The speaker is the elder of the Presbyterian group and the most authoritative person in the whole Guangming palace.

He slowly approached, lifted up his cloak that covered his face, and stared at xue'an with his old but not muddy eyes for a moment, and then said faintly.

"What's her name?"

Wu Qiming can be asked now.

Where does he know Xue an's name.

So he immediately looked at Xue an.

Although Xue an lowered his head, he could feel the power of the person staring at him.

But he soon calmed down and said faintly, "my name is..."

Before Xue an could say the name of his idea, the elder suddenly waved his hand.

"Forget it, needless to say, although this woman has good talent, she is not suitable to be a maid of the saint. Take her back!"

Then the elder turned and left.

Wu Qiming was secretly relieved.

This is the best.

As long as she is eliminated, it is estimated that she can get rid of the idea in her heart!

But just then, on the high platform in the middle of the temple, a calm female voice suddenly came.

"Let her stay!"

Not only was Wu Qiming deeply shocked when he said this, but even the elder looked surprised.

Because the speaker is no one else, but the saint sitting on the high platform.

If the elder remembers correctly, this should be the first time that the holy lady took the initiative to speak because of this kind of thing.

He couldn't help but take a deep look at Xue an. Then he was short and said in a low voice, "yes! Please follow the instructions of the holy lady!"

He said so, and the other elders naturally had no objection. They bowed to one side and gave way.

Wu Qiming lowered his head deeply, as if excited by the saint's words.

In fact, Wu Qiming's heart is full of deep fear at the moment.

In any case, he couldn't understand what means the mysterious "girl" used to make the saint speak for her.

Can she influence the decision to get the saint?

As soon as the idea came out, Wu Qiming was frightened.

If so, it would be terrible.

Xue'an ignored these surprised or confused eyes. He stepped forward and went up the stairs. After turning a corner, he disappeared into the sight of the people.

The hall of the temple of light is very vast, with the high platform in the middle towering.

At this time, Xue an naturally could not use his accomplishments, so he could only go up step by step.

After turning several corners in succession, it finally opened up in front of us, and a huge platform appeared.

In fact, if you look at the high platform from the outside, it is not very huge except towering. But when you really climb up, you find that the platform is very vast, and you can't even see the edge at a glance.

Xue an's eyes were slightly frozen and she was secretly frightened.

Of course, he was not frightened by the small hand of nasumi in mustard, but because of the power of light that had become the essence.

Xue'an has never seen such a condensed power of light.

This made him waver.

In this case... Is it really possible to succeed if you continue to follow your plan?

But the thought just flashed by, because at this time, the power of light in front of me gradually condensed and formed a figure.

This is a woman whose whole body is shrouded in the bright holy light. Nevertheless, it can still be seen from the faint outline that this is a stunning woman.

But Xue an's attention was not on it at all. He saw the necklace worn between the woman's neck at a glance.

At the end of the necklace hung a fragment of Xuanyuan mirror.

Xue an's Qi and blood were boiling.

Kung Fu pays off. I finally met him.

Then he began to prepare secretly, ready to wait for the opportunity to block all around.

This is Xue an's plan!

First find a way to enter the core of Guangming palace, and then secretly release the smell of Ancient Mirror fragments.

Xue an believes that as long as there are fragments in the hands of the bright saint, she will be attracted by the breath she releases.

In this case, I should be 90% sure to see the bright saint.

As long as he had the chance to contact, Xue an would try his best to block out a space, and then snatch the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror.

of course.

This is just one of Xue an's plans. Everything should be adjusted in real time according to the actual situation.

For example, now Xue an knows very well that even if he tries his best, he can only block the high platform for half a minute.

In half a minute, everything will be exposed.

So I have to grab the fragments in this half minute, and then escape.

This is not a huge challenge.

But Xue an's low eyes were as bright as fire instead of fear.

But just as he was ready to go, the saint spoke.

"Don't do it yet. I know what you want!"

This sentence shocked Xue an slightly and immediately looked up.

At the same time, the holy light on the saint gradually disappeared and showed her true face.

This is a charming face at first sight, which is full of unspeakable charm.

But Xue an couldn't care about those at the moment. He looked at the saint in great amazement.

The saint smiled, "don't be surprised. In fact, I already knew your intention when you stepped into the temple!"

Xue an's eyes grew colder and his whole body was gradually tightened like a crossbow opened by the enemy.

"Don't be so nervous. The outside world doesn't know our conversation here, and I don't mean any harm to you, so you don't have to kill!"

Although she said so, xue'an still didn't relax at all, just looked at her coldly.

"Hehe, if I guessed correctly, you should not be who you are now! And you were also the God who tried to cross the light barrier before?" The bright goddess spoke with great interest.

Xue an took a deep breath, "yes!"

Then a mist flashed, and he showed his true colors.

Now, naturally, there is no need to cover up.

And Xue an is ready for the war.

But unexpectedly, when the bright Saint saw Xue an's true face, she was stunned and even blurted out a word.

"Lying trough, so handsome!"

Xue an thought he had heard wrong.


But then the blazing brilliance in the eyes of the bright Saint clearly told him that he had heard correctly.


Before Xue an's voice fell, the bright Saint could not wait to say, "handsome boy, what's your name?"

Xue an: "..."

The bright lady does not make complaints about herself.

"Mine? It's the first time I've seen a handsome man who can see into the eyes since I crossed over! I'm tired of facing a group of old men who wrap themselves tightly and look like zombies all day!"

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