Meng Yi was very happy today.

Because the first time I came out to perform the task, I met a large ship that happened to pass by.

What's more rare is that the ship is not even equipped with a frigate, so it moves forward in space.

Although it is said that the ship obviously has the trace of the seal cutting blessing of the runwen master, it is still like an unprotected live target for Meng Yi.

Facing such a fat cake, Meng Yi certainly couldn't let go and immediately ordered his firearm team to surround the ship.

Everything went well at the beginning. Although the ship resisted strongly, it was successfully trapped under the strong fire coverage.

Meng Yi's firearm team is equipped with specially made high-grade goods, and the bullets fired have unimaginable power.

Therefore, after the ship was trapped, only more than ten minutes later, the external Rune defense was successfully broken.

The next thing is simple. As long as the last layer of defense of the ship is broken, everything will be over.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the ship had already surrendered with arms when it was just trapped.

After all, your life is more important than wealth.

But the ship didn't do that.

Not only did it not, but it has even been fighting tenaciously.

Even after the external Rune defense was broken, this resistance did not end.

But the more so, the more excited Meng Yi is.

Because this can only prove that there must be something very important in this ship.

Otherwise the guards on this ship wouldn't be so crazy.

Thinking about this, Meng Yi feels hot and dry all over. He really wants to smash the last layer of the ship's defense now.

But the materials of this ship are obviously very solid. Even if this layer of defense is full of holes and crumbling, it is still strong enough to support itself and not fall down.

Just when Meng Yi was impatient, the early warning aircraft arranged in the distance suddenly sent a warning.

Someone broke in here!

Meng Yi didn't care at first. After all, this is already the periphery of the big day island. Although the big day island is vast, it's hard to guarantee that no one will pass by from then on.

For this situation, Meng Yi's treatment method is also very simple, that is to directly eliminate it.

As for whether it will hurt the innocent, it is not Meng Yi's consideration.

Blame this man for his bad luck!

But he never thought that the shells he fired were blocked.

Not only was it blocked, the intruder's strength was obviously significant, but also crushed the shell to Shengsheng.

Meng Yi couldn't help straightening up and immediately ordered a team to aim the muzzle of the gun at the intruder.

But unexpectedly, the bullet hasn't hit the intruder yet.

The intruder had disappeared.

When he appeared again, the man had come over the battlefield.

At this time, Meng Yi just saw that there was more than one intruder, and the leader was a young man in white.

Although surprised by his speed, Meng Yi still didn't panic too much. He just ordered more of his men to aim the muzzle at the coming man.

Meng Yi has always been a firm fire rationalist.

In his opinion, there is nothing that one bullet can't solve. If there are, there are countless.

And what he liked most was to watch those powerful monks who were always high above struggle under the cover of guns and finally die in despair.

It would give him an indescribable joy.

This time is no exception. Looking at the young man in white, Meng Yi raised his mouth slightly, revealing a cold smile.

He seemed to have seen the boy torn to pieces by the gunfire.

But just then, the boy suddenly disappeared.

Not only that, the two people behind him were covered with a faint glow.

Although the glow was weak, it was so indestructible that it directly bounced the incoming shells out.

Meng Yi was stunned, and then he felt a great sense of crisis.

No hesitation.

Almost subconsciously, Meng Yi retreated wildly.

At the moment when he just left his place, a huge force fell from the sky and directly patted dozens of men around Meng Yi into meat patties.

Meng Yi's frightened souls all take risks.

He once surrounded and suppressed the strong friars with the elders of the society. Although there were twists and turns, under several rounds of gunfire attacks, even the strongest friars had to hate.

But I have never met such an existence as this teenager.

Not to mention anything else, his speed alone is enough to shock the world.

Meng Yi even suspected that he was living through time and space.

Secondly, the power of this casual clap is really shocking.

Meng Yi only felt a chill rush up his head.

Xue an chuckled, "you can run very fast. Try this again!"

As Xue an pointed out, a powerful force directly ran through the space and came to Meng Yi.

Although Meng Yi was flustered, he knew that it was impossible to avoid at this time, so he clenched his teeth and released his treasure at the bottom of the box.

A token made of metal emerged in front of Meng Yi out of thin air. While blocking Xue an's blow, the brilliance on the token flowed, and the sound of gear rotation came from inside.

The token began to decompose and combine, and became a huge mechanical warrior in the blink of an eye.

The robot soldier is dark and the streamlined body contour is extremely beautiful.

The arms, shoulders, chest and legs are inlaid with black gun ports, which show a strange metal beauty.

As soon as the mechanical soldier came out, Meng Yi immediately took a step forward.

The hatch behind the mechanical soldier opens and accommodates Meng Yi.


When Meng Yi entered the hatch, the mechanical soldier seemed to come back to life, and a scarlet light appeared in his mechanical eyes.

Seeing this scene, Xue an in the sky was not in a hurry to pursue, but stopped his hands and feet, smiled and said, "GAODA?"

Meng Yi certainly doesn't understand what GAODA means, but this doesn't hinder his pride.

It seems that nothing in the world can defeat him as long as he enters the mechanical armor.

In fact, Meng Yi really thinks so.

"Blame you for meddling. Die!"

His voice spread throughout the audience with the mechanical soldier's loudspeaker. All the muzzle of the gun immediately focused on the white figure in the sky, and then pulled the trigger at the same time.

As for the mechanical warrior controlled by Meng Yi, he launched all the shells without stinginess.

Five shells rushed to xue'an with the power of destroying the world. Together with them came the iron curtain composed of countless bullets.

This is a scene that can frighten the most powerful. Even if you are not bad, you have to be blown away without residue under such intense attacks.

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