"I envy, envy and hate. I spent the boss's effort to collect 10000 points. As a result, people made millions of moves!"

"Let's see what tasks he wants to release. Maybe this windfall will fall on us!"

The customer service younger sister is also very excited. After all, such a big deal is also of great benefit to her.

Not to mention anything else, just a small fortune.

So she released the information provided by Xue an neatly and arranged the top of the home page.

Suddenly, the news provided by Xue an appeared on the light curtain of the hall.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. At the same time, the task released by Xue an was put everywhere through various channels.

Countless people saw the high reward and moved with it.

Xue an refused the customer service sister's request to add friends for private chat, turned and walked out of the treasure hunt Pavilion.

Because of the special status of the treasure hunt Pavilion, if the task progresses, as long as Xue an is in the ghost city, he will be notified at the first time. Therefore, it is the same whether he is here or not.

What's more, Xue an has a more important idea.

But as soon as he walked out of the gate of the treasure house, he heard a harsh sound of abuse.

"Dog, I think highly of you when I talk to you, but you dare to ignore me. Today I'll teach you a lesson!"

With the sound of drinking and scolding, a figure was punching and kicking a man lying in the street, and his hand was very cruel.

And it was no one else who was beaten. It was the man who just curled up by the door of the treasure hunt Pavilion.

He covered his head with his hands and lay on the ground. He was punched and kicked by this figure. Let alone struggling and resisting all the way, he didn't even hum.

But the more silent he was, the more angry the man who did it.

"Well, you're still playing silence with me, aren't you? Well, I'll help you today!"

Speaking of the end, the man's tone has taken a trace of killing intention, and his hand is more and more vicious. His moves are all running towards the key of the man.

Seeing that the man was about to be killed alive, one hand appeared out of thin air and stopped the blow to the man's temple.


After a dull noise, the person who started the operation was shocked to step back for several steps, and then roared angrily.

"Who? Dare you mind my business?"

The tone is extremely arrogant.

Xue an, however, came over and said faintly, "it's me!"

Xue an's momentum oppressed one of the hands, but soon he sneered.

"Boy, do you know who I am? If you are sensible, get away as soon as possible, or you will have good fruit to eat!"

Xue an smiled.

He actually knew the man who hit people.

It's the 25th I saw at the baishanpu auction before.

Although his face has been covered by fog, his momentum has not changed at all.

So after hearing the clamor of the 25th, Xue an just smiled.

"Don't tell me, I really want to eat some good fruit recently!"

"Die!" The 25th was so angry that he raised his hand and punched Xue an.

He wanted to come to the treasure house to see the excitement, but he happened to meet a man curled up by the door of the treasure house.

Like other newcomers here, he also had a strong interest in this man, so he also tried to talk about it.

But the man didn't pay attention to him. He kept mumbling something in his mouth.

Several times later, the 25th lost patience and started to fight angrily.

For the 25th, who has always been fearless and self-centered, I took the initiative to talk, but you didn't even pay attention to it. Isn't this looking down on yourself?

But I didn't expect another person to stop me. How can I forgive you on the 25th.

But the next moment, the 25th felt a surging force, and then he rose up and flew out upside down.

That's not over.

Xue an's figure had already been waiting at his landing place. Before he could stand firm, Xue an slapped him.


After a loud and crisp sound, the 25th turned around in place like a top, and then fell to the ground.

"You..." He flew into a rage on the 25th and just wanted to say something more.

Xue an has no patience to talk nonsense with such a guy. He only raises his eyebrows slightly.

"Get out! Otherwise, the next time it comes to your head, it won't be a slap!"

On the 25th, jilingling shivered and knew that he had met a cruel man. He dared not talk nonsense anymore. He got up from the ground and ran away in a hurry.

But when he realized that he had run to a safe distance, he immediately turned back and shouted to Xue an, "boy, wait for me, we'll see!"

For this kind of clown, Xue an didn't even have the interest to take a more look, so he walked close to the man.

At this time, the man was lying on the ground with black and blue wounds, especially the hands protecting his face were soft and drooping, and wisps of blood flowed down his fingers.

Xue an frowned, and the 25th was a little cruel.

Then Xue an squatted down, "how about it?"

The man trembled slightly, and then moved his two injured hands away with difficulty, showing the frightened cheeks below.

Xue an sighed and brushed his palm gently from the man.

A faint light flowed down where he had passed, and the injury recovered.

"How do you feel now?"

The man just looked at Xue an.

"It's no use. I told you before that he's a complete madman!" Shu Jingchu came to Xue an's side and said in a secluded way.

But just then, the man began to whisper to himself.

"Another day has begun. This is the 1321st time I have experienced. On the same day, I don't know what to do. All the methods I can think of have been used, but I still can't get out. The brothers who came with me have died..."

These whispers were not loud, but Xue an was very close, so he heard them clearly.

This doesn't make Xue an move.

Because just when I had the first conversation with this man, a sentence he said attracted xue'an's attention.

It's the same every day anyway!

At first glance, this sentence seems to have no special meaning, but when you think about it, it is full of strangeness.

Why did he say that?

Xue an was puzzled at that time, but when he heard the man's whisper, he was suddenly shocked.

Is it true what he said.

Did he really spend as like as two peas?

"What do you mean? What is the same day? What did you encounter?" Xue an asked softly.

But the next moment, the man began to go crazy.

"I don't know, I really don't know!"

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