"That is to say, childe, you expected that you might lose before attending the general cultural meeting, so you said hello to Wenshan of major academies in advance?"

Although she was walking through the vast universe, Yun lingxuan couldn't help asking.

Xue an looked ahead and nodded quietly, "yes!"

Yun lingxuan was silent.

After following Xue an away from the world and into the universe, Yun lingxuan thought of a terrible fact almost at the first time.

I ran away with the childe. What about the rest?

This feeling reached its peak when she saw Tang Xiao and tuan'er who followed her, so she couldn't help asking.

Xue an's answer was greatly beyond her expectation.

It turns out that the childe has long been fully prepared! Yun lingxuan sighed in her heart.

But Tang Xiao could not help raising his eyebrows and expressed great doubt about Xue an's words.

"It's only a few days from your arrival in Xihua city to the general cultural conference. How did you contact the Academy Wenshan all over the world in such a short time?"

Xue an smiled. "Do you think I'm going to find it and negotiate?"


"That's what fools do!"

Tang Xiao's eyelids jumped and his heart was very angry.

Are you saying you're stupid?

Xue an ignored Tang Xiao's mood and continued to say in an indifferent tone.

"Do you still remember the Wenshan inspired by me in your Qisi poetry club?"


"I use it to contact the Academy Wenshan all over the world!"

Tang Xiao wanted to say it was impossible, but when she saw the calm expression on Xue an's face, she swallowed the four words back.

Since I knew him, this guy has created many miracles.

Things that others dare not even think about become easy in his hands.

So it's not impossible.

But at this time, Tang Xiao suddenly thought of another thing, that is, the explosion from Xihua City, which he saw at the top of Kuixing mountain.

The direction of the explosion seems to be in the direction of Kai Si poetry society!

At this point, Tang Xiao immediately asked, "what happened to the explosion in Xihua city?"

Xue an said lightly: "at that time, I was trapped in the imaginary space. It was the intersection of reality and illusion, and it was also the absolute home of the space-time giant snake. If I played with it there, I had no chance of winning!"

"That's why I tried to take the Wenshan of your Qisi poetry society as the anchor point and return to the real world through it, but the result is that the Wenshan of your Qisi poetry society will explode!"

When saying this, Xue an's tone was understated without the slightest sense of guilt.

Tang Xiao exploded as soon as he heard it.

"What? You blew up the headquarters of our Kai Si poetry club?"

"You can say so!"

"You... You... You bastard!"

After you've been for a long time, Tang Xiao can only shout out this sentence angrily.

Because she knew very well that now the matter had been settled, no matter how excited and angry it was, it would not help.

What's more, now I rely on Xue an to walk through the vast universe. If I annoy him, I'll leave myself.

Looking at the depths of the universe, which was as black as paint and ink and could not penetrate even a little light, Tang Xiao couldn't help but excite Lingling to shiver, and then he closed his mouth wisely.

For Tang Xiao's "angry scolding", Xue an just smiled and didn't take it to heart.

After all, you can't ask a person to keep calm when his home is bombed.

"But childe, are you sure Wenshan in the world can resist that giant snake?" Yun lingxuan was still worried.

After all, the people outside the building are on the scene. Yun lingxuan has always been very concerned about these sisters.

Xue an shook his head cleanly, "I can't resist it!"

Yun lingxuan opened her eyes, "ah?"

"The space-time giant snake is in charge of the two rules of time and destiny. Although it is not the coming of noumenon, it is by no means comparable to ordinary existence. Although the will of Wendao gathered by countless academy Wenshan is powerful, it is only the supremacy of a planet. It can't be comparable with these evil gods across the universe!" Xue an said faintly.

The more he said, the paler Yun lingxuan's face became, "that... That..."

After a long time, Yun lingxuan didn't know what to say.

Xue an smiled, "don't worry, although it can't be matched, the space-time giant snake will never love war. After all, its target is me, and I've escaped from that world!"

"In this case, if the heaven and earth are not protected, it doesn't mind killing to vent its anger, but the prevention of the will of Wen Tao makes it understand that it must pay a price if it wants to do it!"

"These evil gods have always been guided by interests. They will never do anything without interests. Therefore, if I guess correctly, they will turn and leave immediately after seeing the will of Wendao!"

After hearing Xue an's analysis, Yun lingxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, tuan'er said weakly, "don't you use yourself as bait to lure the strange snake away, so as to save the world?"

This question immediately stunned Tang Xiao and Yun lingxuan.

Xue an was silent for a moment, then nodded, "you can say so. After all, if we fight again, the world will collapse, so I intend to leave!"

Speaking of this, Xue an smiled apologetically at Yun lingxuan. "Because you have been holding the fragment of the ancient mirror, you have its smell on your body. Therefore, even if I leave, the space-time giant snake will never let you go. Therefore, I will take you away rashly. I'm sorry..."

Yun lingxuan's eyes were hot.

The boy... Was obviously saving himself, but he apologized to himself.

Therefore, she immediately interrupted Xue an's words, "young master, I'm laughing. I appreciate that it's too late. How can I blame you?"

Xue an smiled, then looked helplessly at the group behind him, "the only thing I didn't expect is that you are so bold and follow up!"

Tuan'er blushed and peeked at Tang Xiao.

But at this time, Tang Xiao was looking at the distant universe, as if there was something terrible in the dark void.

"Childe... I'm sorry!" Tuan'er replied honestly.

Xue an shook his head, "don't say sorry, it has happened, then we have to solve it!"

"Now there is only one thing to tell you. Our next escape road is doomed to be restless, because the space-time giant snake will certainly not give up!"

Speaking of this, Xue an's face showed a look of awe. "I'm much different from its strength. Although I'm not afraid of it and will try my best to protect you, if I really encounter an insoluble desperate situation, I hope you..."

Before Xue an finished, tuan'er immediately said, "don't worry, childe. If I really encounter an inextricable desperate situation, I will never involve others, let alone fall into the hands of those pickled evil things. I will end it myself!"

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