"Then find a chance to completely subdue him and dig out the secret of why he has so many secrets!"

The other side smiled grimly and touched his bald head. "Don't worry, sir, I won't ask when this boy will be weaned at that time, even if my surname is left!"

Li Dengfeng nodded with satisfaction, "I'm naturally at ease when you do things!"

Then Li Dengfeng turned to look at the figures standing aside.

These people stood in place in silence, and the low-key did not seem to exist at all.

But only Li Dengfeng and this bald man know how powerful these people are.

"The only thing you need to do in this operation is to monitor this guy. If he has any changes... Kill him immediately!"

Speaking of the last three words, Li Dengfeng's eyes flashed a cruel color.

The leader nodded, "OK!"

After all the explanations, Li Dengfeng waved his hand, and these people withdrew one after another.

After returning to silence in the room, Li Dengfeng suddenly sneered.

"If you want to fight with my Baishan shop, you're still young!"

Three days passed quickly, and soon it was the appointed day.

That day, Xue an and Shu Jingchu came to Baishan shop early.

And Baishan shop is already ready.

When Xue an and Shu Jingchu arrived, Li Dengfeng personally led them to meet the hunting team who went to the lower level to hunt.

"This is Zuo Shi, the hunting captain of our Baishan shop!" Li Dengfeng pointed to the bald man.

The bald man is more than two meters tall and his muscles bulge, even reaching a creepy level.

After hearing Li Dengfeng's introduction, Zuo Shi grinned and showed his white teeth.

Apart from anything else, this smile alone is enough to make a slightly timid person look pale.

But Xue an seemed to have no feeling, nodded slightly, and then turned his eyes to the men next to him.

"This is..."

"Oh, this is the person I specially selected to protect you in order to ensure your safety!" Li Dengfeng explained, and then pointed to the person in front.

"His name is Jia Zijie. He is fully responsible for your safety this time!"

Compared with Zuo Shi's arrogance and domineering, Jia Zijie has to keep a low profile.

He was dressed in gray, with an ordinary face and expression.

Even if he stands in front of you, you will subconsciously ignore him.

But in the face of such a seemingly ordinary figure, Xue an was rare and solemn, and stretched out his hand to him.

"Nice to meet you!"

Jia Zijie first looked at Li Dengfeng and saw that there was no other expression on his face except a smile. Then he stretched out his hand and gently shook Xue an like a dragonfly.

Xue an smiled and didn't care. He just said to Li Dengfeng, "are you ready? When will it start?"

"It's all ready. You can start now!"

As I said before, the ghost city does not really exist, but is based on illusion like the Internet.

Therefore, it needs extremely complicated means to cross directly from here to other planes.

Fortunately, this is already familiar to Baishan shop.

So it didn't take long for Xue an and his party to disappear into a white light.

The process of crossing is not long.

It seems to be just a blink of an eye. When you open your eyes again, you will see a lush forest in front of you.

"Wow. The air here is so clear!" Shu Jingchu took a deep breath and couldn't help sighing.

The rest of the team felt the same.

The air is as clean as if it had been washed. Take a deep breath, and the clear Aura will reach the depths of the cells, which makes people feel like washing the dust.

Coupled with the picturesque scenery in front of us, it gives people a kind of relaxation and comfort that can not be expressed in words.

But compared with the enjoyment of others in the team, Zuo Shi, as the captain, smiled coldly.

"Put away your appearance that you haven't seen the world! It's just a low level. What's worth remembering? Don't forget our purpose this time!"

Hearing this, the others in the team were all awestruck.

Xue an ignored his words at all, but looked at the surrounding environment.

Because he left the ghost city, the fog that covered his face naturally disappeared.

But Xue an had expected this for a long time, so he changed his appearance in advance.

At the moment, he is just an ordinary man.

Zuo Shi and others naturally understand that he is not who he is.

However, this does not hinder Zuo Shi's hostility to Xue an.

As I said before, Li Dengfeng specially told him what to do.

So in Zuo Shi's eyes, Xue an seems to be a dead man.

But just now in the ghost city, the dead man dared to ignore himself.

This can't help but make Zuo Shi angry.

Therefore, Zuo Shi sneered when he saw Xue an looking around.

"What are you looking at? I can tell you that this seemingly calm forest actually hides murderous opportunities, so you should follow my command on the next road without any violation!"

Xue an smiled without saying anything.

But the more his attitude was, the more angry Zuo Shi was. He really wanted to do it now.

But at this time, he just crossed over, and the specific situation has not been found out, so Zuo Shi can only restrain his anger and said coldly.


This low level is full of lush trees.

So Zuo Shi and his party have been flying in the sky.

I don't know how long I flew, but the green under my feet still hasn't changed at all.

Xue an is still fine, but Shu Jingchu can't hold on.

"When will it fly? And how can I feel that there is nothing flying all the way!"

"Indeed, this seemingly vibrant forest is actually extremely silent!" Xue an said faintly.

Shu Jingchu just wanted to ask why, the invariable green jungle suddenly changed.

Countless branches and tendrils began to swing and rush from far to near like waves.

Such visions naturally attracted public attention.

Zuo Shi just sneered, "don't panic, it's a tree giant!"

Any plane will naturally repel intruders.

This plane is no exception.

Especially because it has been invaded once, the response this time is more rapid.

In the blink of an eye, the countless branches and vines condensed into a green giant, and then bombarded Xue an and his party.

"Ha ha, come on!"

Zuo Shi laughed wildly. He didn't retreat but entered. He threw his fist up and blew it directly.


After a loud noise, most of the giant's body was smashed by the punch, but there were so many green branches that they made up again in the next second.

Not only that, they only felt that their body shape fell, and their own strength was suppressed a lot.

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