But Vera disagreed. Although she was young, she was far more careful than her peers because she was born in the king's court.

She knew very well that these hunting teams would not believe their words so easily.

So she took the initiative to put forward the plan, but it was immediately rejected by Xue an.

Xue an made it clear.

If it's a big deal, just do it directly. It's just taking more trouble. Why can't a girl sacrifice herself like this.

But Vera didn't think so. She flopped and knelt in front of xue'an. She persuaded xue'an with only a few words.

Her meaning is very simple. Now the elves have reached the critical moment of life and death. As a princess, how can you care about this?

Although Xue an can do it directly, it is likely to cause many unnecessary losses, which is far better than following the original plan.

In desperation, Xue an reluctantly agreed, but he also said that villa was only allowed to untie one button. If Zuo Shi didn't believe it, he would do it directly.

Although Zuo Shi and others believed it smoothly, Xue an was still uncomfortable.

In fact, as early as in the ghost city, when he passed by the door of Baishan shop, he felt the smell of Xuanyuan mirror fragments on the two elf women.

After approaching, the warning from Xuanyuan mirror clearly told him that there was a fragment in the Baishan shop.

Therefore, Xue an will enter the auction, and after seeing the eight fairy women at the auction, his conjecture will also be confirmed.

These elves have an obvious smell of fragments of Xuanyuan mirror, which shows two points.

First, the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror may be among these elves, but this possibility is very small.

The second and most likely reason is that the fluctuation of the breath comes from the hunting team of baishanpu.

So after Xue an bought these elves, he once asked them if they had seen a fragment.

Sure enough.

One of the elves saw something similar to a fragment and appeared in Zuo Shi's hand.

That's why Xue an wants to see the hunting team by ordering.

But after seeing Zuo Shi and others, Xue an found that things had changed.

He didn't feel the smell of any fragments on Zuo Shi and others.

Is there something wrong with the plan?

This was the first thought in Xue an's mind at that time.

But soon he calmed down and decided to move on with the plan.

After all, according to the elf, the fragment was taken out when the hunting team caught themselves and planned to take them away.

That's why shean let Vera go first.

He wants to tell the other elves through Vera to make them ready, don't panic and cooperate with themselves.

Xue'an was going to let Lisa and other elves go before. But she happened to meet Vera. Coupled with her identity, she is the most suitable to do this.

Soon, xue'an and his party quietly followed Vera to the front of the three giant trees.

As Vera said, the huge tree was arranged in a triangle.

Vera stepped into the middle of the three trees and closed her eyes, as if she were communicating something.

Zuo Shi and others in the distance waited with bated breath.


The three trees were shining brightly, and then a door of time and space opened slowly in front of everyone.

A tall fairy woman came out and shouted happily, "princess, you're back!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zuo Shi rushed out first, and his team members followed him and rushed towards the gate of time and space like wolves.

The sudden change stunned the elf woman. Before she could react, Zuo Shi and others had rushed to the front, and then broke into the door of time and space.

Sure enough.

This is a small world attached to the thematic plane.

The scenery inside is similar to that outside. It is also full of tall trees, but wooden houses are built on these trees, which are connected by vines to form a dense cobweb.

In the middle of the jungle is an incomparably tall tree.

It can even be said that this small world is supported by this tree.

Needless to say, this should be the fairy mother tree that Zuo Shi can't find all over the world.

Zuo Shi was overjoyed and immediately ordered: "prepare immediately. Today, we must catch all the elves."

In fact, he didn't have to give orders at all. His men had already red eyes and immediately dispersed and launched an attack on such a large elf station.

To say that it is an attack is to crush the talisman in your hand and drive away the elves below.

In an instant, the quiet and peaceful elves' residence became chaotic.

Before many elves could understand what was going on, they were driven down the wooden house by the rune flame.

The flames burst into the sky and screamed constantly.

Of course, the elves are not waiting to die. Someone immediately began to resist.

But their racial talent has long been restrained by Zuo Shi and others who have been prepared in advance.

No matter the arrows or the vines, they can't stop Zuo Shi and others.

In the blink of an eye, the wooden houses were burned down, and all the Elves were driven to the square.

Looking at the dense elves below, Zuo Shi was ecstatic. He seemed to have seen countless wealth waving to him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Zuo Shi laughed.

But these Elves will not give up resistance so easily. In the middle of being surrounded by people, there is an old elf wearing a crown of thorns.

She held a scepter in her hand and whispered an obscure elf spell.


See her suddenly a scepter.

The whole little world trembled, and the fairy mother tree in the middle of the jungle shook its branches crazily.

Vines turned into giants and attacked Zuo Shi and others in the sky.

But Zuo Shi was not afraid, but wantonly laughed and said, "old and immortal still want to stop us? I tell you, even your fairy mother tree can't escape my palm today!"

With the words, Zuo Shi's men released the giant who had been captured before and blocked it in front.

At the sight of the giant, the original crazy attack of the fairy mother tree was one of the delays.

Because the giant came from the same source as the fairy mother tree and was born with the plane will.

So when you see it, all these attacks are one lag.

The left side of the world is now pleased.

He knows these elves too well.

Know that they would rather sacrifice themselves to protect others.

So he used this means of coercion very skillfully.

But just then, the giant they used to threaten screamed sadly.

Zuo Shi was shocked, "no, it's going to kill itself! Stop it!"

But it was too late. The giant directly broke up and turned into nothing.

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