As soon as the voice fell, the faces of shumana and shumanqing sisters all showed panic.

Because at this time, they were shocked to find that there was a strong absolute spirit that could resist and envelop themselves.

This thought is so powerful that it is completely beyond their understanding.

In front of it, even they only tremble.

And just then, in their knowledge of the sea, a huge God rose slowly.

It was Xue an who projected into their understanding of the sea.

As soon as this dharma phase came out, they immediately saw everything in the sea, and their souls began to tremble.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you have such a powerful mind?" Shumana resisted her inner fear and hissed.

Before, she thought it was just an ordinary six grade cavalry captain, so she dared to tease, but she didn't expect to kick on the iron plate.

She was surprised and regretful.

Xue an smiled faintly, "you have asked me who I am once before. Do you know why I didn't tell you? Because you don't deserve it!"

At last, Xue an's face showed a touch of sarcasm.

Shumana and shumanqing were furious.

No one has ever dared to talk to their sisters like that.

But now the situation is stronger than others. Even if they are angry, they can only bear it.

"I know you are unconvinced, but that's the strength. Now I want to kill you no more difficult than crushing a bug. Are you right?"

Shu Manqing's face was blue and white.

Because what Xue an is saying now is clearly what he said before.

But now it sounds ironic.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Shumana finally calmed down and said in a deep voice.

But as soon as her voice fell, a mighty force came down and directly pressed her soul to the ground.

Shumana struggled hard, but she couldn't shake the pressure, and the humiliation of kneeling on the ground made her crazy.

At the same time, Xue an said faintly, "I hope you'd better recognize your current position. Even your life and death are between my thoughts, so if you talk to me again in this tone, your soul will collapse!"

Shumana is going crazy.

However, her strength in mind is far inferior to Xue an. Under all-round suppression, she can only bow her head.

On the contrary, Shu Manqing, who was on one side, immediately changed his attitude and asked in a respectful tone.

"My Lord, our sisters had no eyes before. Please forgive me for offending you!"

Xue an was noncommittal.

Shumanqing took a step forward and gave a deep salute, "but I don't know what adults want to do to suppress us in the sea of knowledge?"

Xue'an then said, "whose order did you come here?"

"What? Who ordered us? We just went out for a stroll. We happened to pass by Longhu Mountain and found that great changes had taken place here, so we came to have a look!" Shumanqing blinked innocent eyes and said.

This is her tried and tested move. Relying on this innocent look, she doesn't know how many men she deceived.

But this time when she finished, she didn't see the slightest clue from xue'an's face. There was only endless peace.

This made her feel a little confused, but on the surface, she still pretended to be calm.

At this time, Xue an raised his eyes slightly.

"Are you finished?"

"My Lord, i..."

"Then you can kneel down!"

At the command, Schumann gave a dull hum, and then he was knelt down under the pressure of a great force.

"Do you think I'm easy to cheat? It's clear that you came here at the instigation of others, so I'd like to know who is behind the scenes and what his purpose is!"

Xue an's eyes moved, and his eyes swept from shumana and shumanqing's face kneeling on the ground.

"Now, who can tell me?"

"Sir, we are really not instructed. We really passed here by chance..." Shumanqing still wants to explain.

Xue an waved his hand, "well, since I don't want to say it, I don't have to say it. I'll let him show up myself!"

This sentence makes shumanna and shumanqing's heart one tight.

what do you mean?

What's he doing?

The next second, their questions were answered.

Because just then, Xue an's eyes flashed a sense of erasure.

For a moment, the already violent mind became extremely cold.

The shumana sisters can even hear their souls frozen.

This makes both their souls risk.

Because they know that if their soul is a little lost, it is really doomed.

So both of them threw away their pride and shouted loudly.

"Spare your life, my Lord!"

"Spare your life, my Lord!"

But Xue an was not moved at all, but stood coldly over the sea, as if waiting for something.

Sen Leng's pressure kept spreading, and the souls of shumana sisters began to stagnate.

That was a sign before it was completely frozen.

At this time, I only heard a sigh from the depths of the sea.

"Do you have to force me to do it?"

As soon as the sigh came out, the forest was as cold as ice and snow.

Shumana and shumanqing, who were pardoned, quickly got up and retreated.

A gray figure appeared before the two of them, and then faced Xue an directly.

"You are brave enough to force me out with their lives!"

Xue'an looked at the gray figure coldly, and the light in his eyes flashed.

He knows.

This figure is the first real evil powerful person he saw after he came to the world.

The so-called evil things I saw before were nothing more than having some thin blood, which could not be compared with the gray figure in front of me.

A moment later, he restrained the brilliance in his eyes and said faintly, "you are finally willing to appear! It seems that these two people are very important to you!"

"Let's put aside whether they are important or not. It's amazing that you can have such a powerful mind at a young age, but if you insist on your own way, aren't you afraid to be buried in this world?" The gray figure asked.

Xue an looked up to the sky and laughed, "since you can shout the word Chinese, you must know it. I'll tell you now that I came here to bury all your evil things!"

"Hum, it's a big boast. Don't think you can be arrogant if you have some strength. You know that you are only the strength of a Xiaoqi captain now. In addition to the merits of your mind, the rest are inferior to the ants in our eyes." The gray figure hummed coldly.

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