Seeing Xue an lost in thought, Tang Shengen couldn't help licking his chapped lips.

At this time, he was still firmly held in his hand by Xue an. His fingers like a steel hook destroyed all his thoughts of trying to escape.

He knew that if he had any change, he would be greeted by death.

But he could not place all his hopes on Xue an's thoughts.

So he began to rack his brains to think about how he could live.


Like a blessing to his heart, he thought of a possibility and immediately trembled.

"My Lord, I know what you want. I can help you sneak into senro Valley to find out the secret of this statue!"

"Oh? How to inquire?" Xue'an seemed to be intrigued by his words.

Tang Shengen was overjoyed and realized that he had made the right bet, so he was busy talking.

"Although it is said that only previous Valley masters are qualified to know the secret of the statue, there is not a trace to be found. I am the most valued disciple of today's Valley master. As long as I inquire carefully, I can find some clues."

"Of course, if you don't trust me to act alone, you can plant a rune seal in my soul in advance. But if I have a different heart, I will be destroyed immediately, so as to ensure that you have no worries at home!"

After that, Tang Shengen looked at Xue an with a long face.

Xue an smiled.

"It sounds reasonable, and the conditions are tempting!"

Tang Shengen couldn't help but breathe in secret.

But just as he relaxed, Xue an's palm made a sudden force.

Tang Shengen's neck broke in response.

Not only that, xue'an didn't even let go of his spirit and directly shot it with one finger.

This blow was greatly beyond the expectations of Shu Jingchu and jinshanquan.

They thought Xue an would let Tang Shengen go and use him to inquire about the news!

As a result, xue'an killed people violently, which directly resulted in Tang Shengen's life.

At the same time, because of Tang Shengen's body meteorite, this small space also began to collapse.

Xue an stared at the fading statue with a complicated look in her eyes.

"Proud as you are, you are driven by these pig and dog characters. You must be full of resentment!"

"Don't worry, I will rescue you this time!"

After that, the small space completely collapsed, and Xue an and his three men reappeared in the turbulent flow of time and space.

Xue an was silent.

Shu Jingchu and jinshanquan looked at each other and said nothing.

It was not until a long time later that Xue an turned around and looked at Jinshan spring.

"How much do you know about dairi island?"

The reason why I asked jinshanquan instead of Shu Jingchu, who has higher status and status, is entirely because of their personality differences.

Although Shu Jingchu has a noble status, she doesn't know much about the outside world because she likes to stay at home.

Jinshan spring is different. Although he has been crazy for some time, he was once the number one bounty hunter.

If you want to be a bounty hunter, you must first have a strong enough information channel.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk.

Sure enough.

After hearing Xue an's question, jinshanquan immediately bowed his head and thought for a moment, and then solemnly said it.

"I've really been to this big day Island several times. It's the core of the whole high-dimensional universe. There are many Taoist sects, and the situation is extremely complex. The human clan, evil and powerful have layout in it!"

"The sphere of influence is intertwined. If I'm careless, I may be involved in endless sectarian battles, so I dare not go again after only going twice!"

"Then why can this big day Island attract so many zongmen to station?" Xue an asked.

Jinshanquan shook his head with a bitter smile. "How do I know? Anyway, it's an absolute place of right and wrong. There are a large number of strong people, crouching tigers, hidden dragons and deep water!"

Xue an nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing this, jinshanquan couldn't help asking, "Sir, what's the situation in the treasure? Has the time cycle been opened?"

Xue an restrained his mind, temporarily put his thoughts behind him and said with a smile, "is the situation..."

Xue an spread his hand, and there was a fragment of an ancient mirror in the palm of his hand.

"This is the core of the whole treasure, and it is also the culprit that causes you to fall into the cycle of time!"

Jinshanquan opened his eyes and looked at this small fragment in disbelief.

Before that, he had imagined what the behind the scenes would look like.

In his opinion, being able to interfere with the operation of time, even if it is only a small space of time, is an extremely rebellious ability.

So the man behind the scenes is definitely a strong man with strong strength.

He was surprised to see the fragment.

"This... What the hell is going on?" Asked jinshanquan.

Xue an said faintly, "this fragment is a treasure of heaven and earth, which contains infinite wonderful functions, and this fragment just contains the law of time. Under its interference, there will be a strange time cycle in this treasure space!"

"Just... That's it?"

Xue an nodded, "it's so simple!"

"But... But what's the meaning? If it's true as you said, the treasure is obviously spiritual, especially after the end of the cycle, it still said a word in my ear, which shows that it knows!"

"So what's the reason why it killed so many of my men?"

Xue an was silent for a moment and said slowly, "because it's fun!"


"I've asked you this question, and its answer is because it's fun!"

Jinshanquan's face gradually turned red and said in a trembling voice, "kill so many of my brothers just for fun?"

Xue an nodded. "This is its original words. It said that it was too boring in the treasure space, so it wanted to have some fun, so it tried to make a treasure map and put it into the outside world!"

"Then it will wait in the treasure space to see if someone will take the bait!"


"As a result, you are the first wave to be fooled!"

Xue an's tone of voice when talking about these words is very stable, so stable that it is not mixed with any emotion.

Jinshanquan's eyes are gradually red.

"So it just killed all my men to death because of boredom?"

"You're right and wrong!"

"Yes, because it really likes to see how you save yourself in the cycle, so it will trap you more than 10000 times!"

"No, it's because your men are not dead!"

"Or... Not completely dead!"

Jinshan spring is confused.

Shu Jingchu couldn't help it.

"Death is death, not dead is not dead, what is not completely dead?"

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