Is there fraud in it?

The idea flashed through his mind.

But he soon put these ideas behind him.

He doesn't think Ren Ning and others have a chance to turn over at this time.

So he sneered and said, "President Lu really knows current affairs!"

As he said this, Kou Zang Feng looked at Ren Ning again, "Ren Ning, no one will help you now. Please hand over the compensation and get out of Xihua city. This is the last dignity I give you!"

"If not..."

Kou Cangfeng was about to say a few cruel words to shake his prestige.

But just then, I heard a calm and dignified voice.

"Or what?"

Although there were only four simple words, it shocked the whole audience.

Ren Ning's whole body trembled, and immediately his face showed a look of ecstasy.

Lu Hui sighed secretly, and then looked up into the air.

Not just him, but everyone looked at the voice at the same time.

Then he saw a light cut through the sky and fell from the sky. In a moment, it fell in front of the people.

When Guanghua dispersed, it was Xue an who took the lead.

For a moment, the whole audience fell into silence.

Many people are even more frightened, and their arrogance has long disappeared.

They all thought that Xue an must have died in the void now.

It is precisely because of this that they dare to listen to the instigation of Kou Zang Feng and come here to shout.

But unexpectedly, he came back at this critical moment.

Obviously, it is not only a strong breakthrough, but also a strong momentum.

More importantly, since he came back, wouldn't it prove that the giant snake Shuming of time and space has been defeated?

Many people's faces turn white when they think about this.

Different from their panic, Ren Ning and Sheng Hongxi were ecstatic and rushed up immediately.



"My Lord!"

There are different names.

Xue An'an was right with a smile, but he was obviously eccentric towards Ren Ning.

He looked at Ren Ning's tearful cheek and said faintly, "don't cry. Now I'm back. No one can bully you anymore!"

Ren Ning nodded heavily, but her tears couldn't stop.

Xue an knew that she couldn't calm her inner excitement for a while and a half, so she ignored it, but turned around and looked at Lu Hui.

At this time, Tang Zheng had already seen Tang Xiao, his sister who came back with Xue an, and was impatient to come forward.

But Tang Xiao was not in a hurry to come over. Instead, he stood in place with a smile, as if waiting to see a good play.

"Have you just noticed my return?" Xue an asked.

Lu Hui nodded.

"What if I didn't come back at this time?" Xue an asked again.

Lu Hui did not hesitate and said faintly, "then stand aside and look at it. Anyway, I don't believe you can't guess this situation!"

Xue an smiled. "You're such a chicken thief!"

After that, he looked at Kou Cangfeng with leisure.

At this time, Kou Cangfeng's face was dead white.

Because he knows it's over!

It's all over!

Don't look at the righteous words of these academies one by one when they encourage themselves, but Kou Zanfeng knows these people's virtues too well.

It's OK to fight with the wind. In case of an unfavorable situation, it will withdraw faster than anyone else.

It's not that he didn't want to resist.

But when facing xue'an, he couldn't raise the slightest thought of resistance in his heart.

Kou Cangfeng understood that this was due to the large gap in strength.

But this man is also a cruel man. He knows that he can't be spared. He just grits his teeth and faces Xue an's playful eyes coldly.

"Xue'an, you came back just in time. Should you give an account of what happened before?"

"Explain, what do you want to explain?" Xue an was not in a hurry to start, but said with a smile.

"That Shuming obviously came because of you. As a result, the war spread widely and hurt a large number of innocent people. What do you say about this account?"

When he completely broke out, Kou Cangfeng's thinking became very agile and his word front was also very sharp.

At least this time, many people looked at xue'an and wanted to see how he responded.

Because what Kou Cangfeng said is not unreasonable.

If it were not for xue'an, the Shuming would not appear. If it did not appear, the big battle would not start.

Xue an was silent and seemed to be thinking.

Time passed second by second.

The crowd began to stir.

Sheng Hongxi also looked anxious.

She doesn't understand what people like Xue an and Kou zangfeng say. Why don't she just kill him?

Lu Hui didn't look worried at all. He even picked up his arm and looked at it with a smile.

He also wanted to hear how Xue an should answer the matter.

After all, he blew up the headquarters of Kai Si poetry club.

Although he ordered Ren Ning to send Wenshan fire, it didn't break the inheritance of Qisi poetry society, but it had to be explained in the end!

When people's hearts were floating, Xue an sighed slightly.

"Stupid, stupid beyond reach!"

Kou Cangfeng was secretly happy and thought his words had stopped Xue an.

So when I heard what Xue an said, I couldn't help laughing: "are you talking about your stupidity?"

Xue an raised his eyes and glanced at Kou Cangfeng, and immediately blocked the words behind him.

"I'm talking about your stupidity! Yes, it's because of me, but the responsibility of this war should be on it, not me!"

Kou Zang Feng was awed by the power of his eyes and couldn't speak at all for a moment.

Xue an then went on slowly and said, "in fact, I shouldn't explain anything to you. After all, the strong don't need to say more, let alone with you shortsighted mole ants!"

"But now that you've asked about this, I'll tell you! There is indeed a hatred between Shu Ming and me, but the premise is that it does more injustice. I came to eradicate it, so the contradiction broke out!"

"The root of all this comes from Shuming, not me! So no matter how many people die, it's also because of Shuming, understand?"

Kou Zang Feng stammered, "no... It's just one side of your story!"

"Ha ha, in fact, I found that the weak always like to kidnap others with some strange public opinion logic, especially this kind of thing, which is clearly the first hand of one party, but when the humiliated party rises to fight back, people point the blame at the humiliated party and ask for the so-called statement!"

"What do you think?"

Kou zangfeng completely stalled this time, not only because of Xue an's power, but also because he was unable to refute his words.

Xue an's smile remained the same, but his killing intention gradually appeared in his eyes, "who are you, Kou Zhengfeng?"

"My brother!"

"Sure enough, it's a close brother. He even uses the same means to encourage min to make profits for himself. Is it wrong now?"

Kou Cangfeng nodded, and then the light in his eyes went out.

"If you know your mistake, die!"

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