Maybe a hypocritical and sentimental person like me is doomed to be unhappy!

——Shu Jingchu.

Shu Jingchu never thought that one day he would cross into a completely unknown world.

She thought she would be like this all her life.

Indulge in the fantasy of narcissism, but escape from all kinds of reality.

In the words of her roommate, you are always immersed in your own world, but you are never willing to open your eyes to see the world. You are a selfish ghost.

Selfish ghost is selfish ghost!

At least... It won't be so sad.

Shu Jingchu comforted himself silently and walked on the street where the sun did not rise in winter.

There are stalls next to each other on the street, with all kinds of things you want or can't think of.

Shu Jingchu likes this feeling very much.

She felt that there was a time of cohesion on these old things.

When you look at it carefully, it's like having a dialogue with its owner across time and space.

Fireworks in the world are the most soothing.

That's why she became the only female college student in this ghost city.

But all this disappeared at the sight of the small fragment of the mirror.

Somehow, Shu Jingchu always felt that there seemed to be countless stories on the mirror, waiting for himself here after thousands of storms and vagrancy.

This prompted her to slowly squat down and look at it.

"Girl, do you want it?"

The gentle and mellow voice came. Through the hazy moonlight in the air, Shu Jingchu saw that the stall owner was a gentle young man.

Although the clothes are old, they are particularly neat, and their eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky.

The look in her eyes made Shu Jingchu lose consciousness for a moment, and then she nodded gently.

"If you like it, take it up and have a look! Maybe it's waiting for you!" The boy smiled and said.

Under the influence of ghosts and gods, Shu Jingchu picked up the fragment on the stall.

It is slightly cool, like the moonlight at the moment.

And the throbbing from the depths of her soul frightened her.

"Boss, this thing..."

The voice stopped suddenly, because when Shu Jingchu raised his head, there was nothing in front of him.

The teenager is not here, and neither is the booth.

Only the fragment in his hand clearly told Shu Jingchu that it was not an illusion.

After a moment of stupor, Shu Jingchu stood up and returned to the dormitory.

The girl in the lower bunk is dressing up carefully, ready to meet the man God she has long loved.

The woman opposite is reading carefully.

Everything seems so ordinary, but it's not so ordinary.

At least when Shu Jingchu went to bed, he still thought so.

Then she woke up in chaos.

where's this?

Shu Jingchu looked at the dense fog ahead at a loss.

I seem to have just been in the dormitory!

Why did you come to this strange place when you opened your eyes.

It seemed that she felt her doubts, and a voice came from the fog.

"Next, I hope you go to a place, wait for someone, and then give him the fragment in your hand to help him through the difficulties!"

"Who are you?"

There was silence in the fog for a long time, so long that Shu Jingchu even thought that the speaker had left.

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you remember my words!"

"Wait a minute, why me? Where am I now?" Shu Jingchu shouted.

But there was no answer in the fog this time.

Shu Jingchu felt inexplicable fear, and then she woke up.

"Hoo, it was a dream!" Shu Jingchu breathed, but the next second she noticed something was wrong.

Because at the moment, the body is not a dormitory bed, but a cold high platform.

Under the high platform, there were more than a dozen people in red and kneeling towards themselves.

"Welcome the return of the virgin!"


Is this a TV play?

Shu Jingchu was full of doubts, and then felt a sharp pain in his mind.

Various memories poured in.

Palace of light, saint, Lord of light.

These messy things mixed together and gave her a splitting headache.

But soon the pain left her.

Because at this moment, a waterfall of white light fell on her head.

The people kneeling at the bottom were very excited, kowtowed more than before, and recited something crazily in their mouth.

But these have nothing to do with Shu Jingchu, because at the moment she saw a lonely figure in the vast white light.

Somehow, when seeing this figure, Shu Jingchu's heart hurt for no reason.

It was like seeing a child who was wronged and refused to say, but curled up in a corner and endured silently.

She walked over subconsciously.

"What's the matter with you, little friend?"

"Dead! Dead again!" The figure turned his back to Shu Jingchu and whispered to himself

"What's dead again?" Shu Jingchu was a little stunned.

"The last Saint died again. No one played with me. I'm really sad!"

"What do you mean no one plays with you? Sister, I can play with you!" Shu Jingchu said.


With this surprised voice, the figure turned to Shu Jingchu.

Shu Jingchu was scared back for two steps.

Because the child who appears in front of him is clearly a monster.

Without facial features, there is nothing but human form.

"Are you afraid of me? Is that ok?"

With the voice, the monster squirmed, and then appeared in front of a naive and lovely child.

At the same time, the memories in my mind are finally integrated.

Shu Jingchu widened his eyes, "are you... The Lord of light?"

"Lord of light?" The child tilted his head. "It seems that's what they call me!"

Then the child became excited, "since you can see me and even communicate with me, we will be good friends in the future. I can give you strength and everything you want, on the premise that you want to accompany me!"

Comfortable and quiet, lips slightly pursed.

Now she knows the whole story.

I did go through it, and it was sent directly by some kind of existence.

The premise is to let yourself wait for a person and give him the fragment in his hand.

And the identity of his passage is the saint of the palace of light. Now the excited child in front of him is the Lord of light believed by countless people.

She really wants to ask why it's me!

But when he saw the expected eyes of the child opposite, Shu Jingchu nodded.

"Well, I have friends again!" The child is very excited.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" This sentence directly broke Shu Jingchu's memory.

Shu Jingchu was startled, and then he came back to his senses, and then smiled at the curious child with his head tilted in front of him.

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