed behind Xu Gaotian, then crossed, stretched her hands forward and stabbed Xu Gaotian's back and neck.

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