Bones will lose water and become brittle under the fire, and then gradually carbonize.

This process is extremely painful.

Because you have to endure unimaginable pain.

And the lack of water in cells will make you thirsty.

But you can't open your mouth to breathe, because once you open your mouth, hot gas will take advantage of it and burn your airway and lungs.

The key is not to know whether xue'an deliberately or how. This process is extremely long.

So Li Dengfeng could only watch himself being roasted a little bit.

This is the cruelest punishment in the world.

Li Dengfeng thought he could persevere to the end. After all, he didn't even blink when torturing others.

But he seriously overestimated himself. In fact, he couldn't hold on after less than a minute.

The originally aggressive abuse first turned into a painful groan, then turned into a hysterical howl, and finally turned into a higher plea for mercy.

"I'm wrong, my Lord. I'm really wrong. Please give me a good time! I can tell you anything!"

The flame then retreated, and a trace of cool breath made Li Dengfeng comfortable and just wanted to cry.

He finally found that it was so cool to breathe happily.

"Where did you get this fragment?" Xue an asked, holding a Xuanyuan mirror.

"I received it by chance. At that time, people didn't know what it was, so I was the only one who planned to auction it. I saw that it was a rare treasure, so I intercepted it directly!"

In fact, Xue an has long speculated about this.

After all, Baishan shop started by auction, which is likely to be collected in the process.

After being confirmed by Li Dengfeng, Xue an nodded.

Li Dengfeng looked at xue'an's face and said carefully, "Sir, are you looking for this thing? Then leave it to me. As long as you don't kill me, I will help you search for it with all my strength!"

"How to search?" Xue an asked.

As if he had caught the straw, Li Dengfeng immediately said, "of course, with the help of the power of Baishan shop. After all, I am the owner of Baishan shop. There is also a number one in this ghost city. As long as I come forward, I will get something!"

After that, Li Dengfeng, who had been scorched for most of his body, looked at Xue an with full eyes.

He really wanted to die before.

But after some great pain between life and death, he was timid again.

After all, mole ants are still living in secret, not to mention being used to him.

But Xue an just smiled, "it sounds good, but... It seems that you are not the only one who can do this!"

Li Dengfeng was stunned and immediately understood, but before he could speak, Han Bao ran to Xue an's back first, flopped and knelt to the ground.

"My Lord, I am willing to be a dog and horse for your drive!"

"Then I'll let you take charge of Baishan shop. Can you do it?" Xue an said faintly.

Han Bao was overjoyed and banged his head several times. "Of course, I can do it. After all, I have been in Baishan shop for many years, and I have presided over many affairs. Therefore, if you want to find something like that, you can give it to me, and I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

In the end, Han Bao's meaning is already naked.

Li Dengfeng was almost furious and stared at Han Bao with split eyes.

If the eyes could kill, Han Bao would have died a long time ago.

But Han Bao didn't care about these at all. Instead, he looked at Xue an with a humble face.

Xue an turned to look at Li Dengfeng and said with a smile: "you hear me, it seems that I can't use you!"

Li Dengfeng's heart gradually sank into the abyss.

He knew that his only vitality had been ruined by Han Bao's words.

The only thing he could do was to whisper, "please give me a good time!"

Xue an nodded, "Han Bao!"

"My subordinates are here!"

"Give him a good time!"

Han Bao didn't even hesitate. He immediately said, "yes!"

Then he stood up and walked up to Li Dengfeng, sighed softly and said, "master, this is the last time I call you master. Don't blame me for being cruel and cruel. Blame you for not doing that absurd thing. As a result, you offended your adult!"

Li Dengfeng stared at Han Bao and said with a sneer, "don't talk nonsense. If you want to start, hurry, but remember Han Bao, I'll wait for you below!"

Han Bao smiled, "OK, then wait for me!"

After saying that, Han Bao did not hesitate to raise his hand.

Because Li Dengfeng's flesh and skin had been burnt, this palm directly acted on the bone and shattered his neck and head.

His brain splashed out and Li Dengfeng died.

After all this, Han Bao immediately stepped back and said respectfully to Xue an.

"My Lord, it's done. Please tell me!"

Xue an didn't even look at it. A thread of fire flew out and directly burned Li Dengfeng's body to ashes.

At the same time, the flames that had raged over the whole Baishan shop disappeared out of thin air.

The scene below is amazing.

Because the Baishan shop invaded by the sea of fire is actually intact, and even the flowers and plants are not damaged at all.

This miraculous scene stunned Han Bao, then lowered his head deeply, and his face became more and more obedient.

"Now you are in charge of the hundred good shops. Do you know what to do?" Xue an said faintly.

Han Bao immediately said, "yes, I will try my best to search for the fragments of the ancient mirror in the dark and promise to give you an explanation as soon as possible!"

"OK! Then I'll wait for your news!"

After that, Xue an LED Shu Jingchu away from the Baishan shop.

After coming outside, Shu Jingchu said, "I finally understand why you want to keep this man alive!"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Oh? Why?"

"Because you already know that the fragments of the Xuanyuan mirror came from the Baishan shop by chance, so you will destroy one and leave one so that you can control the Baishan shop!"

Xue an laughed. "You guessed right, but you only guessed half right!"

"Oh? Why the other half?" Shu Jingchu did something like that and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Xue an said faintly, "in fact, the more important reason is that I don't like the actions of this Baishan shop! Especially Li Dengfeng, who regards people as goods! Such actions can't be redeemed if they die."

Shu Jingchu heard the colorful words in her eyes, but she cleverly hid what she thought in her heart and asked softly, "where are we going next?"

"It's natural to go to the treasure hunt Pavilion you mentioned before! Although it is said that there are Baishan shops now, it's always good to make more preparations!" Xue an said faintly.

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