Liao Zhiji just wanted to keep up with him when Wu Qiming glared at him.

"Just because you are not qualified to meet the saint, I'll take her. Wait here!"

Liao Zhiji looks difficult.

To tell the truth, he doesn't want to follow, but the problem is that now his life is in the hands of others. What if he doesn't annoy Xue an?

Thinking of this, he peeked at Xue an and found that Xue an's eyes were drooping and didn't seem angry.

Now his heart was a little more stable, but he was not sure, so he forced to laugh.

"Then... Then I'll wait here?"

On the surface, this is asking Wu Qiming. In fact, it is asking Xue an for advice.

Wu Qiming snorted coldly, "let you wait here. You just wait. There's so much nonsense!"

Then he said to Xue an, "go!"

After that, Wu Qiming walked out.

Xue an glanced at Liao Zhiji and even followed him.

Liao Zhiji was shocked and then frozen in place.

No him!

The look in Xue Anlin's eyes when he left was too terrible.

In addition to the infinite silence, it also contains the extremely cold killing intention.

But who is he aiming at?

Isn't it... Aimed at the Wu Qiming?

Thinking of this, Liao Zhiji shivered, then shrunk his neck and stood where he was and dared not move any more.

At the same time, Wu Qiming led Xue an through the lobby, around several corridors, and finally to a secluded place.

This is a small garden surrounded by tall walls. On the walls are luxuriously carved with dense light runes, isolating all prying eyes from the outside world.

When he came to this small world, Wu Qiming, who was bent and looked very old, gradually straightened his waist, and then turned around and looked at Xue an with silver evil eyes.

"Tut Tut, I haven't seen such fresh and tender goods for a long time. It's time to taste them today!"

The obscene meaning in the words almost overflowed.

But strangely, Wu Qiming didn't see the slightest fear from the "girl" face opposite.

It's not the first time for him to do such a thing. The women brought over in the past, regardless of their status and accomplishments, often don't have to do it once they find themselves in this situation.

Only today, the "girl" is quiet and terrible.

In particular, there was a few ironic brilliance in those beautiful and excessive eyes.

This made Wu Qiming stunned and excited.

He is tired of the usual woman who cries when something happens. Today, the "girl" gave him an unexpected surprise.

"What? Aren't you afraid at all?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?" Xue an said faintly.

In fact, as early as the time when Wu Qiming was anxious to lead him away, Xue an had seen the old man's plot.

It doesn't make him laugh or laugh.

In order to get the fragments of the ancient mirror smoothly, he followed Liao Zhiji's advice, dressed up as a woman, and then went to see the saint of light.

It sounds humiliating, but it's just an idea for Xue an now.

Don't forget that now he is the body of divine thoughts. Although he can't be seen from the appearance because of the condensation of divine thoughts, the essence is still the embodiment of divine thoughts.

The incarnation of divine thoughts actually has no gender. As long as Xue an is willing, he can change various forms at any time.

So he only thought it was an ordinary task.

But I didn't expect to become a little too successful.

First, the guy guarding the door was so fascinated by himself that Xue an gave him a little punishment.

Then even the dying old man had a different idea.

This naturally makes Xue an a little embarrassed.

However, he didn't say anything. Instead, he followed the Wu Qiming to the small garden.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect you to be soft and weak, but you have great courage. I hope you can be so quiet under my crotch later!"

In the end, Wu Qiming had breathed excitedly, and seemed to have seen the graceful struggle of the beautiful girl in front of him.

But just then, a sudden cold awn made Wu Qiming's thoughts disappear.

I saw that this cold light came like a horse training. The speed was so fast that Wu Qiming didn't respond at all.

After a loud bang, the cold light hit the body protection holy light automatically excited by Wu Qiming.


The necklace worn by Wu Qiming's neck was broken in response to the sound, and the holy light on Wu Qiming's body was broken together.

Until then, Wu Qiming just reacted and was scared to the death.

"You... Who the hell are you?"

At the same time, he stepped back and tried to escape from the small garden.

At the beginning, in order to create this small nest for his own play, Wu Qiming spared no expense to set up a shielding array around the walls.

It can be said that once you enter here, even the glory of the Lord of light is temporarily blocked.

But unexpectedly, these original settings have become the constraints of Wu Qiming at this moment.

If he was outside, an idea could start the defense of the extremely fire cathedral and summon guards.

In that case, even if the strength of the other party is amazing, it will not be its own opponent.

It can be said that this extremely fire cathedral is the killer mace of Wu Qiming, and the two complement each other.

As long as he was in the cathedral, Wu Qiming took the absolute initiative, which was the reason why Xue an felt that he had a terrible power.

Can't bear this witch Qiming to kill himself.

Because the rules of Guangming palace absolutely prohibit women, especially the existence of Wu Qiming's status. Once he violates it, he may be known by God. At that time, he will be deprived of divine power and even worry about his life.

Therefore, Wu Qiming will carefully create this small world for his own fun.

As a result, Xue an was caught in a trap.

But the problem is that it's too late to regret now.

Wu Qiming can only escape as fast as possible.

But Xue an didn't know his thoughts.

In fact, the reason why Xue an dared to do so in such a big way is to grasp this point.

Therefore, when he saw the rapidly retreating Wu Qiming, he raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and then raised his eyebrows.

Suddenly, countless swords appeared in the air, occupying the whole space.

Wu Qiming, who was in a hurry to retreat, immediately stopped.

There's no way. He can't stop thinking.

Because if he goes further, these suddenly emerged swords will immediately pierce him.

So he could only stand where he was, let the countless swords surround him, and then shouted in a trembling voice.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, everything is easy to discuss!"

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