After that, shumanqing closed his eyes like a life.


After a dull sound, schumanqing felt a little warm liquid splashing on his face.

But the expected pain did not appear. Only a dull hum from her ear surprised her.

What's going on?

This is boring.

She opened her eyes, and then saw that her sister shumana's head had flown out, leaving only a headless body standing there.

The liquid splashed on her face before was shumana's blood.

Although he was ready for death, this scene was far beyond schumanqing's endurance.

After all, it's a twin sister who gets along with herself day and night!

As a result, he died in front of him.

There is no doubt about the impact.

But Shu Manqing was surprised to find that she didn't feel much sad, not even angry.

There is only endless confusion and helplessness.

"You are a smart man, so I can give you a chance to tell me everything about your master, and then I will keep you alive!" Xue an said quietly.

Hearing this, Schumann raised his eyes.

"My master? Hasn't it been killed by you?"

Xue an smiled. "Since you worship it, you should naturally know how it exists. The one who dies is just an outer body at most!"

"So you want to know everything about it? Do you still want to kill it?" Schumann said in a deep voice.

"You don't care what I do, just tell everything you know!" Xue an said faintly.

Shu Manqing took a deep look at Xue an and finally smiled silently.

"So you know it's useless to forcibly explore our memory!"

When her strength reached such a state as shumanqing, it was difficult to dig out her deep memory through external force.

Because such a strong mind usually has layers of defense. Once it touches the key, it will destroy itself immediately.

Xue an just smiled, "you're right. I just tried on your sister's mind, but her soul didn't cooperate, and she failed!"

"In that case, why are you sure I will cooperate?" Shu Manqing straightened her waist unconsciously and said.

"Because you are a smart person, smart people often weigh the pros and cons and make wise choices!"

"But what if I don't?" Schumann's clear and cold voice.

"Hehe, you will! Because on the one hand, the immortal spirits are destroyed, and on the other hand, there is a fall that retains a glimmer of vitality. I don't believe you can't see such advantages and disadvantages!"

Shumanqing was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "but why can't he survive?"

Xue an looked at him. "Do you think it's possible?"

Then Xue an said calmly, "you can weigh it. In fact, I don't have to know the information about your master. This is just a way for you to live!"

"As for you want me to let you go completely... That's impossible, because your sister died in my hands. After you are let go, you will wait for an opportunity to seek revenge!"

Shumanqing sneered, "why? Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid I can't talk about it, but it's a trouble after all, and what I hate most is trouble! So I'll give you 20 seconds to think about it and tell me the answer!"

In fact, it didn't take 20 seconds. Almost when Xue an's voice fell, shumanqing had made a decision.

"But how can I trust you?"

Xue an shook her head. "I won't give you any guarantee, because now the status between you and me is completely unequal. Your life and death are in my mind. I said you will live if you live, and you will die if you die! So you can only believe me."

"And even if I promised you, would you believe it?"

Shumanqing thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"OK! I hope you can keep your word!"

After that, shumanqing condensed all the information about the gray figure into a divine thought, and then passed it on.

After Xue an took it, he just checked it to make sure it wasn't a forgery, so he nodded.

"OK! Then cut yourself!"

Shumanqing looked at her sister's body on the ground with a complex expression. Finally, she crossed her heart and directly cut off her meridians.


When Qi and blood were retrograde, she first vomited a big mouthful of blood, and then fell back powerlessly.

But before she really fell to the ground, a touch of sword light ended her pain.

The head flew down and a wisp of mind came out of the body.

But before it flew far, it came to xue'an in front of the golden light of the array.

In his mind, there is a miniature version of shumanqing, looking at Xue an in horror.

Sheng Hongqian came forward, "childe, just kill her. It's not moral to talk to such people!"

"Yes, this smelly woman is bad. If you hadn't arranged it in advance, we might have died in her hands!" Niu Dali also urged aside.

Shumanqing's face became more and more frightened and looked at Xue an with almost praying eyes.

Now she can only do so.

After all, she is worse than the lamb to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

After all, the lamb can call twice before he dies. She can loose her mind state, but she can't make a sound at all.

Xue an just smiled faintly, "don't worry, since I promised you, I will do it, but the process will be a little painful!"

With that, xue'an suddenly grasped the wisp of thought with both hands, and then exchanged ideas.

In an instant, the mind collapsed and most of the memory and existence dissipated.

Then Xue an opened her hand, leaving only a wisp of pure white to flawless thought.


As soon as Xue an waved his hand, this wisp of thought scattered into the world and disappeared.

Niu Dali and others looked at it in amazement, and then said something in surprise.

"Your Excellency, let her go like this?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Xue an said faintly.

"Er... No problem, no problem! I just think it's too cheap to let her go so easily!" Niu Dali hurriedly smiled.

Xue an was noncommittal and ignored his words. Instead, he turned to speak to Sheng Hongqian.

"How far is it from the middle region?"

Sheng Hongqian hurriedly said, "it's about half a month away!"

"Half a month's journey..." Xue an pondered for a moment.

"Childe, what's the problem?" Sheng Hongqian asked cautiously.

"Oh, nothing, just a sudden thought!"

With that, xue'an turned and walked back to the mountain.

"I'll go to rest and shut up for a few days. What can I do when I come out!"


Sheng Hongqian and others bowed down one after another.

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