Soon the door opened.

Han Bao stretched out his hand and said politely, "please, senior!"

This is actually a test.

If Xue an doesn't even have the courage to lead first, his arrogant strong man's design will be broken.

Xue an naturally saw Han Bao's careful thoughts, so he just sneered, and then walked forward with a swagger.

When he crossed the threshold and entered the building, he couldn't help but see the light in front of him.

A lavishly decorated hall appeared in front of us.

Moreover, the area of this hall is much larger than the small building seen from the outside.

Needless to ask, there must be a space spell of nasumi in mustard.

But this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the hall is very busy at the moment.

There are shadows everywhere, and many of them still exude a strong smell that strangers are not allowed to enter.

"Elder, you can relax now!"

Han Bao's figure came from behind.

Xue an snorted coldly, "it seems a little reliable, but I don't know what can brighten our eyes at the auction later!"

"Don't worry, elder. I promise to give you a big surprise!"

Han Bo politely beckoned Xue an to sit down, then told him to leave, turned around and went to do something else.

After he left, Shu Jingchu couldn't help coming to Xue an's ear.

"What the hell are you doing? Didn't you go to the treasure hunt pavilion? Why did you come to this auction suddenly? Could it be that there are fragments of Xuanyuan mirror on it?"

Shu Jingchu doesn't believe that kind of top treasure will appear here.

"Of course it won't be that simple. I just vaguely caught a clue, but whether it has yet to be verified, so I can't tell you for the time being!"

"Hum, make a mystery!" Shu Jingchu was dissatisfied, but he immediately thought of something and whispered.

"However, I want to tell you in advance that this Baishan shop is not an ordinary place. I was even more famous before this auction. I heard that it is one of the largest auction houses in the ghost city. It can be seen that the backstage of this Baishan shop is powerful, so if you plan to do anything, you have to weigh it up!"

"Don't worry, I'm here to buy things, not to smash the market. What does it have to do with me whether they are strong or not?" Xue an smiled.

"That's good!"

"But what exactly does this Baishan shop sell? It has such a strong network?"

"Have you seen the sisters in front of the door? In addition to hunting women from rare ethnic groups in the sky to make huge profits, this Baishan shop will also operate all kinds of strange businesses. As Han Bao said, only what you can't think of, and what they can't sell!"

"Sounds great!"

"Is that very powerful? That's quite powerful! Ah, by the way, the fog masking time limit protected by you novice is only one hour, but now it's about to expire!"

"What should I do?"

Xue an is actually thinking about it.

At the beginning, he was just going to hang a name with Shu Jingchu to the treasure hunt Pavilion. In that case, an hour would be more than enough.

But there are changes on the way. After arriving at this Baishan shop, there will be not enough time.

"Hey, hey, there are times when you don't know what to do!"

Xue an's mind heard Shu Jingchu's arrogant laughter.

"Please, please, I'll tell you what to do!"

"Forget it, the fog will dissipate as soon as it dissipates! Anyway, few people know me. If someone asks, I'll say I'm from Guangming palace!" Xue an said faintly.

"No!" Shu Jingchu immediately jumped into the path.

"Why not?"

"Yes, you go straight after your work. What should I do?" Shu Jingchu said.

"But what can I do? After all, I don't know what to do next!"

"You... Oh, I'm so afraid of you! I'm just kidding you, isn't it!"

With that, a trading panel appeared in front of Xue an, on which a string of numbers representing wealth appeared.

"Be sure. I'll lend you some money first and then renew it. Remember, it's lent to you and I have to pay it back!" Shu Jingchu stressed.

It's more and more like a game!

The idea flashed through Xue an's mind, and then clicked confirm.

In an instant, a string of wealth was remitted into Xue an's body.

This feeling is very mysterious. Obviously, nothing has changed, but Xue an still feels the existence of this wealth.

There is an option of renewal payment in the fog behind and in front.

When everything is handled.

Han Bao came back with a smile and a number plate in his hand.

"Senior, because you are the first time to participate in the auction and you didn't have your identity information before, I temporarily applied for a number plate for you. You can use it directly when the auction is held!"


Xue an took the number plate, and then said impatiently, "when will this laoshizi auction start?"

"Don't be impatient, sir. It's about to start! And it's the main play at the beginning!" Han Bao winked.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a copper chime from the auction desk, and the whole audience was instantly quiet.

Then I saw an old man with white hair walking up the platform with vigorous steps.

The old man is not young, but his face is red and his blood is very vigorous.

As soon as he got on the stage, he laughed and said, "please wait for a long time. It's just that someone from outside has just come back, so it took some time. There's no more nonsense. The auction will officially begin! Bring it up!"

As soon as the voice fell, heavy footsteps came from under the stage, and not one person, but a large group of people and horses.

Sure enough.

Dozens of strong men with naked upper bodies were struggling to carry something to the stage.

Every step will show a deep footprint, which shows the heaviness of this thing.

The curiosity of all the people present was aroused, but it was blocked by black cloth and could not be seen through, so they had to stretch their necks and look forward.


When the dozens of strong men came to the center of the field, they almost exhausted to put down the things they were carrying on their shoulders.

To put it down is like throwing it away.

Therefore, the hall vibrated with a loud bang.

"What's so heavy?"

"Who says no, look at these dozens of strong men who are strong in physical cultivation. Even they are so tired. What is this thing?"

People whispered and talked.

The old man on the stage laughed, "ladies and gentlemen, today's auction is unprecedented. If the first auction is put in the past, it must at least be the finale!"

"No more nonsense, open it!"

Then the black cloth was lifted, revealing a strange stone with black paint like stubborn iron below.

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