Shu Ming was unaware of this, but became more and more arrogant and domineering.

"Xue an, do you have anything else to say before you die?"

Xue an smiled calmly, but didn't speak.

Because he had seen the faint glow behind Shuming.

Sure enough.

Before Shuming reacted, the glow directly rushed to Shuming.

It was as if a spark had landed in a warehouse full of explosives, which immediately caused a violent explosion.

In the sound of explosion, Shuming screamed bitterly.

"No! Lord of light, you bastard, can't you interfere with the cause and effect of reality? Why should you intervene in this matter?"

Of course, the Lord of light could not respond to him. He was greeted only by a more violent explosion.


The violent shock wave raged in the temple of light.

If it were not for the extremely strong Temple of light, it might have been destroyed directly.

Nevertheless, the members of the Presbyterian group under the stage were shocked back by the huge pressure.

After the storm calms down a little, we can see where there are traces of Shuming in the field.

Xue an readily catches the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror flying back, and his face also shows a dignified color.

He did not expect that the strength of the Lord of light would be so strong and would help himself.

Originally, he was ready to fight hard. As a result, with the help of the Lord of light, he easily eliminated the Shuming separation.

But why?

Xue an frowned slightly.

At this time, a faint glow appeared on Shu Jingchu's body, and a complicated and extremely dignified badge mother of Pearl pattern appeared between his eyebrows.

Seeing this, the elders on the scene prostrated on the ground and worshipped with great excitement.

Xue an was also slightly surprised, but even smiled.

"Just now, thank you for your help!"

you 're right.

At this moment, the Lord of light has come to Shu Jingchu.

This is also the only way for the Lord of light to communicate with the outside world.

To put it bluntly, Shu Jingchu is like a bridge connecting the Lord of light and reality.

After hearing Xue an's words, Shu Jingchu, or the Lord of light, took a deep look at Xue an, and then spoke.

"Don't thank me, because I'm not helping you, but my sister!"

Shu Jingchu said it very seriously.

Xue an was a little surprised.

He thought that the Lord of light who talked to him would be an old monster who was prudent and even scheming.

After all, who can become an evil god is not an old monster that has survived for tens of thousands of years.

But I never expected to be a sincere teenager.

Don't ask how Xue an knows.

Just this simple sentence, Xue an heard a lot.

In particular, the pride and sincerity between the lines clearly shows the character of the Lord of light.

However, xue'an was soon relieved, smiled and nodded, "then I want to thank you too!"

"Hum! In fact, I wonder how you dare to provoke such a top evil god as Shuming with your strength!"

Xue an sighed lightly, "I don't want to provoke him either. The key is that he takes the initiative to attack me first. I can't wait to die!"

"That's true!" Shu Jingchu nodded, and then took a meaningful look at Xue an.

"But I still want to advise you that it's no different from a fool's dream to defeat Shu Ming with your current strength, and you can't expect me to help you in the end. After all, this shot has violated my principles, so you'll have to ask for more luck in the future!"

Xue an smiled calmly, "I know this naturally, and I will never place my hope on others!"

"Well, you're a good guy, at least better than these guys on the ground!"

Speaking of this, Shu Jingchu turned his head and looked at these people kneeling on the ground with disgust on his face.

"Don't think I don't know what you guys do secretly. Who secretly took action against Sister Li's Apprentice? Stand up by yourself!"

As the source of the power of this palace of light, the Lord of light has a supreme position in the eyes of these believers.

So just a word, the elder knelt forward and climbed a few steps.

"Return... Return to the Almighty Lord. I ordered Wu Qiming to send someone to deal with the two disciples of the former Saint Fu Li!"

"Why did you do that?"

"Because that Fu Li dares to betray the supreme you, and even prefers to live in the outside world. I think she has tarnished the glory of Guangming palace, so I intend to erase all the traces left!" The elder dared not hide anything, but said honestly.

"What is betrayal? Sister Li just wants to try other ways of life, and she has returned everything when she left. How can I call it tarnishing my glory?" Shu Jingchu asked fiercely.

The elder touched his head to the ground and dared not say a word.

Shu Jingchu raised his hand and a wisp of white light came out of the elder's body and flowed into Shu Jingchu's body.

"It seems that you are no longer fit to use the power I gave you. From today on, you will retire to provide for the aged!"

With the departure of the white light, the elder trembled violently, and then aged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the elder became an ordinary and dying old man.

Even so, he still shouted in a vague voice, "thank you for your omnipotent master!"

These pictures naturally made the rest of the elders tremble, especially Wu Qiming. The cold sweat on his forehead dripped down and wetted the floor in front of him.

But the Lord of light obviously didn't care about such a small role, so he just glanced at him and said to Xue an.

"Be nice to sister Jing, or you'll look good!"

After that, the glow on Shu Jingchu's body dissipated, and the mother of Pearl pattern between his eyebrows also disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, it was Shu Jingchu himself.

They looked at each other. Shu Jingchu wanted to ask Xue an whether he knew the young man who cheated himself in the ghost market.

And who is the voice in the fog!

But the words came to his mouth and swallowed them back.

Because she was really afraid of xue'an.

What if he rushes to the front as just now and "forcibly rude" to himself!

Thinking of this, Shu Jingchu has counselled.

Xue an didn't have time to pay attention to her.

Before he explained clearly, duanmuguang and Wujun were asked to leave Guangming palace as soon as possible with Yun lingxuan and Tang Xiao, and then wait for him outside.

Now it's almost time. If they don't show up again, it's estimated that these three people have been waiting in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Xue an Chong Shu Jingchu nodded and immediately flashed away and disappeared in place.

Go... Go?

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