The countless spiritual veins are stacked together like a huge heart, connecting the Lingan city above.

In this case, it's not easy to find out the spiritual veins connecting the boundary of the city Lord's residence.

But Xue an didn't hesitate. The incarnation of this divine thought trembled slightly, turned into a misty fog, and then scattered into these spiritual veins and began to explore them.

It's easy to say but difficult to do.

It would have been impossible for Xue an to achieve this if he had not achieved the highest level of control over his mind after he obtained the inheritance of Xing Tian.

A moment later, just above the countless spiritual veins, the fog condensed Xue an's form again, and then he gave a slight sigh.

Because he didn't find the spiritual veins leading to the boundary of the city Lord's residence just by exploring, he found that there seemed to be a strange smell in the core wrapped by these countless spiritual veins.


Xue an immediately went to the core area of the spirit pulse.

The more you go inside, the greater the density of the spirit pulse. In the end, it has been deeply connected and can't be stored at all.

But xue'an couldn't help it. From time to time, he turned into fog, crossed the spirit pulse in front, and moved forward in this way.


He came to the core of the spirit pulse.

But here are all wrapped by layers of light curtain. Let alone entering it, even the divine mind can't penetrate into it.

Xue an stretched out her hand and gently pasted it on the light curtain.

The light curtain ripples slightly, and the slight throbbing from inside makes Xue an raise her eyebrows slightly.


He gave a sudden burst of drink, and his huge palm power burst out.

The light curtain flickered violently, but it remained motionless.

Xue Ansong opened his hand and walked around the light curtain for a few steps. Under careful observation, his eyes could not help freezing.

This light curtain is actually made of several spiritual veins, which explains why it is so firm.

But the more so, the more it aroused Xue an's curiosity.

Because it's like a cage.

But in the underground thousands of feet deep under the Lingan City, who built such a spiritual pulse cage, and who will be held in it?

These thoughts flashed through Xue an's mind, and then he stretched out his hand again.

But this time, instead of directly bombarding with violence as he did last time, he stretched out his fingers and gently touched on the light curtain.

After each stroke, a shallow trace will be left on the light curtain.

Soon, a fine and complicated seal character appeared on the light curtain.

After finishing the last stroke, Xue an pressed the palm of his hand in the middle of the seal character and suddenly exhaled.


At the command, Guanghua exploded.

This seal character, like the scorching sun, directly melted the light curtain into a big hole.

But this light curtain is the root of the spirit. How can it easily give up.

Countless lights poured into the hole before trying to fill it again.

But it was too late. Xue an was ready for this. At the moment when the big hole appeared, he divided a spirit into it.

In this way, even if the hole is completely closed, it can't help Xue an. At the same time, it can protect itself from any danger in entering it rashly.

In a moment, the light curtain closed the hole again, but at the same time, Xue an's mind had passed through the hole and entered it.

The first thing to see is darkness.

This is an extreme darkness without even a trace of light.

Then there is silence!

As if the whole universe had died.

Xue an's mind stood in the dark, his eyes could not see, but his heart was not much flustered.

Because he could feel the strange smell hidden in the darkness.

Sure enough.

Just a moment later, I heard a slight sigh in the dark.

"No one cares about being imprisoned here for so many years. I even thought he had forgotten me! Thank God, finally let me wait until this day. Say it! What did that guy ask you to do? Are you ready to do it on me?"

With the voice, two lights lit up in the dark and flickered slightly.

Xue an didn't understand what the voice said, but he didn't panic. He just said in a deep voice, "who is he? And who are you?"

"Eh? He didn't send you?" The voice was a little startled.

"Of course not. I just happened to pass by here and came in to have a look." Xue an said faintly.

In the darkness, there was silence for a long time, until Xue an even thought that the voice would not speak again, and then there was a burst of laughter in the darkness.

"Ha ha ha ha, I'm sorry to see that Xu Lingan has been suffering here for so many years, and finally let me wait until I can go out!"

Xue an was shocked because he heard a name that should never appear here.

Xu Lingan?

This voice calls itself Xu Lingan?

What's going on?

Just when he was in doubt, a fire lit up in the dark and illuminated a man.

A white haired, wrinkled and skinny old man.

He sat cross legged in the dark and was looking at Xue an with bright eyes.

Although the old man is extremely thin, his eyes are surprisingly bright.

Xue an finally knew what the two flickering lights were. They were the eyes of the old man.

"Doll, do you have a lot of doubts and want to ask me?" The old man smiled and said.

Xue an nodded, "that's right!"

"Hehe, don't worry. I'll tell you what you doubt one by one, but the premise is that you have to tell me how you came in first!"

Speaking of this, the old man has more brilliance in his eyes.

Xue an took a deep look at him and immediately told the story about it.

When he heard that he was sneaking into the underground spirit vein to help others find the missing girl, the old man's face suddenly showed a very complicated look.

There is compassion and helplessness, but more anger.

"Unexpectedly, what a surprise! After so many years, this criminal is still so reckless!" The old man gnashed his teeth.

Xue an quietly looked at the strange old man to vent his anger. He didn't ask in a deep voice until he finally calmed down.

"You just said your name was Xu Lingan?"

"That's right! I won't change my name. I'm the domain master of Lingan domain, Xu Lingan!"

"But the problem is that there is a Xu Ling'an in the Lord's house of Ling'an City, so what's going on?" Xue an asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

The old man smiled bitterly, "the reason is very simple. I'm the real Xu Lingan, and now the one in the city master's house is fake!"

"Fake?" Xue an was slightly shocked.

"That's right! To be exact, he is my apprentice, pretending to be me!"

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