At the same time, in the depths of the headquarters of the palace of light, a magnificent temple stands on a huge planet.

At the moment, in the temple, a girl who was meditating with her eyes closed suddenly opened her eyes.

This is a pair of golden eyes. As soon as they opened, the whole temple began to tremble.

Several archbishops who had stood respectfully under the shrine immediately prostrated on the ground, succumbed to this terrible power, and even dared not lift their heads.

The leader of the archbishop was dressed in red, and a gold border was embroidered on the edge of the skirt, which was more noble.

He crawled forward, and then said in a trembling voice, "noble and unparalleled saint, what caused your anger?"

The girl sitting on the altar slowly lowered her golden eyes and said faintly, "nothing, just a force was just colliding with the bright border!"

"Who is so bold as to offend the power of light?" The man said in horror.

The girl shook her head, "I don't know yet, because it has retreated without my contact! And after this lesson, I believe it will know how to fear!"

After that, the girl closed her eyes again and stopped talking.

The Cardinals looked at each other quietly, then bowed their heads again and dared not say more.

Because the girl sitting on the altar is extremely noble and is the only medium that can communicate with the Lord of light.

The Lord of light is the God believed in by the whole palace of light.

It is said to be a God, but it is also a evil thing.

But this evil thing is different from others. It is invisible and can not be observed in any form. It is like the will of a ghost in the universe.

Therefore, if you want to communicate with them and gain strength, you can only pass through the girl selected by the Lord of light.

Such a girl is also honored as the saint of light by the palace of light.

At the moment, the girl who is meditating on the stage with her eyes closed is the saint of light of this session.

She is not only the highest in the palace of light, but also the most powerful because of her direct communication with the Lord of light.

You can even directly control this star domain, and you are the real master of the star domain.

In this case, these so-called archbishops are actually more like servants serving the gods. They can only crawl at the girl's feet and pray for a little strength for charity.

The saint of light firmly believes that she has just successfully defeated the idea that she wants to penetrate, and she can be regarded as a complete victory.

But she didn't expect that when Xue an slowly raised her eyes in front of the window, her face was still a little pale, but there was a smile in her eyes.

"Interestingly, this power is almost the same as the power believed by the churches on earth. Although the quality is countless times strong, it still belongs to the power of light!"

Although it was just a glimpse of a contact, Xue an still gained a lot of information from this short contact.

Among them, there is a breath of the Lord of light, which reminds Xue an of the power of God he met when dealing with the Western church on earth!

Although the two are far apart in level, they have a lot in common.

This doesn't make Xue an more and more interested in the palace of light.

Is this evil thing really divided into good and evil?

Although no fragments of Xuanyuan mirror were found, the information gained still made Xue an fall into meditation.

One night without words, time soon came to the next day.

Tuan'er got up early and began to clean up her affairs. Although she said that there were not all kinds of complete washing appliances like the buildings outside the building, she still cleaned up her appearance as much as possible.

Which girl doesn't like cleanliness?

Especially when his sweetheart is in front of him, tuan'er is very concerned about these.

While she was busy dressing up, Xue an walked out of the room.

Although he rested very late last night, Xue an still looked energetic after a little meditation and breath regulation.

"Good morning, tuan'er!" Xue an shouted.

Tuan'er, who was washing his face, was startled. He quickly washed the foam off his face, and then looked up at Xue an's back.

"Good morning, young master! What are you doing?"

"Go out and walk around!"

After that, Xue an went out of the rest inn.

As I said before, the city is small and pitiful. After all, it is located in the border. If it is not necessary, no one will come here to suffer.

In the long run, it has become a place of exile in Guangming palace. Only those who make mistakes will be thrown here.

However, although the sparrow has five internal organs, there is still a rare human fireworks in this small city.

For example, now, at dawn, there are already sparse pedestrians in the street.

Xue an walked slowly among them, but he had been thinking about last night.

There are two things that can be determined now. First, the fragments of the Xuanyuan mirror must be here.

The second is that the force of the barrier that bumped itself back last night is by no means easy. It is definitely an unimaginable existence.

But Xue an is more interested in why this force has much in common with the gods believed in by the small church on the distant earth.

Could it be that... This force had also been to the heavens or the earth?

Just as he was walking and thinking, there was a sudden roar in the sky. Then he saw a huge spaceship rush into the atmosphere and come over the city.

It can be seen that the people in the city are no longer surprised and are still busy with their own affairs step by step.

Only Xue an looked thoughtfully at the spaceship hovering over the city.

At this time, a bright light flashed, and then Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun also appeared on the street.

"Young master, what have you done?"

"Nothing, just come out and hang around. What's this?" Xue an raised his hand and pointed to the spaceship in the sky.

Duanmu's smooth face was ugly. Wu Jun on one side said angrily, "who else can there be? Naturally, it's Liao Zhiji's son of a bitch!"

"Oh? What's he doing here?"

"What else can I do, except those who made mistakes in the Guangming palace, is to trouble our brothers!" Wu Jun gnashed his teeth.

Sure enough.

As soon as his voice fell, the spaceship in the sky slowly opened the channel below, and then poured out several figures like garbage.

After all this, a few sneers came from the ship.

"Wu Jun, you must have spoken ill of me behind my back again. Don't you roll up with the wooden light!"

Wu Jun looked humiliated.

Duan muguang was much calmer. He threw a fist at Xue an.

"Childe, please wait here. I'll come when we go. Remember not to show our strength at will after we leave, so as not to attract the attention of these people!"

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