Yun lingxuan immediately took his hands to cover the scar, then took a deep breath and whispered, "thank you, master Tang. I'm fine, but I'm a little tired. Goodbye!"

After that, Yun lingxuan walked away.

Tuan'er looked back at Tang Zheng with a sad face, sighed slightly, and even walked away quickly.

In an instant, Tang Zheng was left alone in the huge banquet hall.

He stood where he was, and only after a long time did he leave.

After returning to her room, Yun lingxuan sat in front of the window and said nothing for a long time.

Tuan'er carefully put the broken string Guqin on the table, and then said with heartache.


Yun lingxuan turned her head to look at tuan'er.

Tuan'er shuddered because she had never seen the look in the young lady's eyes.

Confused, disappointed and sad, people don't know how to deal with it.

"Miss!" Tuan'er shouted again.

Yun lingxuan gradually raised her mouth and burst out a bright smile, "tuan'er, you see, the string is broken!"

Then Yun lingxuan burst into tears.

Seeing her cry, tuan'er couldn't stop her tears.

"Yes, the string is broken! Miss, you're finally going to have enough."

The reason why the master and servant were so excited was that the master who taught Yun lingxuan to play the zither and passed it on to her had said a word.

One day, the string on the Guqin suddenly broke, which means that there is finally hope for what Yun lingxuan is asking for.

In order to wait for this day, Yun lingxuan tasted all kinds of hardships and failed.

Unexpectedly, today, it has been done in this isolated area of spiritual security.

The master and servant cried for a while, then tuan'er wiped away his tears and said happily, "Miss, don't cry. We have suffered so much. We shouldn't cry now!"

Yun lingxuan nodded, and then wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes

At this time, tuan'er said suspiciously, "Miss, do you think the voice talking in our ears is familiar?"

Yun lingxuan hesitated for a moment, thought about it carefully, and then nodded, "it's really a little!"

"I've always felt familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it anyway!" Tuan Er scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously.

Looking at her funny appearance, Yun lingxuan was happy, but her heart was warm.

Because she knew it must be tuan'er's intention to do so in order to make herself happy.

"Whoever it is, since the strings are broken, it proves that we must still have a chance to meet, and I believe that this day should come soon!" Yun lingxuan said in a deep voice.

"Uh huh!" Tuan'er nodded heavily.

At the same time, under the ground, Xue an slowly took back his mind, and then did the same, opening the light curtain in front of him.

After Xue an's two thoughts were separated and integrated into one, the old man woke up from shock and said with a bitter smile.

"I see. Your mental intensity is the only thing I've seen in my life. No wonder you dare to risk alone!"

Xue an smiled, but he still remembered what he had just seen in the city master's house.

After successfully sneaking into the city master's residence, his mind looked all over the city master's residence in an instant, but he didn't find any trace of the ripples.

That is to say, Ying Weilan has not been captured by Xu Lingan's father and son. Where has she gone?

At the same time, Xue an also remembered the sound of the piano in the banquet hall.

The despair and anger contained in it moved Xue an.

The player is Yun lingxuan who once met in ren'an city.

So Xue an spoke to stop it. First, to break her performance. After all, playing like this will cause great damage to her body.

The second is to demonstrate to Xu Lingan and others. After all, he sneaked into the city master's house under their eyes. The provocation is obvious.

If you guessed right, the city Lord's mansion has turned upside down now! Xue an thought in her heart, and then looked at the old man.

"What are your plans next?"

The old man smiled bitterly, "what plans can I have? If I didn't meet you, I'm ready to die here, but since I met you, I naturally want to end what happened that year!"

Speaking of this, the old man's face became serious.

"I want to ask you something!"

"Tell me first!" Xue an said faintly.

"In fact, I left a move back then, that is, I left a man who no one would pay attention to in the city Lord's residence. If I expected it right, Shi Chang could not attack this man even if he was so vicious!"

"So I want you to take me to this man!"

"Oh?" Xue'an raised her eyebrows slightly. "Who is this man you're talking about? Then why isn't Shi Chang on guard against him?"

The old man smiled, "because this man is a eunuch. You know, six imperfections have doomed the upper limit of these people's cultivation. Coupled with my arrangement in those years, Shi Chang will never doubt that he is my man!"

Xue an nodded, "well, in that case, I'll take you out of here!"

Then it was simple. Xue an opened the light curtain with his familiar road, and took the old man away from the cage that had trapped him for many years.

Then Xue an led him with a wisp of thought and took him to the ground.

Thousands of feet away, but in the blink of an eye, the two quickly rushed out of the ground. When they reached the high altitude, Xue an said in a deep voice.

"Look where he is now?"

Looking at the city that had been away for a long time, the old man was a little excited. After a long time, he calmed the blood in his chest and raised his hand to point to a direction in the distance.

"That's it!"

Xue an didn't answer, and took him to the direction he pointed out in an instant.

Here stands a small courtyard alone.

Seeing the courtyard, Xue an could not help raising her eyebrows slightly.

Because he found that this small courtyard was actually one of the forbidden areas found during the previous spiritual exploration.

After seeing the small courtyard, the look on the old man's face became more and more complex.

To tell the truth, he didn't know whether the back hand he had left was still useful.

After all, after so long, God knows if this person will change.

But now that it's over, he can only take a chance.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, nodded to Xue an, and then gently wrote a seal character in his hand. After writing, he pressed it directly on the ground.

The seal character is very simple, and there is no abnormality after it is pressed on the ground.

But at the same time, an invisible wave spread rapidly and spread into the small courtyard.

Xue an naturally saw the clue.

"That's it?"

"Well, this is the code I agreed with him. As long as I feel the fluctuation, it means I'm back!"

"Next, we have to wait and see if he will come out!"

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