This figure stunned Shu Jingchu.

She really can't imagine how strong a person's mind must be to stay awake in more than 10000 time cycles.

Even just thinking about that despair, Shu Jingchu shuddered.

She felt that if she entered that situation, not to mention more than 10000 times, she might collapse hundreds of times.

In contrast, it is valuable enough that Jinshan spring can just go crazy after such a terrible situation.

"So... How did you get out in the end?" Shujingchu stammered.

"There are no children!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I said no, I was the only one who came out at last!" Jinshan spring spoke very quietly.

But this calm is full of unspeakable sadness.

Although it had been expected for a long time, when jinshanquan really said so, Shu Jingchu still felt that his heart was gradually sinking to the bottom of the valley.

Needless to say, those people must die in the cycle of time.

So Shu Jingchu didn't ask them how they died, because she thought it was extremely cruel for a person who escaped from the hell of that time.

But she didn't ask, but Xue an asked directly.

"How did they die?"

Shu Jingchu glanced at Xue an.

Xue'an went on: "according to your description, you are trapped in a time cycle, so even if someone can't support to die on the way, it should reappear in the next cycle! So..."

Xue an looked at Jinshan spring coldly, "how did they die?"

Xue'an's questioning made Han Bao and Shu Jingchu all thrilled.


Once this time cycle falls into almost no solution, even if you die in the middle, you will recover in the next cycle.

But this is not a gift, but a form of torture.

Because that means you will bear the pain of death, but you will not get the liberation of death.

Jinshan spring remained silent for a long time, then lowered his head and said in a slightly trembling voice: "you're right. In this time cycle of more than 10000 times, death is indeed a luxury!"

"At the beginning, we tried every means to break through, but all failed. Under this unsolvable dilemma, some people finally couldn't hold on and fell into madness!"

"They cried or shouted, became unconscious, and began to attack their companions! At the beginning, I still had the energy to manage, but soon I also felt tired, because this time cycle reset only time, but did not reset memory!"

"In this case, some people will soon be overwhelmed and go to a dead end, but even suicide can not get rid of this terrible cycle. We are like ants trapped and dead for a period of time. There is no way to go!"

The atmosphere of sadness and despair spread and made Shu Jingchu feel dejected.

Xue an was not moved at all, but asked the key question again, "so how did you come out and how did they die?"

"Very simple, time exists only for the existing object. Once the object does not exist, time will fail!"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly and looked thoughtful.

Shu Jingchu didn't understand, "what do you mean? Do you understand?"

She asked Xue an, who nodded.

"Only real objects have time. Once the object disappears or the object doesn't exist at all, time will naturally disappear!"

The confused color on Shu Jingchu's face was heavier, "for example!"

"For example, one thing you imagine will not change no matter how long it takes. What will change is just the real you!"

Shu Jingchu nodded as if he knew something.

Han Bao on one side patted his thigh, "I think I understand!"

"What do you understand?"

"What your excellency said! No matter how time changes, it can only change the truth, but the illusion is not affected at all. Is that what you mean, your excellency?"

Han Bao looked at Xue an eagerly. Xue an nodded, "your understanding is good!"

Han Bao was overjoyed and flushed with excitement when he was praised by Xue an.

Xue an turned and looked at Jinshan spring. "Am I right?"

Jinshanquan smiled bitterly and nodded, "that's good! So you should guess how I came out and how my men died!"

"A little guess, is it self destruction?"

"Yes! And it's a complete self destruction that can't even leave a trace of spirit!"

"Is there any difference between this and suicide?" Shu Jingchu finally understood something and continued to act as a problem baby.

"There is a big difference. Suicide destroys only the body, but your spirit is still there. What I call self destruction is that even the spirit is completely destroyed."

Shu Jingchu was stunned and murmured, "but is this what he can do?"

"Of course you can't do it yourself, because you can only commit suicide once, but the spirit still exists! So you need the help of others!"

Shu Jingchu suddenly covered her mouth, because she finally understood what jinshanquan said.

The help of others... That's equivalent to killing each other!

Jinshan spring said faintly, "yes, it's exactly what you think in your heart. We are desperate for our companions!"

The audience was speechless.

Because it's so tragic.

In order to get rid of the cycle of time, they do not hesitate to destroy their gods and souls.

This is extremely cruel to both the receiver and the doer.

"Because of the limitation of time cycle, of course, we can't finish all in one cycle, but in stages and batches! One person in this cycle and two people in the next cycle."

"In this way, after the last dozen cycles, my men lost everything, leaving only me and another person!"

"At this time, whoever can go first will have the greatest luck, because the one who stays is likely to have no period of relief! So after hard consideration, I finally became the one who stays!"

"And that was exactly the 17421st cycle!"

"You must wonder why I am so sober that I can remember how many cycles I have gone through!"

Shu Jingchu nodded.

Jinshanquan's face showed great irony, "that's because I closed my eyes and was ready to wait for the next cycle to open after I personally finished my remaining men, but at this time, a voice sounded in my ear!"

"At the end of the cycle, a total of 17421 cycles have been experienced! I hope you have a good time!"

The silence was terrible.

Shu Jingchu was stunned. After a long time, he couldn't help asking, "but... Then?"

"Then the cycle is over!"

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