"Hey, you..."

Shu Jingchu just wanted to say something to stop it. Xue Anye has come before the two big cages.

It seems that because of his arrival, the two elf women curled up together in fear, and their good-looking eyes were full of panic and despair.

Just then, a warm greeting came from behind.

"My guest, are you interested in these two goods?"

Xue an didn't even lift his head, but said faintly, "elf family?"

"Hey, my guest, you have a wide range of knowledge. Yes, these two goods are the elves caught from the lower level!"

Xue an turned his head. Standing behind him was a middle-aged man in brocade.

Moreover, he was rare not to cover his face with fog, revealing a properly maintained face.

Seeing Xue an's eyes, the middle-aged man showed a very bright smile.

"My guest, do you still like these two goods? I can assure you that these two goods are still perfect, and they are also a pair of rare sisters. We paid a high price to catch them!"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's face showed an expression that men understand, and lowered his voice.

"And do you see the two collars between their necks? They are wonderful treasures. As long as you buy them, we will give you a remote control device and a full set of adjustment methods! Ensure that you can climb to the top of bliss from now on!"

Shu Jingchu couldn't help but frown secretly because of the explicit nature of the words, and then was a little shocked.

Do these men... All play like this?

But this condition sounds like I can't help my heart!

It is estimated that Xue an is more difficult to resist!

Shu Jingchu thought.

Xue'an didn't immediately agree to it as she thought.

"Just these two?"

The middle-aged man was stunned by this sentence, and then said in amazement.

"Isn't this... Enough?"

"Of course it's not enough. The kung fu I'm learning needs a huge power of Yuan Yin. How can they do it?" Xue an said coldly.

This seat... The power of Yuan Yin... These two terms make Shu Jingchu confused.

What does he want?

But the eyes of the middle-aged man burst out with blazing brilliance.

Because he knows that big customers are coming!

"It turned out to be a senior expert who is good at double cultivation. It's disrespectful!"

"Hum, don't talk nonsense. Do you have it or not?"

This fog can not only mask the face, but also modify the sound line, and gives countless choices.

Of course, you can also use the initial setting if you are too troublesome.

As a newcomer to the ghost city for the first time, Xue an naturally has no time to modify the initial settings.

But the more so, the more the middle-aged man felt deep awe.

Because generally, only the really top strong will disdain these trivial settings of the outside world.

For a time, the image of Xue an in his mind became more and more tall.

"Yes, of course! And senior, I don't boast. In the whole ghost city, except our Baishan shop, there is no second one with sufficient supply and high grade!"

"Oh? So your Baishan shop is the only one?" Xue an said coldly.

"That's natural. Please come in and let's talk about something!" The middle-aged man nodded and bowed.

Xue an snorted and acquiesced.

Shu Jingchu is a little silly.

What is this?

Didn't you agree to go to the treasure house to find the whereabouts of other fragments?

Why did you suddenly turn here to talk about business?

Shu Jingchu doesn't think Xue an can be so timid.

But she really didn't understand what Xue an meant.

At this time, Xue an whispered in Shu Jingchu's ear, "follow up, I have a clue!"

Shu Jingchu immediately followed.

After crossing the threshold, the shop is warm and bright, and the bright lights are playing on the various layouts in the shop, which is more luxurious.

The middle-aged man politely asked Xue an to sit down, and then ordered someone to send Lingcha.

In the curl of tea smoke, Xue an didn't move. Before she opened her mouth, she had already set her foot.

Shu Jingchu smiled behind him.

This guy can put on airs.

But the idea just flashed by, and immediately she naturally stood behind Xue an and acted as an attendant.

"But I don't know how many goods the elder needs at least?"

The middle-aged man also saw that Xue an didn't like nonsense, so he didn't greet each other and asked directly.

Xue an pointed to the door. "Like this, at least ten more are needed!"


The middle-aged man took a breath.

of course.

I don't know whether this move is true or false. After all, such people are human spirits, and acting is unique.

"So many!"

"What? I can't get it together?" Xue an said coldly.

"Of course not! It's just..." Middle aged men's dental flower path.

"Only the goods outside the door are the best of the best. If you buy ten of these goods, it will be a lot of money. I wonder if you can be prepared, elder?"

Shu Jingchu's heart moved and knew that the middle-aged man was going to verify his capital.

For her, who has been wandering in the ghost city for a long time, she is naturally clear about this move.

Because many things traded in the ghost market are extremely precious treasures, in order to be safe, many large transactions need to be verified in advance before they are qualified for the next step.

The problem is that Xue an has just come to this world. What kind of wealth can he get into the eyes of this middle-aged man?

While she was secretly worried, she saw Xue an's wrist turned over and a ball of light appeared in the palm of her hand, which glittered with treasure light.

"This is..." The middle-aged man was shocked and couldn't help asking.

"There are no real things that can be brought into the ghost city. Coupled with our hurry this time, we didn't have time to register, but these gadgets should be worth some money!"

Then the light column suddenly increased, showing the true colors of those precious lights inside.

"Eight barrens forbidden formula!"

"Cut the sea god way!"

"Butterfly dance fantasy classic!"


These Baoguang are all kinds of secrets.

Seeing this scene, even the well-informed middle-aged man couldn't help staring.

Shu Jingchu was even more shocked.

How did he get these things?

In fact, she didn't know that xue'an never stopped fighting after entering the world.

Moreover, what he destroyed were first-class strong ones, and the war benefits were naturally high.

In particular, the recent elimination of Shu Ming's separation, although Xue an took a trick, most of them were destroyed by the Lord of light.

But he got all the booty.

Of course, such as Shuming's separation, the top evil thing, because of different cultivation systems, it is naturally impossible to carry the magic weapon of the human race.

But its memory is the biggest booty.

At least Xue an benefited a lot from this battle.

Although it is said that the captured booty cannot be displayed in the ghost city because it is not registered.

But just relying on these skills in these memories is a huge wealth.

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