In the morning, Chun certainly wouldn't respond. She didn't even dare to look back at where the voice came from.

She can only stand in place like a sculpture and feel the momentum behind her like a torch slowly coming towards herself.

She closed her eyes and felt no reluctance.

This is the case in the battlefield. I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat!

Those who win retreat, while those who lose leave their lives behind.

She's just a pity.

Unfortunately, I didn't fall in love until I died.

But at this time, she felt a light in her hand. Huoran raised her eyes and found that her gun had appeared in the hand of the boy opposite.

This was the first time she had seen Xue an's face.

The speculation that he would be a burly man or an old man was overturned. It was a beautiful boy who easily defeated himself and killed his whole team.

In the morning, spring's heart flashed a sigh.

But she didn't despise the boy at all.

On the contrary, as a professional killer, her intuition clearly told her that the young man in front of her was even more terrible than the great beast.

Just when she was secretly frightened, she saw Xue an look at the sniper gun in her hand, and then raised her head and smiled at her.

"It's an interesting gun. It's more exquisite than others, so if I'm right, you should be the captain of that group!"

At this time, the morning spring will no longer hide, she nodded.


"Very good!"

After the words fell, a divine thought took up the morning spring, dragged her up, and disappeared in place with Xue an.

Wu nianyin is anxiously waiting here.

Although Shu Jingchu vowed to reassure him, it was related to his family and life. Wu nianyin could not wait calmly anyway.

Fortunately, his suffering did not last long. Just a moment later, Xue an came back with early spring.

"Brother Xue!" Wu nianyin was overjoyed and walked a few steps in front of Xue an.

Xue an smiled faintly and threw it away. This morning, spring was thrown in front of everyone.

"She is the captain who assassinated you this time!"

In the morning, Chun looked at Wu nianyin and looked desperate. He knew he would be lucky again.

Sure enough.

Without waiting for Wu Nian's words, the man behind him rushed up angrily.

"Unexpectedly, I intend to murder my young master. I'll send you on the road now!"

"Lao Zhan, stop, I have a few words to ask her!"

Lao Zhan held his hand and retreated to one side.

Wu nianyin stepped up to morning spring and said, "come on, who paid you to assassinate me?"

"Do you think I can say it? Do it and give me a good time!" In the morning, spring closes his eyes and waits for death.

Wu nianyin sighed, "in fact, I also know that it must be my stepmother Wu Qiaojun who bought you to assassinate me, right?"

Spring is still talking with her eyes closed in the morning.

"Hehe, in order to support my brother to the top, my stepmother took great pains!" Wu nianyin smiled.

Then he turned around and said faintly, "let her go!"

"What? Young master, this..." Lao Zhan was shocked.

"Don't be difficult for her. She just takes money and money to eliminate disasters. What she really wants to deal with is Wu Qiaojun!"

Early in the morning, spring didn't expect Wu nianyin to let go of himself. He couldn't help opening his eyes and looking at Wu nianyin in amazement.

Wu nianyin said faintly: "go back and tell you the senior managers of the fire gun club. Although Wu Qiaojun is powerful now, it's only temporary. The Wu family is surnamed Wu after all. Let them weigh the pros and cons when they take the task again!"

In the morning, Chun took a deep look at Wu nianyin, then got up from the ground, "OK! I know, I will bring it!"

Then she glanced at xue'an standing in the distance.

In fact, the only thing she was afraid of was Xue an.

For this unpredictable teenager, she didn't even dare to resist.

Xue an smiled and shrugged. "Since the parties don't care, I have nothing to say!"

In the morning, spring took a long breath, and then he didn't dare to delay, so he turned and fled here.

For a moment, the surrounding fog began to disperse and soon returned to normal.

Except for the bodies of snipers scattered all over the void, everything seemed as if nothing had happened.

"Let's go. It shouldn't be far from your Wu family!" Xue an asked.

Wu nianyin nodded, "if there is no delay, it can arrive in half a day at most!"

Xue an smiled, "don't worry, there will be no delay!"

The party left.

Not long after they left, Yin Gu and Meng Yi arrived.

The scene immediately shocked them.

"This..." Meng Yi is a little confused.

"They failed in the morning and spring!" Yin Gu said in a deep voice.

"But... But how is this possible? Elder martial sister Chen led an elite team to ambush here!"

Meng Yi is still a little incredible.

Yin Gu couldn't help sneering, "elite team? In front of the young master, how can you be more elite?"

Meng Yi gulped down his saliva and said nothing.

"Come on, now I can finally confirm one thing!"

"What's up?"

"It's not that we haven't been caught, but that we don't want to kill us!"

"So... What should we do now?"

"Naturally, I'll report back, shit! My drones are in vain!"

Yin Gu is convinced that after returning this time, the senior management of the fire gun club will have a new choice and judgment on this matter.

At least I won't feel indifferent as before and take the order of Wu family.

But as a result, these drones are lost in vain.

Meng Yi is secretly congratulating himself.

Fortunately, he ran fast. Although he lost some of his men, at least his mecha didn't suffer much damage.

Of course, this emotion cannot be expressed in front of Yin Gu.

Or she'll tear herself apart.


Wu family!

As one of the five surnames of dairi Island, its headquarters is naturally magnificent and solemn.

But at this moment, this huge manor is full of beauty.

All the people in and out were dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, but except some close people with sad faces, all the others were full of strange faces.

Among them are anxiety, greed and schadenfreude.

All kinds of emotions cast a shadow over the funeral of the Wu family.

In the mourning hall, Wu Qiaojun, as the eldest lady, naturally wants to keep vigil here.

Next to her is her only son, Wu Niantang, who is only seven years old.

At this time, the second childe, who was not familiar with the world, was kneeling on the ground bored, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his head.

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