In fact, Xue an seldom used his fists long ago.

This is not to say that Xue an's boxing is not good, but it can't be used at all.

Because Xue an's strength has reached a certain level, ordinary enemies may not be able to resist his sword Qi. Xue an can't do it himself.

And even if he meets a strong enemy, Xue an has many means to choose from. He doesn't have to bother to fight each other.

But today, Xue an has abandoned all fancy means and dealt with the high imitation version of himself with pure fist and foot.


With the sound of wind and thunder, the fist hit Gao fangxue'an's two arms protecting his face.

Even though this high imitation version of Xue an has gained a firm foothold from the absolute downwind at the beginning, the power of this punch still shook it back a few steps.

But this is just the beginning. Before Gao imitated Xue an's body, Xue an's second fist arrived again.

This punch is more powerful than the first punch, and it hits the position of the previous punch.

The high imitation xue'an gave a dull hum, and the bones of his arms were broken.

At the same time, Xue an's third punch came again.

Without two arms to protect the face door, Xue an's fist hit the high imitation version of his face door.

With a dull sound, the head of this high imitation version of Xue an burst like a rotten watermelon.

Strangely enough, there was no blood in the whole process.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, punched again with her other hand, and smashed the remaining headless corpses.

But the result was still the same, except for the flying vermicelli, there was not even a drop of blood, and these vermicelli soon dispersed into the space and disappeared.

Xue an slowly withdrew his fist and looked coldly at the so-called imaginary space in front of him.

He chose to fight against this high imitation version of himself for a reason.

Everything is because of what they can, and this high imitation version of themselves can almost.

This is terrible.

Because what Xue an knew, whether it was Honglian sword idea or strong Jue Shen idea, was honed by him during his practice. No one would know before.

In other words, even if someone wants to learn to imitate themselves, there is no place to learn.

But as a result, this high imitation version of Xue an not only knows everything, but also everything is similar to himself.

As for Xue an, when he fought with him, he always had the feeling that he was facing the mirror and banging.

The key is that under the same conditions, all Xue an's means were suppressed.

Your sword intention just rushed over. As a result, the same sword intention was offered to the opposite side. How can you fight this battle?

So Xue an simply abandoned all external means and dealt with the high imitation himself in the way of boxing to meat.

As a result, he just received a miraculous effect. In just a few faces, he completely smashed the high imitation Xue an.

But at the moment, Xue an's expression was not relaxed, and he still looked coldly ahead.

Because he knew that things would never end so simply.

Sure enough.

I heard a dull sigh in the void, and then I saw that the powder just scattered into the whole space flowed back and quickly gathered together.

A moment later, the high imitation xue'an appeared in front of xue'an again.

The whole process seemed as if someone had directly turned back the time. At least there were no scars on Gao imitation Xue an.

Xue an took a deep breath and said slowly, "the power of time! It seems that the guy standing behind you is the one who changed the timeline of the heavens!"

The high imitation Xue an laughed, "yes, Xue an, and let me tell you the truth, the master who built me is in charge of not only the power of time, but also the fate of all things in the world! He is omnipresent!"

Xue an's heart moved.

Because the high imitation version in front of me revealed some very important information.

The first is that he was built by man, and the man who built him was the one who tampered with the timeline of the heavens.

Secondly, this existence is also in charge of the power of fate, which makes Xue an think of the unspeakable thing he met when he went to the outer building with tuan'er.

It seems that these big men hiding behind the scenes can't help but show up one after another! Xue an sneered in his heart without any fear.

"So does the omnipotent existence build waste like you?"

These words immediately made Gao fan Xue an's face become gloomy and said in a hate voice: "Xue an, you don't have to be proud. I just took advantage of my negligence! If you really start, you don't have to be my opponent!"

"Oh? So sure?" Xue an said with a smile.

"That's nature, Xue an. Do you know how I was built? I'm not afraid to tell you that I copied it according to your destiny, so I can do everything you can!"

"Copied from the fate track?" Xue an frowned slightly.

"That's right!" The Gao imitated Xue an and became excited.

"The great and omnipotent master created a tributary outside the long river of time of all things, and then reset it one by one according to your destiny."

"In other words, I have experienced everything you have experienced! So no one in the world knows you better than me. Xue an, how can you fight me?"

Xue an's eyes gradually became cold.

He understood what the Gao imitated Xue an.

In other words, some power created a timeline like the heavens and earth, and then imposed its own destiny on the guy in front of it.

In this way, Xue an naturally has the meaning of red lotus sword and various means.

But Xue an's most concern is not this, but another problem.

Since this existence can be created even from the timeline, it can be seen that its strength has broken through the rules.

Such as like as two peas, it is very simple to kill oneself, but why did he not do so, instead, he created a man who is exactly what he is?

Think again that the tampering of the timeline of the heavens is also to clean up yourself through circuitous means.

Xue an gradually understood a fact.

This existence wants to destroy itself, but he doesn't dare to do it directly, so he can only do it in this circuitous way.

Thinking of this, Xue an's mouth gradually showed a cold smile.

"No wonder you are so eager to kill me!"

"That's nature. As long as I kill you in this imaginary space, my timeline can be included in the long river of all things. Then I can take you and replace you. Everything you have will be inherited by me... Even your wife and daughter!"

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