Many people almost choked on their saliva.

"Just... Right here? I thought it was so powerful just now!" Someone said with a curl of his mouth.

But more people are unable to laugh or cry.

Because no one knows what these people in black are doing!

It looks cold and evil, like a villain, but how can you start one by one?

Are they here to make fun?

Shi Chang's face was also very ugly. After all, he had just boasted about Xue an.

The appearance of these people in black means his death.

But look at the current situation... There seems to be something wrong!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say something to the boss of these people in black.

"Stronghold leader, this boy is very rampant. I'm afraid it's hard to convince the public if he doesn't teach him a lesson!"

The implication is that you just lost three games in a row in front of so many people. If you don't find the field, how will you do in the future?

The eldest brother naturally recognized Shi Chang's meaning and said with a sneer: "don't worry, it was just a small accident. The next thing is the main play! Second brother!"

"Big brother!" The man in black who spoke like a poisonous snake stepped forward.

"Get ready!"


As soon as this remark came out, even the third Niang couldn't help being shocked.

"Elder brother, do you really want to?"

"Three younger sister, this boy has hurt several of us. If we don't teach him a lesson, how can our brothers mix in the future? Don't worry, I'll be careful with my second brother later. Just a little lesson won't hurt him too much!"

"Yes, three younger sisters, there is a big brother to preside over. This boy can't die." The second son also said.

"Well... Well, don't hurt his face!"

Sanniang stepped back, but her face was still full of worry.

Because in her opinion, once the eldest brother and the second brother are ready to attack, no matter who they are, they will die without a place to bury.

It's just that she's followed her eldest brother and second brother for so many years. She's only heard of it and has never seen it with her own eyes.

Shi Chang on one side was determined.

The reason why he is so respectful to these people in black is that their names are too loud.

Who doesn't know the name of Longhu stronghold in Lingan domain and the surrounding areas!

It is said that the dragon and tiger stronghold is full of experts and scholars. They are extremely powerful.

As several stronghold leaders of Longhu stronghold, the strength of these people in black is not to mention.

Especially when Shi Chang first met these people in black, he decided to take refuge in them even when he was convinced by the blazing strong breath of these people.

It was in this case that the third Niang was sent to his city master's residence for surveillance.

Over the years, Shi Chang has been respectful to the leaders of Longhu stronghold and dare not disobey them at all.

However, Shi Chang was disappointed by their strength just now, and even had an extremely absurd feeling at that time.

Is this the ability of the strongman of Longhu stronghold who is careful not to fight back, scold or flatter?

But now when he heard that the big stronghold leader and the second stronghold leader were actually ready to use their combination skills against Xue an, he couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

It's finally over!

No matter how powerful the boy is, he can't be the opponent of the two stronghold leaders!

You can avenge yourself!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at xue'an like a dead man, and a cold smile of Yin pity appeared on the corners of his mouth.

At the same time, the big stronghold leader and the second stronghold leader took a step forward and smiled at Xue Anxian.

Xue an was a little impatient until he laughed. Then he heard the stronghold leader say coldly.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have some ability. You even hurt four, five or six younger brothers, but now it's over, because we're going to teach you a lesson!"

Xue an was speechless and even wanted to sleep, so he yawned first and then asked lazily.

"Oh, and then?"

Xue an's disdainful attitude immediately angered both of them.

"Boy, don't be crazy. Don't think you can win a few battles. I tell you, it's enough for you to be proud that you can be defeated by us today!" The second stronghold leader shouted coldly.

"Oh, what are your two names?"

"Hum, I'm not afraid to scare you to death. I'm the second stronghold leader of Longhu stronghold. My name is Zhang Xiaoqiang. This is my brother and the leader of Longhu stronghold. The sage through the ages is not as good as him. It's like the bright moon shining on Niu Dali. My brother Niu!"

This crazy cool, smelly and long nickname was read down. Zhang Xiaoqiang was not angry. He looked arrogantly at Xue an, as if waiting for him to be scared down by his two names.

But as a result, Xue an didn't even have a surprised expression. Instead, he stretched his waist and said something boring.

"Are you finished? Then hurry up! I'm a little sleepy."

"Good boy, how dare you despise us like this? Brother, give him a lesson!"

"I'm ready to start!"


With this light drink, a dazzling brilliance enveloped them.

Then, a strong breath began to emerge inside.

Shi Chang laughed, "Xue an, you're dead this time. The big stronghold leader and the second stronghold leader will let you live and die!"

The faces of the people present also became dignified.

Because this scene is really scary.

Duan muguang said solemnly, "Lao Wu, can you move? If you are defeated later, let's go up and help!"

"No problem!" Wu Jun's very solemn words.

Only Xue an showed indifference, and even was in the mood to glance at the stage, and just made eye contact with the little servant girl group who kept secretly glancing over.

Xue an smiled and nodded her head.

Tuan'er's face turned red. He quickly lowered his head to avoid Xue an's sight, but he was surprised and happy in his heart.

It's amazing that this time has come. Why is this childe Xue still in the mood to look around.

He was so happy that he actually smiled at himself just now.

Thinking of this, she could not help but cover her hot face and smiled foolishly.

"Tuan'er, what's the matter with you?" Yun lingxuan, who has been paying attention to the development of the situation in the field, noticed the abnormality of tuan'er and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Ah... It's all right, miss. Do you think Mr. Xue can win this time?"

Yun lingxuan sighed: "I don't know, but the Dragon Tiger stronghold is indeed a famous stronghold in several major fields nearby. The two have the secret of combination. It's estimated that even victory will be a dangerous victory!"

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