Han Bao didn't know why, but he didn't dare to ask. He could only stand up obediently and stand aside without saying a word.

Xue an looked at the golden mountain spring on the ground, which was as soft as mud, and his eyes flashed slightly.

The reason why he just asked Han Bao to come to help is not that he can't control the Jinshan spring, but that he uses Han Bao to divert Jinshan spring's attention, so as to relax his mind and make him fall into a coma.

Because Xue an knows that this Jinshan spring has a strong sense of vigilance. If he forcibly breaks into his knowledge of the sea, it will only backfire.

you 're right.

Xue an plans to directly break into the sea of knowledge in Jinshan spring and release his closed consciousness.

Now the preparatory work has been completed.

Xue an orders Han Bao to carry jinshanquan back to bed, and then orders Shu Jingchu.

"Go and prepare some hot tea!"

Shu Jing and Chu bamboo slips didn't fight at all, because what Xue an ordered was so natural, as if she were a servant girl.

But looking at Xue an's calm expression, she finally swallowed these words back and turned to go out to prepare.

"You wait by and observe the state of Jinshan spring closely. If he has any sign that he can't hold on, you must interrupt me immediately!" Xue'an then ordered Han Bao to say.

Han Bao nodded and patted the chicken on the chest.

"Don't worry, sir. You can leave this matter to me. I promise there will be no mistakes!"

Xue an nodded. Then he stretched out his left index finger and gently touched the center of Jinshan spring's eyebrows.

There was neither brilliance nor noise, and then Xue an closed his eyes.

Han Bao looked at the Jinshan spring lying on the bed and Xue an standing by the bed. His eyes were full of curiosity.

Is this the beginning?

Why can't you see it from the outside?

But he didn't know that under the seemingly calm appearance, the dark tide was surging.

Xue an carefully separated a wisp of thin hair, and his mind went into the center of Jinshan spring's eyebrows.

The reason why he is so careful is that Jinshan spring is very weak at this time. If he is careless, he may break his spirit and become a real fool.

It's Xue an who has abnormal control over his own mind that dares to give it a try.

Finally, Xue an's mind sank into the sea.

Then appeared in front of him is a desolate battlefield.

Everywhere are the traces left after the desperate struggle, but it is strange that there are no bodies on the ground, only dry blood.

I don't know how many years these blood are accumulated, and the thickness is amazing.

Stepping on it, the soles of your feet are sticky and disgusting.

But Xue an didn't have time to pay attention to these now. His eyes were attracted by the thin figure in the middle of the battlefield.

Xue an came forward immediately.

After coming to this figure, we can better realize the weakness and thinness of this figure.

After feeling the arrival of Xue an, the figure slowly turned around and saw a reduced version of jinshanquan's face.

It feels weird.

Because this is not the golden spring of childhood, but more like a scaled down model after magic is applied.

The key is the look on this face.

That is a kind of numb to empty look, completely loveless life.

Xue an sighed and knew that this was the only thing that Jinshan spring still kept a clear consciousness.

That's why Jinshan spring becomes crazy.

Where are the other consciousness?

When xue'an looked at it, everything he saw was empty. There was no shadow of prison.

Xue an frowned.

He can be sure that this is the only sea knowledge of Jinshan spring, and there is no other space.

Where are the other consciousness?

Did you make a mistake?

Just then, a wonderful scene appeared in front of Xue an.

I saw all the traces of struggle disappear on such a big battlefield.

Only blood remains.

Then there was a sound of fighting.

Countless fighting figures suddenly appeared on the originally empty battlefield.

But Xue an looked intently. Although these figures were dressed differently, they all looked like jinshanquan.

To put it bluntly, all the people who are fighting on such a big battlefield are actually jinshanquan himself.

Seeing this, Xue an finally realized where the other consciousness of Jinshan spring had gone.

In fact, all the people fighting are the embodiment of jinshanquan consciousness.

To put it bluntly, this Jinshan spring is suffering from severe schizophrenia.

A soul split out of countless consciousness and fought with each other, eventually resulting in the appearance of jinshanquan now.

As for why this happens, we have to ask jinshanquan himself.

At this time, the fight has come to an end. Countless figures fall down and blood flows out, which is integrated with the blood River on the ground.

But when the blood drained, the bodies disappeared.

Xue an didn't start, but watched quietly. He didn't look at the only consciousness until the fight was over.

At this time, he saw that the remaining consciousness of Jinshan spring seemed to be thinner.

Obviously, this kind of self-consciousness fighting with each other is an amazing loss for jinshanquan.

In fact, if we don't stop it, it won't be long before Jinshan spring will die because of the complete collapse of consciousness.

Thinking of this, Xue an took a deep breath and was ready.

A moment later, I saw that the battlefield, which had just calmed down, was turbulent again.

Countless figures reappeared.

But before they fought this time, Xue an shot.

Xue an's response is also very simple.

Don't you split up countless consciousness, catch and fight?

Then I will split countless avatars to stop you!

So xue'an appeared before these separatist consciousness, which directly prevented their fighting.

But stopping the fight is only the first step.

How to reintegrate these separated consciousness is the most critical step.

But it's hard to get others, but it's hard to live with Xue an.

Because Xue an's understanding of divine thoughts can be said to be unique in the world.

So he didn't even hesitate. He directly drove these consciousness together, and then pinched and printed it.


The next moment, these consciousness began to crumble.

If there are other people present, it is estimated that they will lose their chin on the spot when they see this behind the scenes.

Because this is equivalent to crushing a person's soul directly.

It's no different from dying.

But Xue an was very determined to continue.

Sure enough.

Under his drive and control, these broken consciousness gradually condensed.

But at this time, a gray light suddenly appeared, and the consciousness that was to be condensed and formed showed signs of collapse again.

Xue an just snorted coldly, and then shouted in a deep voice: "close!"

At the command, the consciousness that was supposed to collapse was kneaded together again.

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